Unbeloved Undeniable - 4 Madeline Sheehan


This book is for the old-school brothers and their old ladies, to the prospects and the patch whores; to the bros, their sport bikes, and their hoes. To all my fellow 47%ers out there, to the little red-haired boys with freckles sprinkled across their cheeks, women who wear their broken hearts on their sleeves, and old men with sad stories to tell. To the holes in our T-shirts, to beaten-up jeans and favorite bandannas, to the sound of laughter, the clinking of glasses, to spontaneous sex, to the smell of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke. To love that kills and to love that heals, to the feel of cracked leather against your cheek, the sun on your back, and the wind in your hair, to the road beneath you, to the path you’ve traveled, and the ones you’ve yet to take . . .

To true freedom.

But most of all, this book is for my club. A club comprised of people who have held my hand when I needed the support, who have told me jokes when I wanted to cry, who have walked me through all the agonizing, heart-rending processes that come with putting a book together.

Danielle, this book is for you, for standing by me no matter what.

For Christina, because you keep me on my tippy-tippy toes. And in the very best way possible. And, you know, thank you for that thing. That incredible, amazing thing. Love you scissor sista.

For Ashley, who is so vain she probably thinks this book is for her, who probably thinks this book is for her, doesn’t she? Doesn’t she? Well, it IS. Enough said.

For Nicole, for drowning your sorrows alongside me with dry humor and a whole lot of witty one-liners. Thanks, babe.

For Pam, for always looking out for me.

For Claire, who no matter what life throws her way, finds a reason to smile. You’re an inspiration.

For Gail M., who understands my brand of crazy.

For Gail H., who knows my characters almost as well as I do.

For Ellie, Virginia, Hillary, Heather, Courtney, and Toski, because without you I’d never get anything done. Or is that with you I’d never get anything done? *wink*

For Emmy, Cindy, Syreeta, and Karina, for being my go-to girls, for the unconditional support and unconditional friendship.

And for my husband, because without his love, my dreams would still be . . . only dreams.

And for my children, because who would I be without them?

I don’t ever want to know.
