Donald E. Westlake A Likely Story

I’ll publish, right or wrong:

Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.

— Lord Byron

The fickleness of the women I love is only equalled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.

— George Bernard Shaw

This is for

 Justin Scott

 Joe Gores

 Brian Garfield

 Hal Dresner

 Al Collins


 Larry Block

and for two superb editors

 Lee Wright


 Rich Barber

Notice to the Reader, and His Attorney

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters in this book are fictional, and my creation. Some of these characters wear the names of famous real persons. I have not attempted to describe the true personal characteristics of these famous real persons, whom in most instances I do not know. In each case, I have put that famous name with what I take to be the public perception of that individual. (The equivalent, for instance, of suggesting that Jack Benny the person was really a tightwad, though in fact his public persona was that of a tightwad while he was very generous in private life.)

I have deliberately chosen not to follow the accepted pattern of changing the name and keeping the public personality, to have a baseball pitcher named Jim Beaver, for instance, who led the Mets to the World Series in 1969. I think that method is arch, crass and deplorable.

The famous names herein are just that: famous names. In looking behind them, the reader will not find the actual human beings who hold those names, nor satires on those human beings. The reader will find only what I believe is the generally held view of that famous name’s public self.

The same, of course, is true of the obscure characters within this book. As for myself, gentle reader, I am a figment of your imagination.
