John J. Nance Blackout

To my mother,

Texas poet Peggy Zuleika Lynch,

whose dynamic creativity and

love of life lights the way


Chapters in this novel list the local time and, after a slash, the Zulu time. In the aviation world, Z time, or Zulu time, refers to Universal Time — formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time.

In winter, when Daylight Saving Time is not in use, the East Coast of the United States is five hours earlier than Zulu time; for example, 4:00 P.M. in Washington, D.C., is 2100Z, and 3:00 A.M. is 0800Z. The time in London in winter is the same as Zulu time, and Germany is an hour later (Zulu plus one hour). Hong Kong is eight hours later than Zulu. Vietnam is seven hours later.
