Julian Stockwin

Dramatis Personae

(*indicates fictitious character)

*Sir Thomas Kydd, captain of HMS Tyger

*Nicholas Renzi, Earl of Farndon, friend and former confidential secretary

Tyger, ship’s company

*Bowden, second lieutenant

*Bray, first lieutenant

*Brice, third lieutenant

*Dillon, Kydd’s confidential secretary

*Doud, quartermaster’s mate

*Halgren, coxswain

*Joyce, ship’s master

*Maynard, master’s mate

*Stirk, gunner’s mate


*Adams, lieutenant, 52nd Regiment of Foot

Alexander I, Russian tsar

Antoine, Duc d’Angouleme, husband of Marie-Therese of France

Baird, lieutenant general

Bennigsen, German general in service with the Russian Empire

Bernadotte, Marechal de France

Bernstorff, Christian, foreign minister, Kiel

Bernstorff, Joachim, minister in Copenhagen

Bielefeldt, generallojtnant, in command Danish land forces

Bille, kommandor, sea defences

Bloomfield, major general, artillery

Bonaparte, French emperor

Bruun, Danish gunboat captain

Canning, British foreign secretary

Castenschiold, general, artillery

Castlereagh, British secretary of war

Cathcart, general, commander-in-chief British land forces

*Cecilia, Countess of Farndon, nee Kydd

Christian VII, Danish king

Colville, captain, Gambier’s fleet

Congreve, colonel, in charge of rockets

d’Antraigues, French royalist, spy

d’Artois, count, brother of French king, Louis XVIII

Danican, French spy

*Devenant, colonel, Whitehall functionary

Duke of Portland, prime minister

Essington, retired admiral recalled; as a captain gave Kydd his step to the quarterdeck

*Finch, major general, Guards

Frederik, Danish crown prince, regent

Gambier, admiral, a.k.a. Dismal Jimmy

Garlike, head of diplomatic mission, Copenhagen

*Gobineau, charge d’affaires in Copenhagen for the French Empire

Granville, British ambassador to Russia

Graves, captain, Gambier’s fleet

Grey, earl and Whig in opposition

*Halvorsen, envoy of Swedish patriots

*Heyer, sergeant, 52nd Regiment of Foot

*Hofdame Rosen, chief nurse to Christian VII

*Jakes, soldier, 52nd Regiment of Foot

*Jeb, Stirk’s brother

*Jominie, capitaine

Keats, commodore, Gambier’s fleet

Krieger, kommandorkaptajn, Danish Navy

Lecoq, French assassin

Linsing, major general, cavalry

Lord Eldon, lord high chancellor

Louis XVIII, Count of Provence

*Ludlow, lieutenant general, Coldstream Guards

Marie-Therese, eldest child of guillotined Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

*Maynard, Francis, ensign of the 52nd Regiment of Foot

*McFadden, a.k.a. Laddie, fisherman

*McFadden, Laurie, son of McFadden

*McGillie, Constance, Stirk’s sister

*Meares, chandler

*Meyen, waiter

*Moller, lord high chamberlain

*Moreau, commandant

Mulgrave, first lord of the admiralty

Murray, deputy quartermaster general

*Overste Taksa, colonel, Swedish patriots

Oxholm, general major

Perceval, chancellor of the exchequer

Peymann, generalmajor, commander defences of Copenhagen

Popham, captain of the fleet

*Reid, corporal

Rist, Danish charge d’affaires, London

Russell, admiral

Stewart, brigadier, 43rd Monmouth Regiment

Swenson, Danish gunboat captain

Tucker, British envoy

Wellesley, major general, later the Duke of Wellington

Westmorland, lord privy seal

Wilhelm Friedrich, Prussian king

Wulff, gunboat captain

Zeuthen, gunboat captain
