Infinity Beach by Jack McDevitt

We have always stood along a beach opening onto an infinite sea. That sea beckons us, but for ages we were limited to looking across its expanse with our telescopes and our imaginations. In time, we learned to build outriggers and we got to a few of the barrier islands. Today we have finally in our hands a true four-master, a ship that will take us beyond whatever horizons may exist.

—KHALID ALNIRI, The “Infinity Beach” Speech at Wesleyan

We’ve known for a long time that contact might eventually happen, maybe would have to happen, and that when it did it would change everything, our technology, our sense of who we are, our notions of what the universe is. We’ve seen this particular lightning strike coming and we’ve played with the idea of what it might mean for eleven hundred years. We’ve imagined that other intelligences exist, we’ve imagined them as fearsome or gentle, as impossibly strange or remarkably familiar, as godlike, as remote, as indifferent. Well, I wonder whether the bolt is about to arrive. With you and me at the impact point.

—SOLLY HOBBS to KIM BRANDYWINE, On the occasion of their visit to Alnitak

For the Brunswick Five: Ted Barton, John Goff, Jack Kraus, Ron Peiffer, and George Tindle

They haven’t quite worked out the secret of life, but they know it has something to do with lunch.
