For Neetha
“Can you swim?”
“Man, you’re crazy! Let me go!”
“Because even if you can, I don’t like your chances. We’re so close to the falls, the current’s unbelievably fierce. Before you know it, you’re swept over. And it’s a long way down.”
“Let me go!”
“You might grab onto one of the rocks just before the top, but the thing is, if you hit one, it’ll probably kill you. Like driving into a wall at a hundred miles per hour. If you were in a barrel, like some of those daredevils who’ve tried going over in one, you might have one chance in a hundred, which is pretty good odds, when you think about it.”
“I’m tellin’ you, mister, swear to God, it wasn’t me.”
“I don’t believe you. But if you’re honest with me, if you admit what you did, I won’t throw you over.”
“It wasn’t me! I swear!”
“If it wasn’t you, who was it?”
“I don’t know! If I had a name I’d give it to you. Please, please, I’m begging you, man.”
“You know what I think? I think when you go over, it’ll feel like flying.”