Jennifer Greene
Man From Tennessee

Dear Reader,

This is a special “anniversary” book for me. It wasn’t the first book I wrote-but it was the first book that was published.

I never dreamed I could make it as a writer back then…and had even less idea how many readers would find me through my stories.

Romances have many universal themes, but this story is about one of my favorites. We’ve all made mistakes. We all likely had a first love…and maybe that wasn’t the man we ended up with. Or the man we even wanted to end up with. But it’s one of those eternal daydreams…the chance to do over a mistake. The chance to win the guy who got away. The chance to remember how you felt, when you first discovered love, when you first fell hard and deep, when you couldn’t eat or sleep or WAIT until you were with your love again.

No one gets that “feeling” every second of their lives. But the best of our romances give us all the chance to remember the wonder of it.

This is the book that started my career…and I’ve been extra thrilled that Carina is enabling readers to see it for the first time-or to revisit an old fantasy. Life has changed a lot since then. So have our books. But some of the themes in our books are exactly the same, and always will be…because love really is one of the true wonders in all our lives.

Hope you like the book! And keep in touch, either on Facebook or through my website (

Jennifer Greene
