Jedi Bounty Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta

To our friend and faithful reader Deb Ray


Writing each volume of the Young Jedi Knights requires the help of many different people—Sue Rostoni, Allan Kausch, and Lucy Wilson at Lucasfilm Licensing; Ginjer Buchanan and Jessica Faust at Boulevard Books; Dave Dorman, cover artist extraordinaire; Vonda McIntyre (who created the character Lusa); Mike Stackpole for his help with Evir Derricote and the plague, as well as the Twi’leks; A. C. Crispin for her help with Aryn Dro and Bornan Thul; Lillie E. Mitchell, Catherine Ulatowski, and Angela Kato at Word-Fire, Inc.; and Jonathan Cowan, our primary test-reader.
