Steven Saylor
The Venus Throw

At dice I sought the Venus Throw. Instead: damned Dogs-the lose-all low!

PROPERTIUS, Elegies iv, vii: 45-46

We've all heard about Alexandria, and now we know about it-the source of all trickery and deceit, where the plots of all the mimes come from.

CICERO, Pro C. Rabirio Postumo, 35

Democritus disapproved of sexual intercourse as being merely the act whereby one human being springs from another-and by Hercules, the less of that the better! On the other hand, sluggish athletes find that sex rejuvenates them; sex can relieve hoarseness, cure pain in the loins, sharpen eyesight; sex can restore mental balance and banish melancholy.

PLINY, Natural History, x x v III,58
