John J. Nance LOCKOUT New York Times Bestseller

To Kathleen, with endless love and appreciation!

Praise for John J. Nance’s Lockout

“John Nance has added another intriguing volume to his body of work. This fascinating story of technology gone awry, rich with accurate detail, satisfies and terrifies as it takes the reader on a wild ride through the night sky on an airliner no one on board can control.”

Captain Sully Sullenberger, author of #1 New York Times Bestseller SULLY, and MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Stories of Vision and Courage from America’s Leaders; pilot of US Airways 1549, “Miracle on the Hudson

“Once again, John Nance has provided a Mach-speed, high altitude page-turner in the form of a modern-day aviation thriller. Packed into the flight plan of “Lockout” are very real challenges faced by today’s airline pilot. Captain Nance has done his homework. Both pilots and passengers will enjoy the suspense. Pay attention to the seat belt sign and buckle in!”

Les Abend, Contributing Editor/FLYING MAGAZINE, Contributor/, On-air Aviation Analyst/CNN
