This book is dedicated with great love to three people:
Charles Baker Finch, 1920–1996
Angela Havens Finch, 1920–2001
William Payson Finch, 1956–1999
until we die we will remember every
single thing, recall every word, love every
loss: then we will, as we must, leave it to
others to love, love that can grow brighter
and deeper till the very end, gaining strength
and getting more precious all the way
I owe a particular debt, as this book comes to press, to my editor Charles Spicer, whose constancy and acuity exceed what any author has a right to expect. Surrounding him at St. Martin’s are a group of exceptional people, to whom I am also very grateful: the formidable Andrew Martin, Hector DeJean, Matthew Shear, Laura Clark, Allison Strobel, David Rotstein, and, especially, April Osborn.
Enormous credit must also go to the three people at ICM — Kate Lee, Jennifer Joel, and Kari Stuart — who have worked so energetically and creatively on my behalf. Kate, thank you so much for your friendship, both in the years that have passed and in the years to come.
My wonderful wife, Emily Popp, is supportive and loving — what a stroke of luck that she’s an eagle-eyed editor, too. I am also thankful, as usual, to my mother, Mary Truitt, who gave the book her customarily invaluable attention and improved it a great deal.
For giving me a quiet place to write a particularly difficult passage, love and thanks go to Tim and Jenny Popp.
Finally, it’s been too long since I mentioned four very dear friends, Rachel Blitzer, Matt McCarthy, John Phillips, and Ben Reiter. Their e-mails get me through the dry spells. Thanks, guys.