
I should have known by the unsettling tone of the cat’s meows that disaster was looming. Of course, at the time I was more worried about how the guests liked breakfast. It was only the fourth one I’d served since officially becoming owner of the Oyster Cove Guesthouse.

They seemed to be enjoying it. Now, don’t get me wrong, it was nothing fancy. Bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, and lemon poppy seed muffins were the extent of my culinary expertise. Quite frankly, I might have misjudged whether my cooking skills were up to par when entering into this agreement. Maybe I should have read the fine print in the documents I’d received from Millie Sullivan, the elderly former owner.

Even though the breakfasts weren’t five-star cuisine, I hadn’t had any complaints from my first batch of guests. Well, all except one. Charles Prescott. He was the reason I was now hovering in the doorway holding an antique egg cup with a perfectly warm soft-boiled egg nestled inside.

Charles had complained about his egg yesterday. It was too cold. He was quite loud about it, too. Since I aimed to please, this morning I had perfectly timed the egg for his pre-announced 8 am arrival in the dining room. It was now 8:05… where was Charles?

My eyes scanned the room just in case I’d missed him. But my guest count totaled five, including Charles, and four were seated and already digging into their breakfast. It was easy to tell who was there and who was not, even in such an enormous room.

Several small dining tables with white linen tablecloths sat atop a massive moss-green and gold oriental rug. Curtains in a complimentary green and gold silk framed the ten-foot-tall windows that offered a birds-eye view of the sparkling Maine Atlantic ocean and craggy rocks of Oyster Cove. It was summer, and Flora—who I was coming to realize was the world’s worst maid—had opened one window. A soft breeze fluttered the drapes and carried in the salty scent of the ocean and the cry of gulls in the distance… or was that the cats?

Ron and Iona Weatherby sat a small table located by the window. The adorable elderly couple had binoculars dangling from their necks and cameras at their sides. Ron was slathering the muffin with butter while Iona picked daintily at the fluffy scrambled eggs. They were a delightful couple who had come here for birdwatching and photography. Perfect guests with no complaints.

Near the buffet, Ava Grantham sat alone at a table for four. Ava was in her mid-60s. A society columnist, she was a thin, bird-like woman who noticed everything that went on. She was pleasant enough to talk to and told me she’d been vacationing in Oyster Cove since she was a child, even staying at the Oyster Cove Guesthouse a few times when Millie owned it. Her plate was loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon and sausages. I wondered how she stayed so thin.

Over by the door was the fourth guest, Tina Reeves. She was younger than the others, probably in her mid-30s, a bubbly blonde with wide blue eyes. She said she’d come to visit relatives, but I had suspicions that she had another agenda, of what I just wasn’t exactly sure. Nor did it matter. As long as the guests paid the bill, I didn’t care what they were up to. Tina had flawless skin and a figure like an hourglass, and no wonder. She only had about a tablespoon of scrambled eggs and three blueberries on her plate.

Still no sign of Charles. I was just deciding what to do about the rapidly cooling egg in my hand when I heard the front door open. Maybe Charles had gone out for a walk before breakfast? I backed up and stuck my head into the hallway.

Darn! It wasn’t Charles. It was Barbara Littlefield, the town building inspector, and the last person I wanted to deal with right now. She’d been a thorn in my side ever since I started renovations on the old mansion. Nothing I did pleased her, and she’d already fined me for two violations that a nicer person would have overlooked. It was too late to duck back into the dining room. She’d already spotted me and was marching down the hall toward me, a sour look on her face. I stepped into the hallway to head her off so she didn’t disrupt the guests’ breakfasts.

‘Barbara, how lovely to see you,’ I lied.

Barbara’s scowl deepened. ‘I just came to double-check the permit for the gazebo outside and I noticed—’


Barbara jerked her head toward the dining room.‘Do you have cats in the dining room?’

I stepped aside to let her see in.‘Of course not.’

‘Good, because that would be a health code violation.’


Was it my imagination or were the cats’ cries getting louder and more insistent?

Barbara frowned down the hallway, where it sounded like the cats’ latest cry had come from. ‘Wait a minute. That sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. That’s even worse!’

Barbara stormed down the hall. I hurried after her, still balancing the egg cup in my hand. Some things are more important than Charles Prescott and his egg– like making sure the board of health didn’t shut me down for having animals in the kitchen.

‘It’s not coming from the kitchen.’ At least, I hoped it wasn’t. It actuallywas coming from that direction, but I was pretty sure it was from the West wing of the mansion, which had been closed off for extensive renovations. Not that the cats didn’t hang around in the kitchen—they did. I just hoped they weren’t in there right now.

‘I think you’re right.’ Barbara stopped and frowned at me. ‘I thought I made it clear that decrepit wing was supposed to be closed down so no one could get in there.’

See what I mean? I just couldn’t win with this woman. You’d think she’d be happy the cats weren’t in the kitchen, but no, she’d found something else to complain about.

‘Itis blocked off. To people. Cats are sneaky and can get into anything.’ Couldn’t they? I wasn’t exactly sure. I’d only owned the guesthouse, and, thus, the cats, for a short time, and had no idea what those furry little monsters could get up to. They’d been fairly well-behaved so far, but the way they stared at me — with their luminous, intelligent eyes —always made me feel like they were up to something behind my back. I didn’t have much experience with cats, but Millie had assured me they made great companions. Thus far, I’d been too busy learning the ropes of running the guesthouse to spend time getting to know them.

Feelings of guilt crept in. I promised Millie I would take good care of the cats, but judging by the sounds of their meows, they were in some sort of distress. I hoped one of them hadn’t found its way into the closed-off wing and been hurt. It was a mess in there, and not safe.


We continued down the hall. It felt like it was taking a long time to traverse, but that was because it really was quite long. The placewasa mansion after all. Gigantic. It had been built by shipping magnet Jedediah Biddeford 300 years ago. I’d bought it from Millie Sullivan—my mother’s best friend—whose family had owned it for the last 125 years. Judging by the looks of the West wing, that was the last time that section of the house had been updated too. Don’t even get me started on the condition of the caretakers’ cottageand carriage house.

The cats were really starting to caterwaul now, and I was getting worried. Barbara surged ahead of me, then stopped at the doorway to the West wing and turned to scowl at me.

‘I thought you said this was blocked off.’ She gestured toward the door, which was cracked open. I swore I’d locked it shut several days ago.

The large black and white tuxedo cat, Nero, stood in the doorway looking up at me with his striking green eyes, as if to ask‘what took you so long?’ The tortie, Marlowe, rubbed her face on my ankle. At least they weren’t hurt, even though the thought of hurting them myself for causing all this trouble did briefly cross my mind.

‘I don’t know how this got open. Maybe the handyman?’ The handyman was Millie’s nephew, Mike Sullivan. I’d known he was bad news since fifth grade and would never have engaged his services, but Millie had hired him to fix some things up before I’d bought the guesthouse. The work was already paid for and I couldn’t afford to turn that down. I couldn’t wait to get rid of him, though. ‘He’s probably working in here. I’ll check.’

‘Nice try, but this still violates code 401 of the state statute.’ Barbara whipped out her notebook, presumably to write up a violation.

Great. This was just what I didn’t need. And to top it off, the stupid soft-boiled egg was now cold. I switched it to my left hand and reached out my right to shut the door. ‘Maybe you could overlook it just this once? It wasn’t open that long and—’

Nero let out a wail and launched himself at the door before I could pull it shut. The door crashed open, revealing the rundown state of the West wing. Dust mites floated in the air, cobwebs hung from the chandeliers, water stains marred the walls. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was what lay at the bottom of the stairway. It was a body. Charles Prescott’s to be exact. And he was deathly still.


I rushed over to the body. You may think most people would be put off by a body, and that the natural inclination would be to run in the opposite direction. But I’d been halfway to a promising career as a medical examiner when I’d given everything up in favor of my ex-husband’s culinary career and raising our daughter, Emma. I didn’t regret staying home for Emma. The marriage was another story. Apparently, my old medical training had kicked in. I wanted to see if anything could be done, even though it was evident by his pasty skin tone and blankly staring eyes that it was too late.

I felt for a pulse. Nothing. Charles was gone. At least he wouldn’t care that his egg had cooled, which was a good thing because it was now rolling around the floor. I must’ve dropped it in my haste to get to the body.

Talk about inconvenient. Not only did I have a dilapidated mansion and no money to repair it with, two cats I barely knew how to care for and a building inspector salivating to write me up for even the most innocent of violations, I now also had a dead body on my hands.

Of course, it was inconvenient for Charles too. A wave of sadness washed over me. Sure, they guy had been a bit of a pain, but he didn’t deserve to die. I felt selfish worrying about my own problems when poor Charles had lost his life.

A momentary depression descended over me as I saw my plans for success evaporating right before my eyes. And not just financial success. There was much more than money at stake here. I’d spent most of my adult life in the shadow of my ex-husband, Clive Stonefield, a semi-famous chef. His parting words about how I was nothing without him still stung. I had been determined to prove him wrong.

The Oyster Cove Guesthouse was my opportunity to shine. My chance to prove that I, too, could be successful. I’d put all my money and hopes into this purchase and ithad to work. At forty-six, I wasn’t getting any younger and this could be my last chance.

How much could a dead body hurt business? Didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to let this signal my defeat. I was going to consider it an opportunity to prove that I could succeed no matter what. After all, my daughter was just making her way in the world and I had to be a good role model.

The rustle of paper brought me out of my reverie. Barbara had whipped out her notebook and was flipping through it, probably trying to find the exact section of the building code that a dead body violated so she could write me up.

‘He’s dead. We better call the police,’ I said.

Barbara looked up from her notebook, her hawk-like gaze focusing on the stairway.‘It’s no wonder. Look at how the stairway collapsed.’ Her eyes narrowed, she craned her neck forward, pulling her phone from her pocket. ‘Looks like dry rot to me. This place is uninhabitable.’

I glanced at the stairs as Barbara dialed the police. She had a point. Jagged edges of splintered wood stuck up where the treads had broken through. The entire banister lay on the floor, though half of it had fallen away before I even bought the place. The stairs hadn’t been in good condition before this. Now, they were a disaster. But that was why I had this section of the house blocked off. Only a fool would try to navigate those stairs, which brought up two questions… how had Charles gotten in here? And why?

I didn’t know what Jedediah Biddeford had been thinking when he built this place. It could have easily housed four families. Maybe he’d planned to raise several generations here. The place was enormous, with several staircases and two kitchens. Over the years, parts of it had fallen into disrepair.

Millie had told me her family had closed off the West wing a generation ago and she’d had a hard time keeping up with the rest of it. That’s why she’d sold it at such a discount. Well, that and the fact that she wanted more time to go gallivanting around town causing trouble with my 78-year-old mother. Keeping an eye on her was the second reason I’d been compelled to moveback to my home town of Oyster Cove, the first being getting away from my ex.

At least the cats had quieted down. They were now sniffing around the room as if they were furry CSIs looking for clues. Nero was paying quite a bit of attention to the globe-shaped newel post that had rolled over in to the corner. Marlowe was sitting beside him and watching.

‘Well, I’ll be a monkey’s hiney. Is that Prescott?’ Ava Grantham appeared in the doorway, her eyes riveted on the body. Darn it! I was hoping to keep this from the guests, lest they flee the guesthouse demanding a refund.

‘Just a little accident,’ I trilled. ‘Go on back to the dining room. I’ll put out more muffins.’

But it was too late. The Weatherbys emerged beside Ava.

Iona gasped as she fumbled with her binoculars.‘My word! What happened?’

Ron slid his arm around her and held her tight.‘Don’t look, dear.’

I summoned my nothings-wrong-go-on-your-way voice.‘Just an accident folks. Nothing to see here, really.’

‘Not a surprise either,’ Barbara said, pointing out the broken stairs. ‘Safety hazard. You people should be careful here.’

Great. That was just what I needed, Barbara telling people that the guesthouse wasn’t safe.

‘Someone should call the police,’ Ron Weatherby said, then in a lower voice. ‘Though in a small town like this, I wonder how effective they’ll be at investigating the condition of those stairs.’

‘I’ll do it,’ Barbara said a bit too gleefully as she whipped out her phone.

‘What’s going on I… Eek!’ Tina had come to join the crowd. Her eyes were even bigger than usual. Her hand flew up to her mouth as she stared at Charles. The high-pitched squeak she’d emitted had the cats riveting their heads in her direction, their whiskers twitching. ‘Is that a dead body?’

Ron Weatherby transferred his attentions to Tina. He put a fatherly arm around her and patted her shoulder.‘Now, now young lady this is nothing for you to see. Let the missus and I take you into the dining room and get you some tea.’

‘Great idea,’ I said. ‘We’ll only be a minute here and then everyone can forget all about this.’

Finally, the area cleared out. I closed my eyes, willing the police to hurry before anyone else happened by. No such luck.

‘What’s going on? I was up fixing the sink in the sand dollar room and I—’ Mike Sullivan skidded to a stop in front of the door, his eyes widening as they flicked from the body to my face. ‘Sunshine, what happened?’

The last person I wanted to deal with right now was Mike Sullivan. Mike and I went way back. I mean,way back. He’d been my brother Tommy’s best friend growing up. I’d known him practically since I was in diapers, and the nickname ‘Sunshine’ wasn’t a term of endearment. It had come about because I wasn’t exactly a morning person as a teenager. Mike and Tommy had teased me about my morning grumpiness by calling me Sunshine.

Not for the first time, I wished he would hurry up with the work Millie had paid him to do. I didn’t like the dimple-inducing smirk on his face when he called me Sunshine, or the way it made his whiskey-brown eyes twinkle with mischief.

‘One of the guests had an accident,’ I said.

Mike came to my side.‘Are you okay?’

My heart almost melted at the tone of genuine concern in his voice until I remembered what a pain in the neck he’d been when I was younger. Especially that time when I’d heard he was going to ask me to the junior prom. Then he changed his mind and asked slutty Stella Dumont instead. Not that I really cared that much, now. That was decades ago and I’d been married and divorced since then, but the adolescent sting of rejection never goes away. Mike never married, but who knew how many ‘Sunshines’ he’d gone through in all those years. Since he’d spent most of his time touring the world in the Navy, I assumed it was plenty.

I swatted him away.‘Of course I’m okay. I’m not the one who had the accident.’

‘Make way! Make way!’ voices demanded from the hallway. They belonged to my mother and Millie, proving that just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do. I should’ve known they’d be here. They had a police scanner app on their cell phones and showed up at almost every crime scene, usually before the police did.

‘Glory be, Josie, is this any way to treat the guests?’ As soon as Millie stepped in the room, Nero and Marlowe swiveled their attention to their previous owner. They trotted over, winding around her ankles and purring as she bent down to pet the cats in a movement that belied her age.

Her eyes fell on the egg cup.‘Oh, Grandma Tower’s china egg cup. Why is this on the floor?’ It was a miracle it hadn’t broken. At least I still had some luck left.

‘Not to mention the egg.’ My mother picked up the soft-boiled egg and looked from Mike to me. ‘You young people sure get up to strange things.’

‘We weren’t up to anything. I dropped the egg when I found Charles.’ I inclined my head toward the body.

‘Oh.’ My mother’s gaze moved to Charles’ body, over which Millie was now standing. You’d think my mother and her best friend would be shocked to see a dead body, but apparently all the crime scenes they’d attended had hardened them.

‘I don’t think this will be good for business.’ Millie tore her gaze from the body and glanced back at the doorway, where Ava Grantham still stood. ‘You’re not going to put this in the paper, are you Ava?’

Ava made a face and waved her hand dismissively.‘Of course not. I write society columns, not obituaries.’

‘Good. Now what we need to do is secure the area. Make sure it doesn’t get contaminated,’ Millie said.

‘And we need some gloves.’ My mother turned to me. ‘Josie do you have any gloves? Like maybe those yellow dishwashing gloves that Flora uses?’

‘I, err…’ I’d never seen Flora wearing yellow gloves, but that might be because she refused to do dishes.

‘And paper bags,’ Millie added.

Before I could say anything, there was a commotion at the front door. The police were here.

‘We’re down here!’ Millie yelled.

‘Don’t worry, we’ve secured the scene,’ Mom added.

Seth Chamberlain, the Oyster Cove sheriff, appeared in the doorway. I wasn’t sure how he kept getting elected because he was older than my mother and Millie and about as effective in fighting crime. Given the way my mom and Millie had turned into elderly CSIs, maybe that was a compliment. Anyway, rumor had it that Seth was just such a nice guy that people kept voting for him. Besides, there was hardly any crime in Oyster Cove.

‘I don’t see any prints in the dust here.’ Millie pointed at the dusty steps.

‘And we haven’t determined how the killer got in or out,’ Mom added.

Killer? Surely my mother was being overly dramatic.

‘Killer? It’s obvious the guy just fell down the stairs. They’re unsafe!’ Barbara crowed.

‘Now ladies, I’m perfectly capable of determining what happened here,’ Seth’s tone was gruff, but I could tell by the way he looked at Millie that he had the hots for her and she could get away with just about anything.

Millie blushed and fussed with her curly cotton-white hairdo.‘Why, we were just trying to help.’

‘I know. That was nice of you. Now how about everyone clear the area and give us room to work.’ Seth ushered us out.

I went willingly, my mind whirling with my mother’s insinuation. I felt bad that Charles had died, but I had to wonder… would it be better for business if someone had killed him as opposed to him falling down unsafe stairs?

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

Nero licked his paw and washed behind his ear as he watched the humans leave. Worry and guilt gnawed at him. Death had come to the guesthouse and he hadn’t noticed until it was too late.

‘I hope Millie isn’t too disappointed in us, but we sent out the alert as soon as we smelled death. It’s not our fault Josie is slow in understanding our communications.’ Marlowe swished her tail, her eyes on Seth Chamberlain, who was inspecting the body.

‘Indeed.’ Nero continued washing. He took pains to keep his fur shiny and silky. Even a cat on his sixth life liked to look good. You never knew when a sultry Siamese or a cute Cornish Rex might be favorable to his attentions. ‘But perhaps we could have prevented this before it happened. Murder is not good for business.’

Marlowe jerked her head in Nero’s direction. ‘Murder? But this is an accident. Look at the stairs.’

‘Things are not always as they seem.’ Even though the situation was not ideal for the Oyster Cove Guesthouse—not to mention it not being ideal for Charles Prescott—Nero wasn’t about to pass up a chance to share some of his wisdom with the younger cat.

Nero had been watching over the Guesthouse for decades now. He’d wandered past the aged estate one day and knew it should be his home. Millie’s senior memory prevented her from realizing the cat had been there much longer than any normal cat would have lived. In those decades, he’d become very protective of the Guesthouse.

Marlowe had joined more recently. Nero had to admit he had been a bit put-out when Millie had brought Marlowe home as a young kit she’d found abandoned under a bush at the shopping mall about ten years ago, but over time he’d grown found of his young protege. Besides he had to have someone to pass his wisdom on to. And she could be good company. Sometimes.

Marlowe’s eyes widened. ‘You mean you’ve seen a clue that someone else was here?’

Nero simply nodded. Over at the body, Seth was taking care to leave things as undisturbed as possible for the medical examiner. The deputy, Johnnie Sanders, was taking pictures and the part-timer Sheila Watts was taking notes. Nero was glad they hadn’t noticed them and shooed them out. Cats weren’t usually welcome at crime scenes, but he’d learned that he could make himself practically invisible to humans if he was quiet and slowly slunk around, low to the ground. It worked well for sneaking into rooms and buildings too, though getting out could be a challenge if the humans shut the doors on you.

‘You think he came through that door up there and the stairs simply gave way?’ Sheila pointed to the tops of the stairs.

‘Looks that way.’ Sheriff Chamberlain leaned closer to the broken stairway. ‘These treads are rotted and the banister must have fallen off.’

‘That might have even happened before.’ Sheila inspected the edges of some upper treads still intact. ‘There’s dust here in the holes, so I think part of the banister might have fallen off long ago.’

‘Even more dangerous.’ Seth looked at the body. ‘What kind of fool would attempt these stairs, especially with no railing?’

Nero glanced at Marlowe. He wished the young cat would hurry up and find the clue before Seth Chamberlain made a faulty decision about the manner in which Charles Prescott met his maker. Honestly it was too bad that humans only had one life, otherwise Charles would be walking around in no time, and they wouldn’t have this problem on their hands.

‘Did you notice anything unusual last night?’ Nero asked. ‘I was chasing mice in the attic and catnapping in between courses. I didn’t hear a thing.’ He was only into the early part of his sixth life, and certainly not anywhere near the age his hearing should be going.

Marlowe shot him a sheepish glance.‘I… err… I may have gone down to the wharf.’

Nero raised a brow.‘You don’t say?’ He didn’t want to get into Marlowe’s nightly activities. Girls would be girls. He could already see that the cat felt guilty, and he wasn’t her parent, just her mentor.

‘I just hope we haven’t let Millie down,’ Marlowe said.

‘Yes, it’s unfortunate this has happened so soon after she entrusted the future of the guesthouse to us,’ Nero said.

Marlowe hung her head.‘We have failed our first important task.’

‘We may still be able to redeem ourselves. If we can help solve this quickly, it may not hurt things too badly. You know what a short-term memory humans have. The sooner the case is closed, the sooner they will move their attentions to something else. Making sure the guesthouse survives is of utmost importance. Millie entrusted that task to us.’ Nero frowned. ‘I do wish it didn’t come with that human Josie. She isn’t as savvy as Millie.’

Marlowe continued sniffing the perimeter of the room.‘Yeah, but she does come in handy for doing the menial work like a laundry, cleaning and cooking. And apparently since she came with the guesthouse, we need to be as loyal to her as we were to Millie.’

Nero nodded.‘I agree about the loyalty part. The cooking part needs work. She’s always burning things. Not like our Millie.’

‘As long as she fills our dishes.’

Nero joined Marlowe in sniffing.‘Have you picked up the scent of a stranger?’

‘No. Just the usual people and those who were in here this morning. Josie, Millie, Charles, Mike, Barbara Littlefield. There is something spicy, but I can’t quite place it. Oh, and Stella Dumont.’

Nero nodded sagely. Stella Dumont owned Smugglers Bay, just over the crest of the hill. They could even see the gulls that circled her deck from the side yard. Darn nuisance those gulls were. Apparently she’d been coming around the guesthouse to see Mike. ‘Yes, but we already know she comes here often.’

‘True, but I hope it is Stella that snuck in, because that would help us immensely. She owns a rival inn, and if she was out of the way, that might mean more guests would come here.’

Nero swished his tail thoughtfully.‘Indeed. Perhaps Stella was thinking that a dead body marring the reputation of the Oyster Cove Guesthouse would bring more business toher place.’

Marlowe narrowed her eyes.‘Yes, she could be the culprit.’

‘Are you sure thereis a culprit?’ Nero asked.

‘Wait, I thought you said there was.’

‘Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t. You need to investigate.’

‘You mean look at the clues. The stairs. The things the police are taking pictures of.’

Nero nodded.‘But perhaps they are not looking at something they should be. They are investigating under their assumption that he fell down the stairs.’

‘Oh right!’ Marlowe was quick on the uptake. She turned her attention away from the stairs, sniffing along the edge of the wall, where a pile of debris lay – railing for the stairs, wall paper that had fallen off the wall and a metal wall sconce. She stopped when she came to the newel post cap—a large metal ball with a point at the end.

It had been before his time, but Nero’s fine senses told him that before this wing had gone to ruin, the staircase had been a focal point, with honey oak stairs and a scrolled railing that ended in the carved newel post, the gilt globe sitting atop. He could almost picture the ladies in their gowns descending to the room once filledwith velvet sofas and mahogany side tables. He figured the rounded top of the newel post had been an ornamental focal point of the stairway. Last night, someone had found a more sinister use for it.

Marlowe sniffed the round cap a few times, then shot Nero a triumphant look.‘There’s blood on here, but the post is not near the body. Charles couldn’t have hit his head on it during the fall.’

Nero nodded in satisfaction.‘Very good, little one. Now how do we alert the police to our findings?’

‘Easy.’ Marlowe put her paw on the post, pushed and let out a howl.

Seth, Sheila and Johnny jerked their heads in Marlowe’s direction as the ball rolled toward them.

‘Hey, you cats shoo! We’re investigating!’ Sheila made shooing motions with her hands.

‘Yes, you cats shouldn’t be here.’ Seth tried to sound menacing, but Nero knew the sheriff liked cats, because sometimes he fed them donut holes from his police cruiser when no one was looking.

Nero trotted over to the ball and looked up at Seth.‘Meow!’

Seth’s gaze flicked from Nero to the ball. Then he squinted and craned his neck forward. Johnny was about to pick the ball up when Seth shot a hand out to stop him. ‘Hold on.’

Seth’s knees popped as he squatted. He pulled a pair of reading glasses out of his top pocket and slid them on his nose, squinting at the ball.

‘What is it?’ Sheila was still shooing the cats with her hands.

Seth glanced back at the body, then at the stairs, then pointed at a dark spot on the ball.‘Guess these cats do come in handy. This here looks like blood. And if I’m not mistaken, this round piece matches the indentation on the back of the victim’s head. I think we’ve got a murder on our hands.’


‘Murder? Why, I can’t believe it!’ Millie said after Seth had given us the bad news. Mom, Millie and I had adjourned to the parlor and were settling into the overstuffed chairs arranged around a low marble-topped table as a private seating area.

Barbara had rushed off, probably to file a complaint against me. Or maybe she was poring over the town statutes to see what kind of fine one can dole out when a person has a guest murdered in her guesthouse. Tina had taken the news of the murder very hard and the Weatherbys had taken her upstairs with Ava, after stopping in the dining room for a snack.

‘It’s awful.’ My mother looked at me. ‘Who do you think would have wanted him dead?

‘He’s been staying here a few days. Did you notice him arguing with anyone?’ Millie asked.

Just me.‘Not really. He kept to himself mostly.’

‘Hmm… what about the other guests, have they been acting suspiciously?’

Had they? I had been too busy trying not to burn breakfast and dealing with Barbara Littlefield to notice.‘I don’t think so. Quite frankly I’ve had my hands full. And now this, and who knows what kind of a punishment Barbara is cooking up. Do you think she can have the guesthouse shut down?’

‘Why would she do that?’ Millie asked.

‘I don’t know, it seems like she has it in for me. I try to do everything to the codes and still she persists on finding things wrong.’

‘Well, she is very strict about the building codes dear, but it’s for a good reason. I’m sure she doesn’t have anything against you personally.’ My mother patted my arm. ‘It’s all for the good of the town. She wants to maintain the quaint atmosphere.’

Millie nodded.‘She can be a stickler, but she’s protecting us. I mean, look at the good she did with those lousewort plants.’

‘She was instrumental in putting a stop to that big hotel on the cliff – what do you think would’ve happened to the guesthouse if that had been built?’ My mother glanced out the window in the direction of the shore.

I had to give Barbara that. Last summer, she’d discovered growing up on the cliffs a plant, very rare in Maine, called Furbish’s Lousewort. She formed a committee and petitioned the state to declare the area where it grew protected, and in the nick of time. Some big conglomerate had been finalizing plans to build a huge hotel up there.

‘But why be so hard on the guesthouse? It’s one of the oldest buildings in town and I fully intend to renovate it in keeping with the way it was back in the day.’

‘You left town, so you’re sort of an outsider in Barbara’s eyes. She doesn’t trust you yet. Give her time.’ The cats came in and trotted over to Millie without even giving me a glance. Guess they forgot who their owner was now. I had to admit I was a little bit jealous of the way they settled in on Millie’s lap.

‘I guess the cats prefer their old owner,’ I said, earning a cold glare from Nero.

‘Owner?’ Millie was aghast. ‘Cats don’t have owners, dear, it’s the other way around. The sooner you realize that, the better your relationship with them will be.’

Nero shot me a smug look and then curled up and went to sleep.

‘I have to say, though, I don’t know what this town is coming to,’ my mother said. ‘First dead gulls then dead people.’

‘Now Rose. Don’t you worry,’ Millie said. ‘Why there’s been hardly any problems here in town for decades. We’re due and now that we’ve had these two pieces of bad luck it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out.’

I hoped Millie was right. I had invested everything I had into the purchase of the guesthouse and was counting on it being filled with guests for the summer season. The dead seagulls weren’t a problem for me though. Gulls generally stayed away from the guesthouse, possibly because of the cats. If that were the case, I’d have to thank them. Seagulls could be annoying pests and I didn’t want them swooping around and driving away business. While I didn’t wish harm on any of God’s creatures, I wasn’t going to cry about fewer gulls. Then again, having dead birds wash up on the beach, like they had been doing lately, wasn’t very attractive to tourists either.

There was a sound at the door and I turned to see Mike.

‘I thought I heard you, Auntie.’ Mike gave Millie a peck on the cheek then turned to my mother. ‘Rose, how are you?’

‘Just fine Michael. Tommy said to say hi to you by the way.’

Mike winked at me and rolled his eyes. My mom had been calling him Michael since childhood, no matter how many times he told her he preferred Mike.‘How is Tommy doing?’

My mother rolled her eyes.‘Good, except he seems to think Maine is too far to come for a visit.’

My brother Tommy had moved to Florida a few years ago and now claimed Maine was too cold for him and only came to visit twice a year. I personally thought maybe he didn’t come often because Mom’s antics with the crime scenes and all were a bit much for him. Luckily, I was here to try to reign her in… not that that was working out very well.

Mike gave my mother a sympathetic look and turned to me.‘Hey Sunshine, I heard about the police verdict that your guest was actually murdered. I was wondering if I could do anything to help?’

‘I don’t think I really need any help, do I?’

Mike shrugged.‘I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing, I’m almost positive someone messed with those stairs.’

I frowned.‘Why would someone do that?’

‘To mask the murder of course, dear,’ Millie said, as if I was some kind of a dunce.

My mother nodded.‘Yes of course. They were probably hoping Sheriff Chamberlain would say that it was an accident.’

Huh, that was interesting. He almostdid say it was an accident… and hadn’t Ron Weatherby mentioned that small town police forces usually didn’t have the capacity to investigate thoroughly? I hoped that wouldn’t be the case here, a murder was bad enough but an unsolved one was even worse.

‘What kind of tampering do you mean?’ I asked Mike. If someone had murdered Charles on purpose, then tried to stage it as an accident, they would’ve spent a bit of time in that room. But that section had been blocked off, the doors locked. I supposed anyone could have picked the lock, and thesounds of tools echoing through the guesthouse wasn’t uncommon since Mike was working on repairs.

‘The stairs were pretty rotten, but it looked like someone helped them along. The way the boards broke look like they were snapped in two as opposed to breaking from the pressure of someone standing on them. And, the nails had been pulled up.’

I wasn’t sure what to do with this information. Tell the police? Could they figure that out on their own? And what did Mike know about stairs anyway? Sure, he was doing carpentry work here, and he seemed to be doing a good job, but he’d been a Navy officer before. Carpentry was just a sideline.

I was just about to open my mouth to say as much when Flora bustled in, her white orthopedic shoes squeaking as she sashayed toward Mike.

Flora was a skinny elderly woman with gigantic round glasses that made her eyes owlish. When Millie had sold me the Oyster Cove Guesthouse, she’d said that Flora had been the maid for fifty years and depended on the money. I mean, who can live on social security? I assumed that meant she actually did some cleaning, and since I was from out of town and didn’t know of anyone else, I agreed to keep her on. The joke was on me. Since I’dbeen here she’d managed to wiggle out of every job I’d tasked her with. Naturally, I didn’t have to keep her on, but who could fire a little old lady with thirty-two grandchildren? I didn’t have the heart for it. Maybe someday when funds allowed I’d get another maid that actually worked.

‘Mr. Mike, are you done in the sand dollar room?’ Flora blinked up at him. It was a long ways up, too, since Flora was about four feet tall and Mike was over six.

Mike smiled down at her, turning on that boyish charm that I remembered from long ago. Apparently it wasn’t only reserved for young girls. Of course that kind of charm didn’t work on me anymore but it worked on Flora, who practically swooned. ‘I am. Did I leave too much of a mess in there?’

Flora shook her head.‘Oh no. I’m happy to clean up anything you leave.’

My mouth practically fell open. Since when was Flora happy to clean?

Mike bent down and gave her a little kiss on her papery cheek.‘Thanks. You let me know if it’s too much.’ He turned to me. ‘And you let me know if I can help out, Sunshine.’

We all watched him leave, Flora’s gaze on a specific part of his body clad in faded jeans. As soon as he cleared the door, Flora turned to me, a scowl on her face.

‘I hope you don’t have any ideas about me cleaning up that mess in the West wing. I do not do crime scenes.’

And with that she turned and left the room, brushing past Ava Grantham in the doorway.

‘I’ve just been upstairs and Tina is finally settled down. Young people these days, they can’t handle anything worth a monkey’s patootie. Good thing those Weatherbys have clear heads. Your sheriff is up in Prescott’s room. He’ll be interviewing all of us soon.’ She pulled a straight back chair over and plopped down in it. ‘Honestly, I’m not surprised someone murdered Prescott.’

‘You’re not?’ We asked in unison.

Ava shook her head.‘Nope, not at all. He was a nasty man.’

My mother and Millie exchanged a glance.

‘You knew him?’ Millie asked.

‘Of course.’ Ava pointed to herself. ‘This old bird’s been around for a while. We worked together on a few newspapers.’

‘Charles worked in news? Was he a writer?’ I asked.

Ava gave me a funny look.‘You don’t know who he was?’

I didn’t like the way that sounded. Was Charles someone I was supposed to know? Knowing someone who’d been murdered in my guesthouse might not be good for business… or my freedom.

‘No idea,’ I said.

‘Charles Prescott was the Laughing Gourmet. You know… the food critic and chef.’

Darn! I probablyshould have known who he was. Hadn’t Clay—my ex—mentioned his name before? The truth was, I really hadn’t paid much attention to what was going on with the ex’s chef job in the later years.

When we were first married I’d been very involved. Always eating at his restaurants and going out to events with him, but then Emma came along and we agreed my focus should be on taking care of her needs. I started paying less and less attention to what was going on with the ex, because his career was going well and he was working his way to the top of his field. Little did I know he was also working his way to the top of a succession of pretty female sous chefs.

‘I might have heard of him,’ I said.

‘Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you hadn’t. Truth is, he’s not that popular anymore.’ She leaned forward. ‘His column is barely read nowadays. It got cancelled from the paper we both worked on last year. Heard he was hurting for money, too. Rumor has it he was writing some fancy pantscookbook full of innovative and unusual recipes that he thought would make him rich.’

Millie’s brows shot up to her hairline. She looked at my mom. ‘Money? That’s usually a motive for murder.’

Mom opened her mouth, but before she could reply, footsteps pounded down the front stairs. Seth Chamberlain appeared in the doorway holding a plastic bag in his hand. Inside the bag was what looked like a small piece of paper.

‘What’s that?’ Millie asked.

‘We found this in the victim’s room. Looks like he was writing some sort of a note. And since we discovered that he is a food and hotel critic, it isn’t a big jump to assume the note was about the Oyster Cove Guesthouse.’ Seth held the corner of an envelope up. We could see it was part of anote, a few words scrawled on the edge. No, not exactly words, just parts of words. I could make out ‘ull’ and ‘ick’ and ‘son.’

Millie craned her neck forward and squinted.‘That doesn’t look like a review to me.’

Seth turned the bag back to face him.‘Of course it’s not thewholereview. But anyone can put together that he was writing something about the inn being‘dull’ and the food ‘icky.’ The killer clearly took the rest of it because they didn’t want anyone to find it.’ His eyes drilled into mine. ‘And who wouldn’t want someone to find a bad review about the Oyster Cove Guesthouse?’

‘Lots of people,’ Mom chimed in.

‘I didn’t even know who he was until Ava mentioned it just now,’ I said.

Seth made a face.‘You expect me to believe that? Your husband is a famous chef, surely you’d have heard of the Laughing Gourmet.’

My expression turned sheepish.‘I never really paying that much attention to what my husband said.’

Seth didn’t look like he believed me. I had visions of him whipping out handcuffs and hauling me off to jail. Millie must have had the same vision because she stood and went to Seth’s side, possibly to distract him.

‘Josie wouldn’t kill anybody over a review. That’s ridiculous.’ Millie patted his arm.

‘People have killed for less, Millie. You’re too nice.’ Seth beamed at her.

‘Be that as it may, I have known Josie since she was in diapers and she is no killer.’

Seth frowned and swiveled his gaze back to me.‘What about that time she was caught trying to sneak out of the bowling alley with the rental shoes still on?’

Millie waved her hand dismissively‘Teenage hijinks. Besides, stealing shoes can hardly be compared to killing someone. I hope you’re not getting any ideas about arresting Josie. That would be foolish. You have no concrete proof. This isn’t even a letter, just some partial words. You wouldn’t want to arrest the wrong person,would you?’

Seth considered that for a second, then said,‘Maybe arresting the wrong person is better than arresting no person. We haven’t had a murder in this town in more than a hundred years and I think the townsfolk will be nervous and want to know that the police are doing something.’

‘A false arrest will not gain their confidence and it will also ensure that I don’t bake you any more of my blueberry pies.’ Millie let go of his arm and stomped back to her chair.

Seth’s face fell. ‘Okay, fine. But if I get any more evidence that points to you, Miss Josie Waters, you won’t have to worry anymore about what to serve for breakfast to your guests. You’ll be getting served breakfast yourself. Too bad it will be bread and water at the Oyster Cove jail!’

That wasn’t true. I happened to know they served eggs for breakfast there, but I was scared anyway.

Seth left and I exhaled.‘Really? He was going to arrest me because of some partial words on a piece of paper? That’s ridiculous,’ I said. Was it possible that Charles was writing a bad review about the guesthouse? He’d been mad about the egg, but surely that wasn’t enough to write a bad review? Even if it was, why would someone else kill him over it?

‘Of course it is dear,’ Mom assured me.

‘We know you’re no killer. But unfortunately Seth doesn’t have much experience in murder cases. He’ll want this wrapped up as soon as possible. There’s only one thing for us to do.’

‘That’s right.’ Mom pushed up from her chair and headed for the door. ‘We need to figure out who the killer is before Seth tries to arrest Josie again. The best place to start is the victim’s room.’


Nero sunk his paws into the silky blue duvet on Charles Prescott’s bed and fluffed. ‘Now that the police are gone, I hope the humans figure out they need to look in here for clues. If they don’t come up soon, I’m game for a nap. This is my favorite room.’

Charles had been staying in what Nero referred to as‘the blue room.’ As you might have guessed, the room was a lovely shade of light blue. Nero found that the combination of the powder blue and gold silk oriental rug, Victorian-era sky-blue flowered wallpaper and the robin’s egg blue silk bedding to be very relaxing.

The room also had all antique furnishings, handed down from Millie’s ancestors, like the mahogany dresser and the four-poster bed. Nero loved the antiques because they were rich with lingering scents of lemon oil and pride from generations of use, unlike the new stuff that smelled like glue and a quick buck.

Marlowe poked her head in quickly from the adjoining bathroom.‘I wouldn’t be so sure that the humans will come. I don’t think that redhead is too smart.’

‘You mean Josie?’ Nero asked as Marlowe disappeared back into the bathroom to continue the search.

‘Yeah, she said sheowned us. She’s clearly not too quick on the uptake.’ Marlowe’s voice was muffled, likely because she had her head in the trashcan.

‘She’s just oblivious to the ways of felines. I sense that she has a kind heart and I think she’s worth training.’ Nero hopped down from the bed. He’d already canvassed the room for clues and was waiting for Marlowe to catch up. He knew there was one whopper of a clue in the room and wanted to see if the younger cat could figure it out.

‘Train her? You mean by not doing as she asks?’

‘Naturally. And sometimes the exact opposite.’

‘Good idea.’ Marlowe trotted back into the room. She sat on her haunches, licking her front paw. ‘Okay. I noticed a scent that shouldn’t be here.’

‘Indeed,’ Nero said. The young cat was coming along nicely. ‘And what do you make of it?’

‘Well, it’s salty like the sea but also has a tinge of seagull and wet dog. So, I’m guessing our victim was near the ocean and the gulls and possibly visited someone with a dog. Maybe near the cliffs where they nest or on the beach. Those darn seagulls are everywhere.’

The mention of the gulls had Nero cringing.‘Tell me about it. One dive bombed me the other day and I had to do a tuck and roll right out in the middle of the street!’

‘I had to hide under an azalea bush to get away from one.’

‘They’re a nuisance.’

‘They don’t even taste good. Like bland chicken.’

‘And very dry.’

‘Too salty.’

Nero glanced out the window. The room had a partial view of the ocean and he could see the gulls flapping above the Smugglers Bay Inn. Good, let them stay over there. He didn’t mind them so much if they just kept away from him. Live and let live was his motto. ‘But still, they seem to be dying in droves. And I hate to think of anything dying before its time. They only have one life, you know.’

‘True,’ Marlowe sniffed at a pair of tan chinos that lay on the floor. ‘Judging by these pants our victim was up to something sneaky before he died.’

Nero nodded. He had wondered if the other cat would discover the scent of nefarious intention on the human’s pants. That was an advanced sleuthing skill and he was happy to see that Marlowe was mastering it. ‘What do you think our next move is?’

Marlowe raked her claws on the oriental rug. Millie would have a fit if she saw her.‘We must talk to the gang at the wharf. One of them might know something about what our victim was up to.’ Marlowe started for the door.

Nero stayed rooted to his spot. The young cat would have to learn not to be so hasty. There was still something big left to be found.‘Not so fast. There is another clue.’

Marlowe turned back, her green gaze slit.‘There is? I skulked around the whole perimeter of the room and didn’t see anything that is not supposed to be here. Nor did I smell anything other than what I mentioned.’

‘Sometimes when looking for clues, it is not what you see, it’s what youdon’tsee,’ Nero said wisely.

Marlowe rolled her eyes.‘Seriously? Could you be any more vague?’

Nero simply gave her a blank look.

Marlowe sighed.‘Okay fine. I’m making another round.’

Nero watched the young cat carefully as she sniffed the perimeter, coming to stop in front of the small bookcase just as Nero had hoped. The bookcase was only two shelves that Millie had stuffed with a few oldReader’s Digest volumes. It looked like Charles had put those all on one shelf and added his own books to the other.

Marlowe turned around triumphantly.‘Aha! One book is missing.’

Nero nodded.‘Yes, and from the fact that the victim had placed books here in the first place, I think we can conclude that these books were important.’

‘Yeah, I see that. So how are we going to alert the humans?’

‘We’ll have to draw their attention to it somehow. Naturally they will thinkthey made the discovery.’

‘I know! We never get credit,’ Marlowe said. ‘But how should we draw their attention? Hair ball? Incessant meowing? Leaping in the air?’

Nero watched as Marlowe pantomimed all of the above. He was proud that the young cat had figured out the clues, but she could be a little overzealous at times.‘I think this calls for something more subtle. The good old pushing-everything-off-the-top-of-the-bookshelf routine should do the trick.’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

The police had secured Charles’ room with a large ‘X’ of yellow crime scene tape. Was that really necessary? I worried that it would make the other guests nervous.

Millie must have had the same thought because she stopped in front of it.‘Seems overly dramatic to have this here. What does he think this is, a scene fromCastle?’ She ripped the tape off one side and Mom and I followed her into the room.

The first thing I noticed was that the duvet was messed up. It looked like something had been burrowing in it. A movement in the corner of the room caught my eye. The cats.

I was sure Nero was the culprit.‘If you put any tears in that cover I’m not feeding you any more of that nice food with the gravy.’

Millie frowned.‘Josie! That is no way to speak to the cats.’

As if understanding what she said, both cats trotted over to her purring and rubbing against her ankles while casting me angry looks.

‘But they messed up the bed!’ In my defense I had no idea how to talk to them. Should one let them just do whatever they wanted or was there some secret way to get them to obey you?

‘You must never admonish or threaten them,’ Millie said. ‘That will only make things worse. You should speak to them as if they are the superior beings that they are.’

The cats preened and purred.

I looked at Millie out of the corner of my eye. I wasn’t sure if she had said that bit about superior beings for their benefit or if she was serious. If she was serious, then she was crazier than I’d previously thought. I filed that thought away for future reflection.

‘Enough about the cats,’ Mom said. ‘We’re in here looking for clues, right?’ Her gaze fell on a pair of tan pants on the floor. ‘Look, the man couldn’t even pick up his dirty laundry.’

Now what in the world was I supposed to do with those pants? I had no idea what the protocol for dealing with deceased guest’s belongings was. Would the police come and take his things? Should I box them up? How long should I wait? Because judging by the police tape that used to be on the door, I wasn’t even supposed to be in here.

‘I don’t see any computer, that’s usually where the good stuff is.’ Millie looked around the room.

‘I don’t remember him having one,’ I said. Had he? I thought back to when he’d checked in. He’d had a suitcase and a blue paper notebook but no case for a computer.

‘Darn,’ Mom added. ‘Maybe he left another clue.’

‘I say we look to his bureau drawers.’ Millie opened a drawer and started pawing through it.

‘I’ll take the bathroom,’ Mom said.

‘I guess that leaves the rest of the room for me.’ I got down on my hands and knees and peeked under the bed. There was nothing under there but dust bunnies. Not a surprise, I doubted Flora vacuumed under the beds. ‘Just what, exactly, are we looking for?’


Over on the other side of the bed, something hit the floor. I jumped up to look. Marlowe was on top of the little bookshelf and apparently angry at the lack of attention. I’d heard that cats could be persnickety that way. She must have decided that a good way to get it was to push the little lighthouse statue off the top of the bookshelf.

‘Hey now, kitty, that’s not necessary for a supreme being such as yourself.’ I tried to temper my voice so it was soft and placating as I strode around the bed and picked up the statue. I was certain that cats responded to the tone of one’s voice and not the words.

‘They can understand sarcasm,’ Millie said from her position crouched on the floor looking in the bottom drawer of the bureau.

I smiled at the cat who looked at me warily. I reached out to pet her and she hissed. I replaced the lighthouse and went over to the closet.

‘No clues in here.’ Millie stood and brushed her hands together. ‘Maybe we should look in between the mattress and the box spring.’

Thud. Mew.

We turned to see that Marlowe had now pushed a candle off the top of the bookcase.

‘Is this some kind of behavioral problem I should be aware of?’ I asked Millie.

‘No dear, they just love to push things onto the floor. Nothing is safe.’

I replaced the candle. I could’ve sworn Marlowe rolled her eyes and looked at me like I was stupid. If you ask me, I wasn’t the stupid one. Pushing things onto the floor when you knew someone would just put them back was stupid.

Nero was much smarter. He’d jumped up on the bed and was curled up on the duvet. ‘Please don’t get cat hair on that.’ I tried to say it with the reverence due a superior being.

‘There’s nothing in this bathroom but shaving cream and toothpaste.’ Mom leaned against the doorframe looking disappointed. ‘How are we going to figure out why someone killed the guy if there are no clues in his room?’

Thunk! Merow!

Marlowe had pushed the alarm clock off the bookshelf.

‘Now Marlowe, really,’ Millie strode over to the bookshelf and petted the cat, who purred and bumped her head up against her hand. ‘She bent to pick up the alarm clock but stopped halfway down. ‘Hey, this doesn’t look right.’

‘What?’ Mom and I joined her. I could see someone had rearranged herReader’s Digest volumes and put different books in.‘Ava told us Charles was writing a cookbook, maybe these are his books for reference or something.’


Nero had come over for his portion of attention and was rubbing the side of his face against the corner of one of the books.

‘Huh, looks like there’s a book missing,’ Mom said.

‘Maybe he just didn’t have enough books to fill up the shelf?’ I suggested.

Millie straightened.‘No, I don’t think so.’

Just then Flora sauntered past the room.

‘Hey, Flora!’ Millie yelled.

Flora stopped, backed up a few steps and narrowed her owlish eyes at us.‘Oh no. I don’t clean crime scene rooms. Anything with police tape I don’t go in.’

‘We don’t want you to clean,’ Millie pulled her into the room and dragged her over to the bookcase. ‘Do you remember if this shelf was full?’

Flora shuffled over to the book case and vertebra cracked as she bent to examine the piece of furniture. She stopped with her face only inches from the shelf. She ran her finger along the layer of dust on the edge.‘Yep, must’ve been something there.’

‘You remember that it was full?’ I asked.

‘Nah, my memory isn’t that great. But look at the dust on the edge. If that spot had been empty, there’d be dust in there too and that spot is clean as a whistle.’


Nero breathed deep, savoring the delectable aroma of rotting fish. The bait wharf was one of his favorite places in Oyster Cove. It wasn’t just because the fishermen would sometimes throw them succulent scraps, either. The wharf had a certain ambiance that couldn’t be found anywhere else. From the sounds of the waves lapping on the dock, to the briny scent of sea and the warmth of the sun warming his back.

It was heaven on earth… well, except for the seagulls. They were partial to the bait dock too and, as far as Nero was concerned, created an incessant nuisance with their constant swooping and cawing. A cat had to be careful lest he get knocked into the water. No cat liked that, except for Harry, who loved the occasional saltwater bath.

A shadow darkened Nero’s path from above, and the loud gull cry made him cringe. He crouched, ready to dart under something, but the gull flew past. Looking up into the sky, Nero felt a tinge of sadness. There were fewer gulls than last week and even though he wished they would go swoop somewhere else, he still didn’t like the way their numbers were mysteriously dwindling. He didn’t want them to die off, just to tend to their business elsewhere. Still, he was glad there were no dead gulls at the wharf, last week they’d seen a gull body floating in the water and it was a most unpleasant sight.

Milling about in their usual spot, behind a stack of lobster pots, were five cats. The largest one, a solid gray cat named Poe, was sitting atop an old lobster pot, watching a fishing boat make its way out of the harbor and into the Atlantic.

On the ground next to the pot, Stubbs, an orange striped cat named such because his tail was a short stub, sniffed around the lobster pot for any old scraps of bait. The rumor about him was his tail had been chopped off with a cleaver when he’d been caught stealing an oxtail right from the butcher’s shop, but Stubbs would neither confirm nor deny this.

Boots, a black cat with white paws and somewhat of a snobby attitude sat in the sun grooming his whiskers, as he often did. His whiskers were elegantly long and thick, and they were his pride and joy. Nero had to admit they were lovely, but they were just whiskers after all. The way Boots carried on about them you’d think they were made of gold.

Harry, the large fluffy Maine Coon, was flopped down in the sun snoozing while Juliette, a fluffy gray cat with a white diamond on her forehead, groomed her tail in a quite unladylike manner.

The cats stopped their activities as Nero and Marlowe approached.

‘Heard someone got iced up at the guesthouse,’ Stubbs said. He was prone to using hard-boiled detective slang and Nero often thought that Stubbs’ owner must read too many Dashiell Hammett novels aloud. Then again, perhaps that was why the cat was such a good detective.

‘Unfortunately, it’s true.’ Marlowe trotted over to the lobster pot and peeked inside.

‘Was it murder?’ Boots gave his long whisker an extra tug to emphasize the last word.

Nero’s gut clenched. He was embarrassed that a murder had happened under his very nose. ‘Yes, it was.’

‘Did you see it happen?’ Harry stretched, humping his back up with his front legs out in front of him before trotting over to sit in the circle the cats had formed.

Nero and Marlowe exchanged a guilty glance.‘Neither of us was present at the time.’

‘So you don’t know who the culprit is?’ Poe asked.

Nero shook his head.

‘How was it done? Poison? Gunshot? Stabbed?’ Harry asked.

‘Bludgeoned with a newel post,’ Nero answered.

‘Nasty,’ Juliette shuddered.

‘Who was the vic?’ Stubbs asked.

‘One of the guests at the inn. Charles Prescott,’ Marlowe said.

‘And you didn’t notice anyone unusual? Who’s been hanging around there?’ Poe asked.

‘Well, there is Mike, Millie’s nephew,’ Marlowe said.

‘Oh, not Mike,’ Juliette said. ‘He’s much too handsome. And besides, we all know Millie is one of the good ones and therefore Mike must be too.’

Poe frowned.‘Yes, but what about the new one, Josie? Of course, we all love Rose and Millie, but Josie is an unknown. She’s from away.’

‘She’s not from away.’ Nero felt obligated to defend the new guesthouse keeper even if he wasn’t exactly sure that he liked her himself. ‘She was raised here and moved away to raise her own litter. Now she’s back where she belongs.’

Boots raised a brow.‘So you two like and trust this new human?’

‘Sort of,’ Marlowe ignored the warning look from Nero. ‘She did mention sheowned us… she’s not quite pet-broken yet.’

Harry laughed.‘Ownedyou? She’s new to serving cats then?’

Nero nodded.‘She sort of came with the house when Millie entrusted it to us. We still have much training to do.’

‘Have you tried the severed mouse head routine?’ Harry asked.

‘Not yet. We’re still breaking her in.’

‘What about the pet and scratch routine?’ Sonny referred to the typical routine of acting like you wanted the person to pet you and then scratching them when they did.

‘I’ve done that a few times,’ Marlowe said. ‘It seemed to put her in her place, but then she didn’t want to pet me anymore.’

‘How about refusing to eat? So that she has to bribe you with tasty morsels?’ Stubbs asked. ‘That one always sets the tone as to who is master.’

‘We might try that next.’ Truth was, Nero enjoyed eating too much to try that one. ‘Let’s keep on task here though. We must focus on finding the killer. If we don’t, we may not be training Josie at all, or even have a guesthouse to live in.’

The cats nodded somberly.

‘So you want us to do the usual? Keep our eyes open and scour the town for clues?’ Harry asked.

This wasn’t the first crime the cats had solved. Of course, the humans didn’t realize the cats’ involvement. Nero often thought it would be so much easier if humans would just be more aware. The human’s lack of cat-communication skills made the cats job that much harder because they had to practically hit the humans over the head with clues to make them think it was their idea.

‘Yes, but first I need to know if any of you saw anything out of the ordinary last night,’ Nero said.

The cats watched a sailboat glide past, cutting through the water silently as it made its way under the footbridge at the head of the cove and out past the jetty.

Finally, Juliette spoke.‘It wasn’t last night, but I saw a man up on the cliffs the night before that. It’s quite unusual to see anyone up there, as the path to the cliffs is steep and treacherous.’ Juliette lived with their feline friend Julie at the rectory of St. Michael’s church, which was below the cliffs. She often catnapped in the belfry, which afforded a birds-eye view of the cliffs. That was when the two cats weren’t wreaking havoc in the rectory by spooling toilet paper off the rolls.

‘Are you sure it was a man? It might have been Barbara Littlefield. You know how she mothers that Lousewort.’

The cats all made a face at the mention of the noxious herb. Lousewort smelled like wet dogs and tasted even worse.

Juliette narrowed her luminescent blue eyes.‘Of course I’m sure. I have excellent vision. It was a man and he was short, fat and bald.’

‘That sounds like Charles,’ Marlowe said.

‘And that would explain why he smelled like wet dogs and seagulls,’ Nero added. All the cats knew the seagulls nested near the cliffs and liked to eat the flockenberries that grew on the cliffside.

Nero nodded sagely.‘Indeed, but what was he doing up there and why would that have anything to do with his death?’

‘We’ll have to sniff around town and see what we can dig up,’ Boots said.

‘I’ll listen in on Father Timothy’s confessions. Perhaps the culprit will confess,’ Juliette offered.

‘If only it would be that easy.’ Boots preened his mustache. ‘What we need to do is set our superior brains to thinking of the solution. Are there any other clues?’

‘Only a missing cookbook,’ Nero said. ‘Oh, and it appears that someone was trying to cover the crime up and make it look like an accident. Someone had sabotaged the stairs at the guesthouse to make it look like the victim fell.’

‘And it almost worked except Nero here discovered the truth and we showed the clue to the Sheriff,’ Marlowe said proudly.

‘The Sheriff does need a certain amount of… help,’ Stubbs said.

‘That’s why we need to get cracking on this.’ Nero swished his tail with urgency. ‘We need to find out if there was anything going on with the victim and someone in town. He must have been up to something to get himself killed. Can I count on you guys to scour the town, eavesdrop on all conversations and report back if you hear anything?’



‘Of course.’

‘Consider it done.’

‘Good.’ Nero surveyed his gang of feline friends with pride. If there was something to be discovered about Charles’ behavior, they’d ferret it out. He also knew the most important clues would be closer to home. ‘Meanwhile, Marlowe and I will go sniff around the guesthouse and see what we can dig up.’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

I didn’t see any sense in doing something that would cause Seth Chamberlain to suspect me any more than he already did, so I was reattaching the crime scene tape to the door when Ava Grantham came down the hall and caught us.

‘Doing a little amateur detective work?’ At first I was worried she might be the type who would tell the police that we were in the room, but her tone was laced with curiosity and her eyes sparkled with mischief, so I doubted she disapproved.

‘No, the tape fell off and I was just reattaching it,’ I said, just in case my assessment of her attitude was wrong.

She surveyed us with narrowed eyes.‘Uh huh…’

Millie didn’t miss a chance to question another suspect. ‘Didn’t you mention that Charles was working on a cookbook?’

Ava shrugged.‘That was the rumor in newspaper circles. Why?’

‘Well do you see it in there?’ Millie pointed to the bookcase.

Ava leaned over the tape for a closer look.‘No, those are all already published. His wasn’t published yet. He usually makes notes in one of those binders, you know the refillable kind that you used to use in school?’

‘A three-ring binder?’

‘Yeah, that’s the one.’

I glanced back at the bookcase. No three-ring binder. Maybe the police had taken it.

‘We didn’t find any binder in there,’ Mom said.

‘I wouldn’t be surprised if he just started that rumor to make himself look important and wasn’t even working on anything. He was washed up old has-been.’ Ava leaned toward us and lowered her voice. ‘It’s a mystery to me how the women still found him so attractive.’

‘They did?’ I couldn’t imagine anyone finding Charles Prescott attractive, and judging by the sour looks on Mom and Millie’s faces neither could they.

‘Yes, can you believe it? Of course he used to be a looker back in the day, but now… well you saw him. Nothing to write home about. But I heard he still had a string of women.’ Ava glanced down the hallway, then turned back to them and lowered her voice again, this time to a whisper. ‘He even had one here.’

‘Here?’ Millie looked aghast.

‘Yep, I saw Tina coming out of his room late the other night.’

‘The other night? You mean the night he was killed? Are you sure?’ Mom asked.

‘I’m as sure as a monkey’s uncle. But it wasn’t last night. It was the night before. See, I’d fallen asleep in front of the TV in the sitting room and I was coming up the back stairs over there.’ Ava pointed to the stairway at the end of the hall. ‘When I saw Charles’ door open, I must confess, I ducked into the bathroom and hid behind the door because I didn’t want to talk to him. But it wasn’t Charles who came out. It was Tina.’

‘Did she say anything about why she was in there?’ I still couldn’t picture pretty Tina cavorting with Charles, but stranger things have happened.

‘I didn’t talk to her. I ducked back behind the door and I guess she just slunk off to her own room because I heard a door close, and when I peeked out the hall was empty. She never saw me.’

Millie turned to me.‘Did you get any indication that they were that chummy?’

‘Not at all. It seemed like they didn’t even know each other.’ I thought back to the interactions I’d seen between Tina and Charles. Charles had arrived four days ago, Tina had arrived the next day. Had they acted a little strangely around each other? It did seem like they’d made a point to avoid each other. Was I reading things into it because of what I now knew?

‘Well that is his modus operandi,’ Ava said. ‘He has a wife back home, so when he has these affairs, he just pretends like he doesn’t know the girls. Oh, there were plenty of young girls at the papers we worked at years ago who were quite smitten with him. Though even then, I couldn’t figure out what they saw in him.’

‘Tina did seem overly upset at his death, didn’t she?’ Mom asked.

Millie chewed her bottom lip and glanced back at the door to Tina’s room. ‘Yes, she did. Was that because her lover had been killed or perhaps because she had killed him and was afraid of getting caught?’

‘I wouldn’t be so quick to pin the murder on her. She seems like a nice person and if you ask me, there are plenty of people who would’ve wanted Charles Prescott dead,’ Ava said.

Mom’s eyes widened. ‘Really? You mean like old lovers?’

‘Or his wife?’ Millie asked.

‘Not just them. Charles was a jerk. He wasn’t above stepping on someone to get ahead, throwing a co-worker under the bus or even blackmailing someone if he had something on them. I say good riddance to him.’ Ava shot a sour look into Charles’ room, then turned and strode down the hall.

We watched her go into her room before Millie turned toward the stairs.‘Come on, we’ve got our work cut out for us. If what Ava says is true, we need to prove that there was a connection between Tina and Charles.’


‘I didn’t realize you were being so literal when you said we should go back to the guesthouse andsniffaround.’ Marlowe lifted her nose from the flower bed and sneezed. ‘All this sniffing is making me hungry.’

Nero gave an exasperated sigh. Marlowe still had to learn the art of patience.‘We can eat soon. First, we must cover every inch. You never know where the killer might have dropped a clue.’

‘Right. Every inch.’ Marlowe stuck her nose back into the flower bed, then moved along to the corner of the guesthouse.

Nero continued on his course. So far he’d sniffed up several toads, a grasshopper and a few gull feathers. The feathers gave him pause, but luckily the gulls didn’t come over from Smugglers Bay Inn often, which was just fine with Nero.

He got a whiff of a familiar scent and looked up. He was on the east side of the house, where the wind whipped in from the ocean, causing the paint to peel. Millie had it repainted every two years. The mansion did need a lot of work, especially the old windows, which were no longer tight to the frames. The icy wind easily found its way inside in winter, especially on this side. During a Nor’Easter, the house could be downright frigid, especially if the power went out.

As Nero looked up, he saw that someone had fixed the window frames so that the windows were tight, and, according to what his nose was telling him, that person was Mike Sullivan.

‘Looks like Mike fixed the windows.’ Marlowe sat down in the grass beside him. ‘I heard him tell Millie he was going to do it even though she didn’t pay him to.’

‘He must have overheard Josie worrying about the heating bills come winter.’ Nero’s heart swelled at the human’s kind gesture. Mike must have done the work on his own time to help out Josie. Apparently not all people were selfish and uncaring. Maybe there was hope for humankind after all.

‘Yeah, he’s good people. And he gives good chin rubs.’

Nero glanced at Marlowe sharply.‘True, but you mustn’t act like you enjoy them too much.’

‘Oh, I know. I give a few purrs of encouragement but jump off his lap just when he thinks I’ve settled in.’


A gull swooped overhead, and the cats ducked, crouching low while it flew past on its way to Smugglers Bay. Nero glanced over at the inn. Two gulls were circling above the deck. There used to be at least six.‘Stella Dumont must be happy at the decrease in gulls.’

‘I’m sure she is.’ Marlowe continued sniffing along the side of the house. ‘I just hope our buddy Mike is smart enough not to fall for her.’

Nero glared at the inn. They could see one corner of the building and the outdoor deck where Stella served meals to her guests. Nero wasn’t above skulking around the edges of the deck looking for scraps, but not when the gulls were around. ‘She certainly does flirt with him, but do you think that’s all she wants when she comes here?’

Marlowe followed Nero’s gaze. ‘I don’t know. She does seem very interested in the kitchen, but I haven’t seen her do anything suspicious.’

‘Hmmm.’ Nero went back to sniffing. He didn’t trust Stella Dumont, and not just because it seemed like she wanted to get her claws into Mike. She had a certain, deceitful scent about her.

As Nero rounded the corner, he caught a foreign smell. Something spicy and uncertain. He closed his eyes and followed his nose, homing in until he was right on top of it.

He opened his eyes and blinked.

He was on the back side of the mansion’s West wing. This side wasn’t visible to anyone unless you were in the back, so Josie hadn’t sprung for flowers and shrubs, but the gardener she’d hired had spread a thick layer of fine mulch up close to the building.

In that mulch was the unmistakable print from a shoe.

‘You got something?’ Marlowe trotted up and looked at the print.

‘Yep.’ Nero glanced up. Right above the print was a window.

‘Looks like someone climbed out that window and stepped here in the mulch.’ Marlowe’s whiskers twitched. ‘You know how damp it gets at night. The mulch was probably wet and the weight of the person compressed it. Then it dried into a footprint.’

Nero was encouraged by Marlowe’s deduction, but she’d missed one important point. ‘I believe you’re correct. We need to get the humans out here right away so they can discover it.’

Marlowe made a face.‘I don’t know. It could be from Mike or the gardener…’

‘Don’t think so,’ Nero said.

‘Why not?’

‘This is the West wing and if I’m not mistaken that window goes to the room Charles Prescott was killed in.’

Marlowe’s eyes flicked up to the window, then back to the mulch. ‘Then if that’s true, that print could be the print of the killer!’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

‘Might be a good idea to pick something from my recipe file for breakfast,’ Millie said once we were back in the kitchen. She was seated at the long pine table with a laptop open in front of her, googling Tina and Charles. Mom was eating one of the leftover lemon poppy seed muffins.

‘Therms-onsa-drough,’ Mom said.

‘Huh?’ I was a little worried at her unintelligible mumbling. Had Mom had a stroke?

She waved her hand in front of her face and made a big show of swallowing.‘I said, these are very dry.’

Millie’s attention snapped from the laptop to the muffin. ‘They are?’ She skewered me with a look. ‘The Oyster Cove Guesthouse prides itself on delicious breakfasts. I thought you were married to a famous cook?’

‘Don’t remind me.’ I hadn’t absorbed any of Clay’s extraordinary cooking skills, but so what? I was sure I could learn. Probably do a better job at it than him eventually too. Though, judging by the way my mother was choking and gulping down water, maybe I’d better speed up the learningprocess.


I glanced at the window. It was open, letting in a nice easterly breeze that carried the salty scent of the ocean along with the perfume of honeysuckle bushes that ran between the mansion and the old carriage house. Out on the lawn, Nero and Marlowe were trotting back and forth, looking at the house. I got the impression that they were looking right in the window at me.

Millie went back to her computer work, her eyes on the screen as she addressed me.‘If the muffins are too dry, you need to add more fat. People think it means the recipe needs more moisture, but that’s not the case. Try adding some extra butter or substituting buttermilk for regular milk.’

Meow. Meow. Meow!

The cat’s cries stole my attention again. They were getting louder, more insistent, much like the day they’d discovered Charles’ body. Hopefully they hadn’t found another one. I looked out again. Now they were pacing back and forth.

‘Have you fed them, dear?’ Millie asked. ‘They like to have kibble left out in the morning and the wet food with gravy in the afternoon, and don’t forget a treat at night.’ Millie glanced at the stainless steel bowls on the black and white checkered floor of the butler’s pantry – where we kept the cat bowls when Barbara Littlefield wasn’t around. The bowls were empty.

‘I fed them first thing. They must have eaten it all.’ I rummaged in the cabinet for the dry cat food and filled their bowls, then opened the screen door to call them in. They ignored me, running back to the corner of the house and then looking back at me.

‘Give them time dear, they rarely come when called. It’s some kind of cat thing,’ Mom said.

Millie looked up from the computer.‘Yeah, they’ll come when they are ready. So, what are you serving for breakfast tomorrow?’

‘I haven’t decided yet.’ I was more interested in finding out if Tina and Charles knew each other, but Millie was typing so slowly I was beginning to wonder if that would happen in my lifetime.

Millie waved at the counter where the stack of cookbooks and recipes I’d inherited from her sat. ‘Now would be a good time to choose something. Pick something out and I’ll help you prepare it later.’

Good idea. I leafed through the stack of recipes on yellowed index cards and worn scraps of paper, handwritten in blue pen that had faded so much over the years that the letters were barely legible. Combine that with splotches of food stains and I was starting to think I had more problems than my lack of cooking expertise.

Hmm… let’s see. Quiche? Nope, I wasn’t ready to tackle crust. Smoked Salmon Croissants? Too fancy. Eggs Benedict? Sounded complicated.

Millie must have sensed my dilemma.‘How about my famous sour cream coffee cake?’

I shuffled through the cards. A coffee cake sounded easy. Throw a bunch of ingredients in a bowl and bake. I didn’t see anything with ‘Coffee Cake’ marked on the top, but Millie’s recipes weren’t all labeled. ‘I can’t find—’


Millie spun the laptop around to face Mom and me.‘Look at this. Charles and Tina both worked for theDaily Crier in Noquitt, Maine at the same time!’

I bent over to see the screen. Sure enough, there were articles from Charles and Tina.‘Looks like Tina wrote a food column.’

‘Makes sense the two of them would know each other then, they both write about food.’ Mom eyed the muffins again, but must have thought better of it, because she didn’t take one.

‘So we have our first suspect.’ Millie pointed at the computer screen proudly. ‘Tina had a secret relationship with the victim.’

‘Yeah but why would she kill him?’ Mom asked.

Millie pursed her lips.‘Maybe he wanted to break things off and she got mad.’

‘I don’t know, Mike said the stairs had been tampered with as if the killer was trying to make it look like an accident, and that seems premeditated to me.’ I glanced out the window and saw the cats staring at me eerily with non-blinking eyes. Was that a signal that they were hungry?

‘Maybe he told her earlier and she asked for a meeting so she could kill him?’ Millie suggested.

Mom made a face.‘You can’t be serious. Tina is cute. Charles was old, bald and pudgy. She’d probably be happy if he broke things off.’

‘And what about the missing cookbook?’ I asked.


Millie and Mom looked out the window to see Nero rolling on his back.

‘I think Nero wants some of those salmon treats,’ Mom said. ‘Maybe Charles wasn’t really even working on a cookbook.’

‘Right.’ Millie turned from the window and rummaged in the cat food cabinet.

‘And let’s not gloss over the fact that Ava Grantham also knew Charles, and she’s the one feeding us this information.’ I watched a lot of detective shows on television and knew the drill when it came to working out suspects.

‘Good point,’ Mom said. ‘Maybe Charles spurned Ava at some point and she saw this as her chance to get even.’


With a loud battle cry, Marlowe launched herself at the window screen, her claws out like razor sharp grappling hooks. She clung on, her large round green eyes looking in at us, her belly heaving.

I jumped back, but it didn’t seem to faze Mom or Millie. They simply stared at the cat as if this was a common occurrence. I certainly hoped it wasn’t. After a few beats, Millie turned to me. ‘I think the cats are trying to get our attention. We’d better go see why.’


By the time we got outside, Marlowe had unattached herself from the screen and the two cats were pacing around near the corner of the house. Millie tried to pet them but they darted off into the back. We followed.

Out back, the plantings I’d had the landscaper put in gave way to just plain mulch. Funds were limited, so I’d only sprung for flowers on the sides of the house that were seen by guests. I wistfully thought of the day when I could have lush flowers all around the entire guesthouse. That was if I evenhad a guesthouse to landscape with all this murder business going on.

Another thing I couldn’t afford was to fix up the old windows that were practically falling out. So imagine my surprise when I noticed the new wood around them. Someone had replaced the rotted frames and sills.

‘Hmmm… I don’t remember that being on my work order.’

‘I think Mike mentioned something about you losing a lot of air conditioning and heat through those windows come winter. My heating bill was through the roof last year,’ Millie muttered as she bent to pet Nero, who skittered out from under her hand and leapt into the bark mulch under the window.

‘That’s nice, but I can’t afford to pay for this kind of work.’ How much did something like this cost? I’d have to have a talk with Mike. I couldn’t have him just doing extra work like this. I was on a tight budget and could only spare minimal funds for repairs since most of my money was needed for day to day operations.

‘I believe he said it was at no charge,’ Millie said.

I jerked my attention from the window to Millie.‘What? Who does work for free?’

‘Someone who has a crush,’ Mom said, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

I made a face.‘A crush? I think Mike’s a little too old to have a crush.’ I was sure he wanted something, otherwise why do the work? Very few people did something for nothing. I couldn’t imagine what, exactly, it could be though. Was it possible that Millie was right and Mike had fixed the windows to be nice? My heart melted a bit at the thought.

‘Never mind that,’ Millie waved her hand toward the windows. ‘These are in the West wing and that one there goes to the room Charles Prescott was murdered in. I think the cats have found a clue.’

Millie dropped to all fours and started combing through the grass.

Nero and Marlowe flopped down in the mulch, where they jumped, stretched, meowed and rolled around. As I watched their antics, I noticed something in the mulch that looked odd. It was a depression of some sort.

‘Wait a minute. Is that a footprint?’ I pointed to the indentation and Millie crawled over.

‘It is! It’s a footprint!’

‘Yeah but it’s probably from Mike doing the windows,’ I said.

‘I don’t think so.’ Millie peered closer at the footprint. I half expected her to whip out a giant magnifying glass. ‘Mike wears work boots and this is not in the shape of a work boot. Work boots are more rounded and they don’t have a high arch. But I know what does have a high arch. Chef’s clogs.’

Everyone looked at my feet. I was wearing chef’s clogs.

‘Come over here Josie, let’s see.’ Mom pulled me toward the mulch and I tentatively put a foot down a few feet away from the print.

‘Press down hard to make the print,’ Millie instructed.

I did as told then lifted my foot. Sure enough, the print was very similar.

‘Aha! Itwasa clue,’ Millie said as she reached down to reward Marlowe and Nero by petting their heads.

‘Yeah but too bad it points to Josie,’ Mom pointed out. ‘When did you step in the mulch?’

‘I didn’t.’

‘I don’t think it’s from Josie,’ Millie said as she studied the print. ‘There’s a bit of a difference. You can see here on the original print the edge is more rounded as if the clog is worn down, perhaps from someone who walks on the side of their foot. But if you look at Josie’s print, the edge is sharp.’

‘So it’s not Josie’s print?’ Mom asked.

‘I don’t think so,’ Millie said.

‘I haven’t been over here since the mulch was put down,’ I said.


Marlowe scampered off to the other side of the house with Nero following at his heels. Apparently their job was done and they were off to greener pastures. Or at least I thought that was why they’d run off until I heard the booming voice behind us.

‘Tampering with evidence?’

We all turned to see Seth Chamberlain standing there, his eyes flicking from Millie to my foot, which was hovering over the print I’d just made in the mulch.

‘No. We found a clue. That’s more than I can say for the police,’ Millie huffed.

Seth frowned, but his eyes regarded Millie softly. He came closer, then looked up at the window.‘This is the window that goes to the room the victim was in, isn’t it?’

‘Yes.’ Millie gestured toward the footprint. ‘And we found a footprint right here underneath the window. Now it seems to me the killer could’ve opened the window, climbed out and then shut it again. No one can see back here and he could have made the perfect escape into the woods.’

Seth inspected the print.

‘Uh-huh… Hmmm… Oh…’ He looked up at us. ‘This looks like a print from a chef’s clog. Are you sure you were discovering this clue and not hiding it?’

Mom fisted her hands on her hips.‘Now Seth Chamberlain, are you accusing us of obstructing justice?’

‘Why on earth would we do that?’ Millie asked.

Seth’s eyes were glued to my shoes. ‘Well this here is a chef’s clog print and Josie there is wearing chef’s clogs.’

It figured that the only good thing I’d gotten from my ex-husband besides our daughter was chef’s clogs. He’d always worn them and had talked me into trying a pair years ago. They were comfortable and I had taken to wearing them. It was only fitting that now, when I’d just started to get over our divorce and get my life on track, the clogs would be the thing that got me arrested for murder.

‘Not exactly.’ I pointed to the impression I’d made in the mulch. ‘See my footprint from my clogs is shaped differently than that footprint there.’

Seth squinted at the print and made a face.‘Yeah I see, yours is fresher. The other one has been there a few days. The edges are not as sharp.’

‘You can’t be serious,’ Millie said. ‘Why would Josie climb out the window? She lives inside the guesthouse, so if she killed Charles Prescott, she would simply go back to her room inside the house.’

‘That’s right,’ I nodded. ‘I mean, if I did kill him in that room. Which I didn’t.’

Seth looked dubious.

Millie put her arm through Seth’s. ‘Now I know you do a thorough job, and don’t jump to conclusions. Surely there are several other chefs who wear clogs and had a much better reason than Josie to kill Prescott.’

‘Yeah like maybe the one he was writing that bad review about,’ Mom added.

Seth nodded, but still looked at me suspiciously.‘Seems to me the bad review might have been about the Oyster Cove Guesthouse. I mean hewas staying here.’

‘Yes, well you’re much smarter than we are at this sort of thing,’ Millie said, patting his arm. ‘I know you’ll want to check out all the clues and suspects thoroughly before homing in on one particular suspect. You wouldn’t want to arrest the wrong person, that wouldn’t look good on your record.’

‘Of course not,’ Seth said, glancing my way again. ‘I also don’t want to let the killer get away.’

‘Now Seth, you can’t seriously suspect Josie. And besides, where would she go? Josie owns the guesthouse. She’s tied to the area. It’s not like she’s going to run off somewhere.’

I nodded vigorously in agreement.

‘What are you doing here anyway?’ Millie changed the subject.

‘Huh? Oh, I was coming to release the crime scene. We’ve got everything we need and I’m coming to take off the yellow tape. Personal belongings in there can be sent to the next of kin.’

Millie’s brows shot up. ‘Oh? And have you gotten any clues? Have you a list of suspects?’

Seth gave me another wary glance.‘We’re working on some angles, but I can’t specifically say. Police business you know.’

‘Indeed.’ Millie nodded. ‘And did you find a clue in Charles Prescott’s cookbook?’

‘Cookbook? We don’t have any cookbook.’

‘You mean you don’t have his notes for his new book that he was writing?’ I asked.

‘New book? We didn’t hear anything about any new cookbook. Besides, what would that have to do with his murder? Seems to me that bad review likely ripped out of his hand is the thing that got him killed.’

‘Well now, I wouldn’t be too sure.’ Millie pointed at the footprint. ‘Is it any coincidence that there is a chef’s clog footprint right under the window of the room Charles Prescott was killed in and the man’s notes on his new cookbook are missing?’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

Flora’s cleaning duties were limited, so after we got rid of Seth Chamberlain, I got to work, dusting, vacuuming and toilet cleaning. You’d think that would’ve been the cue for Millie and my mom to leave, but it must have been a dull day down at the senior center because they stayed on.

For someone who wanted to be free to engage in retirement activities and not have to worry about the guesthouse, Millie sure still spent a lot of time here. But since she’d volunteered to cook breakfast, I didn’t complain, because that meant less work for me in the morning.

She was probably worried my lack of cooking skills were going to ruin the guesthouse’s reputation for fine breakfasts. If a murder didn’t ruin it though, I hardly thought my cooking would.

It was late afternoon when I stumbled into the front parlor exhausted. It had been a long day, especially considering I’d discovered the body of one of my guests just that morning.

Flora was sitting on the overstuffed sofa in the front parlor watching soap operas and eating crackers. She glanced up as I flopped into a chair.

‘I get a fifteen-minute break every four hours.’ She said it as if I was about to chastise her for watching TV on the job.

‘Lucky you, that’s more than I get.’ I took off my clogs and massaged my aching feet. Who knew innkeeping would be such hard work? When I bought the place from Millie she’d made it sound like others did most of the tasks.

Of the several parlors here, this one was my favorite because it was the sunniest. Golden afternoon light spilled in from the tall windows and turned the pine flooring to honey and brightening the already cheerful room.

Millie and Mom must have had the same idea. No sooner had I begun to relax when they trotted through the doorway with a tray full of chocolate chip cookies. Millie set the cookies down on the marble-topped mahogany coffee table and both flopped into chairs.

‘I think this new wrinkle in the case is going to help narrow down the killer.’ Millie bit into a cookie then pushed the tray toward Flora and indicated for her to take one.

‘I certainly hope so. I don’t like the way Seth keeps looking at Josie.’ Mom waited for Flora to choose, then picked her own cookie.

‘Me either,’ I said.

‘I think we need to find out what other restaurants Charles went to. If he was writing a bad review and the chef got wind of it, that would explain the footprint,’ Millie said.

‘But what about the missing cookbook?’ Mom asked.

‘He may not have even been writing a cookbook,’ Millie said. ‘Ava said that herself.’

‘Speaking of Ava, I don’t think she wears chef’s clogs but I’m not ruling her out entirely,’ I said.

Mom leaned forward and lowered her voice.‘Let’s not forget Tina. If she was fooling around with Charles then that makes her a potential suspect. At least, that’s how it always is on TV.’

Flora remained silent, taking tiny bites of her cookie. Her eyes, gigantic behind the glasses, flicked back and forth from my mom to Millie to me as we talked.

Movement in the doorway caught our attention and we turned to see Mike, his broad shoulders leaning against the frame.‘I figured if I followed the smell of cookies I’d find you.’

He pushed off from the doorway, gave Millie a kiss on the top of her head, grabbed a cookie and sat in a chair.

‘Were you looking for us or for cookies?’ I asked.

‘You, Sunshine. Thing is, I’m a little worried. There’s a killer running around.’

‘Yeah, but the intended victim was Charles. The rest of us are safe.’ Millie leveled a look at Mike. ‘Right? I mean you’re the ex-investigator, so you should know.’

‘It does look that way. Still, I think you all should be careful. Someone gave a lot of thought into planning out how to sabotage the stairs hoping the death would be ruled an accident,’ Mike said.

‘Premeditated,’ Mom said ominously.

‘Makes sense,’ Millie said. ‘If the killer knew he was writing that bad review, they probably planned to kill him before he had a chance to publish it.’

‘I don’t know.’ I picked up a cookie and broke off a small piece. ‘Seems to me that killing Charles over the bad review would be something spontaneous, done in a fit of anger. The way the review was ripped up seems to indicate such.’

‘Maybe. Or maybe they ripped it up and then stewed over it until later that night, when they came back and killed him.’ Millie said. ‘The chef’s clog print outside the window is the clincher. Maybe whoever it was killed Charles first and then got the idea to stage it after. I mean, that part of the house is closed off. They wouldn’t worry about anyone stumbling across them while they were doing all that work.’

‘You found a clog print outside the window?’ Mike glanced at my feet.

‘It wasn’t mine.’ I broke off another piece of cookie—bigger this time—and shoved it in my mouth.

‘It was right under the window of that room,’ Millie said. ‘We think the killer escaped out the window.’

‘Which means it was not someone who was staying here,’ Mom added.

‘That’s possible, but whoever it was must have been here for a while because it would take them quite some time to stage the stairs to look like an accident,’ Mike said. Nero and Marlowe appeared out of nowhere then, both jumping in his lap and started purring loudly.

‘No one would have seen them in there since that wing is closed. They would have had all the time they wanted to stage the stairs. But then there is the question of how they lured Charles into that part of the guesthouse. That would be hard for someone who wasn’t supposed to be at the guest house to do,’ Millie said. ‘Maybe we should put more credence into Tina as a suspect. If they were having an affair, I could certainly see how she might use her feminine wiles to lure him there.’

‘They were having an affair?’ Mike asked.

‘Yes, please do try to keep up,’ Mom answered. ‘But if it was Tina then she would have just snuck back to her room. Why climb out the window?’

‘Good question, and if it was Tina, then who left the clog print?’ Millie asked.

Flora, who had remained silent the whole time, her head on a swivel like a referee watching a tennis match, spoke.‘What about Stella Dumont?’

We all jerked our heads toward the window, where we could see the corner of the Smugglers Bay Inn, circling seagulls and all, in the distance.

‘Stella Dumont? She does serve meals at her inn and it’s possible Charles ate there.’ Millie said.

‘I heard she was entering that cooking contest that the paper is running, you know, the one that has the $5000 cash prize?’ Mom said.

‘She was? Well that would be quite a coup for her business. If she won, she could use that to draw in customers, and of course, the money never hurts.’ Millie stared out the window at the inn. ‘She does have that seagull problem though, I wonder if her business is hurting.’

‘Maybe she’s afraid the renovations Josie is doing will hurt it even further,’ Mike said.

‘And maybe she’s afraid a bad review from Charles Prescott would put her under,’ Mom said.

‘She does a lot of the cooking over there, she might wear chef’s clogs just like the ones that left that print under the window,’ Millie said

‘That might explain why she’s been hanging around here,’ Flora said.

‘She has? When?’ I asked.

Flora shrugged.‘I didn’t write down the dates, that’s not in my job description.’ Flora took another cookie and settled back in her chair. ‘But I saw her at the door by the kitchen a few times.’

‘The kitchen? What was she doing there?’ I’d never seen Stella anywhere near the guesthouse and, given that we aren’t exactly best friends, I doubted Stella would be popping over to pay a social visit.

Flora crunched on her cookie and looked up at us innocently.‘I assumed she came here to flirt with Mike.’

All heads swiveled in Mike’s direction. Oh, that’s right, he’d taken Stella to the prom instead of me. Sure, we’d just been kids and that was all water under the bridge now, but it spoke volumes as to his character.

Mike held his hands up in a placating gesture.‘She doesn’t come here to see me. But I have seen her in the kitchen a few times. I thought she was coming to see Josie.’

I shook my head.‘She’s not coming here to see me. In fact, I had no idea she was anywhere near here. Did you talk to her Flora?’

Flora shook her head.‘None of my business what you people get up to. I see someone in the kitchen, I figure they have a reason to be there. I don’t ask questions.’

‘That’s odd, what do you think she was doing here?’ Mom asked.

Millie’s eyes sparkled with excitement. She leaned forward. ‘Maybe she was casing the joint. Maybe she figured she could kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the food critic that was going to give her a bad review and make it look like the guesthouse was unsafe, potentially getting it closed down, or Josie arrested for murder, and thus driving more business to her inn.’


I wasn’t going to sit around and wait for the police to accuse me again, so at five o’clock I headed across the field and down the hill to the Smugglers Bay Inn, hoping to catch Stella in the kitchen. I knew she served dinner at 5:30 so I figured she’d be in. It wasn’t a social call. I wanted to see why she’d been hanging around the guesthouse and, most importantly, I wanted to see if she wore clogs.

I found her outside setting up the tables for dinner and waving her arms to shoo away the seagulls who circled around the deck. The deck overlooked the cove, and the subtle sound of the waves and scent of the ocean would have made for great dining ambiance if it weren’t for the screeching.

‘Shoo, shoo. Get out of here!’ Stella flapped a white cleaning rag at the gulls. Two of them flew away, but one stood its ground on the post of the railing until Stella lurched toward it. She turned to glare at me as I approached.

I glanced at her feet. Darn it! She wasn’t wearing clogs, she was wearing white tennis shoes. But that didn’t mean anything. She could still be the killer. Maybe she had a pair tucked away in her closet, complete with telltale scraps of mulch stuck in the treads and splatters of blood on the top.

‘Well if it isn’t Josie Waters. I heard there was an incident at your guesthouse. Hope that hasn’t put off the tourists.’ Stella’s tone indicated that she did indeed hope that very thing.

A gull swooped overhead.Splat!

A white and orange plop of seagull poop landed on the railing between us.

Stella raised her fists to the gull.‘You get out of here!’ She raced over to the post and wiped it clean with a napkin.

Good to know that she was just as subtle and ladylike as ever. And out here in the afternoon sunlight I could see that she wore just as much makeup too. A suffocating cloud of flowery perfume wafted over and I tried not to gag. She’d put the perfume on heavy in high school too. There was one difference though – her hair hadn’t been that bleachy shade of blonde back then. What in the world did Mike see in her?

I glanced back at my guesthouse. Maybe it was a good thing that I hadn’t put in outdoor dining yet. Then again, I didn’t have a problem with seagulls like Stella did. Her place was directly over the water, while mine was set back a bit, up on a hill with a panoramic view. Not only did the gulls circle her deck, I’d heard talk downtown that a few dead ones had been found on it as well. Nothing more unappetizing than a dead gull on an outdoor dining deck. Unfortunately, dead gulls weren’t that unusual around here these days. The gulls seemed to be dying off at an alarming rate and their sad bodies had been found washed up on the beaches and even in the park downtown.

‘Did you want something?’ Stella came deck’s edge to look down at me. ‘I would think you’d be trying to figure out who killed your guest.’

‘I am. Which brings up the question. Why do you keep coming over?’

She frowned.‘What are you talking about?’

‘Don’t play dumb with me.’ Actually, she didn’t have to play, shewas dumb, but I was less likely to get the truth if I let that slip out.‘Flora said she saw you over at the kitchen door.’

Her eyes flicked in the direction of the guesthouse.‘Well I might have gone over a few times to see a certain person.’

‘So you’ve been lurking around the guesthouse to see Mike?’

‘Mike and I are good friends.’ She leaned over the railing, a knowing look in her face. ‘Very good friends.’

That figured. I wasn’t surprised in the least. Except… if she really had been coming over to see Mike, why had he lied about it? He would have no reason to say he thought she’d been coming over to see me, unless he didn’t want me to know that he was still carrying on with her. But why would he care if I knew? Someone was lying, that was for sure.

I crossed my arms over my chest.‘So you really were coming over to see Mike?’

‘So what if I was? It’s none of your business.’

‘It’s not. Well, other than the fact that a guest was murdered and you were seen lurking around.’

‘I haven’t been lurking!’ She waved the white cleaning cloth at the seagulls who had resumed their circling. ‘I’m very busy, if you must know. I have guests, gulls and other stuff going on. I don’t have time to listen to your false accusations.’

That’s right, she did have ‘other stuff’ going on. Like that cooking contest that would win her bragging rights and five grand. The contest that she might need an innovative and unusual recipe for. ‘You weren’t interested in getting your hands on a certain cookbook, were you?’

‘What? No?’ Stella flapped the towel even though the gulls were gone. ‘Why would I want a cookbook? That’s just silly.’

Now that she seemed a little rattled, I figured I’d toss out another question. She might be flustered enough to give an incriminating answer. Though honestly, I seriously doubted that Stella could pull off that kind of murder. Someone would have to know how to mess with the stairs to make it look like an accident, not to mention the sneaking inand out, and the planning. ‘Did you know the victim was a food critic? Maybe he ate at your place?’

Her eyes narrowed.‘What? No. I didn’t know anything about the victim. Look here, just because you got one of your guests murdered and you’re jealous that Mike likes me better than you doesn’t mean you can come over here and start accusing—’


Seagull poop landed smack dab on the toe of her white tennis shoes. Darn, what a shame, she’d probably never get the stain out. Good luck for me though, because it gave me another opening. ‘That’s going to stain. You should probably be wearing your chef’s clogs out here.’

Stella had crouched to rub vigorously at her shoe. She scowled up at me.‘Clogs? I don’t wear chef’s clogs. These sneakers are more flexible. Easier on the feet in the kitchen. Not that it’s any of your business.’

‘I was just making a suggestion.’ I shouldn’t be surprised she didn’t wear clogs. Like I mentioned before, I didn’t think she had the brains to be the killer. But something about her told me she wasn’t telling the whole truth about why she’d been at my guesthouse. Mike hadn’t seemedlike he was lying. But why would Stella? But she didn’t wear clogs, so that ruled her out as the killer. Unless she was lying about that too.

‘Well I don’t need your suggestions.’ She scrubbed harder at the shoe. Just as I’d suspected, that stain was not going to come out easily. ‘If I were you, I’d pay more attention to your own inn instead of coming over here and trying to find out what’s going on with mine. Maybe if you did, your guests won’t need to seek accommodations elsewhere.’

What was she talking about? Were my guests leaving now because of the murder? That’s all I needed. No guests meant no income and no income meant failure. I just couldn’t let that happen. And I certainly couldn’t let it happen if it meant the guests would now be staying at the Smugglers Bay Inn. Was that why Stella had been lurking? Had she been poaching my guests?

‘What are you talking about?’ I asked.

She stood up, a nasty smirk spread across her face.‘Oh, you didn’t know? I’m sure I saw one of your guests checking in to the sleazy motel out by the highway. You know, the Timber Me Lodge. They rent rooms by the hour. Too bad I’m full up or they could have come here where it’s safe.’

I reigned in my temper. She was just trying to make me mad. I was sure she hadn’t seen any of my guests there because no one had checked out. I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my head to call her bluff. ‘Oh really? And which guest might that be?’

‘That ditzy blonde one. You know, the one that’s in her forties but tries to look like she’s a lot younger? Drives a black Volkswagen Beetle.’

Tina? The description fit and Tina drove a black Beetle. She couldn’t be talking about Tina though. Tina was still registered with me. Sure, she’d taken Charles’ death pretty hard, but not hard enough to move out. I hoped. ‘When did you see this?’

Stella looked up at the sky as if that’s where she kept her memory – apparently we hadn’t called her an airhead in high school for nothing. ‘Oh… two nights ago, I believe.’

Ha! Charles hadn’t even been killed yet. ‘Shows how much you know. The murder didn’t happen until last night.’

‘Even worse. If your guests were already jumping ship before the murder, things weren’t so great at your place then. Imagine what will happen now that someone’s been killed.’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

Nero sat on the crest of the hill at the base of a tall scotch pine watching Stella and Josie down at the Smugglers Bay Inn. He couldn’t hear what the women were saying, but their body language indicated that the conversation was less than friendly. The sun was low in the sky, turning the wings of the gulls that flapped above the two women a brilliant white. The briny smell of the ocean mixed with the pine of the trees in a most pleasant aroma.

Beside him Marlowe was crouched with his front paws tucked underneath him, the sun warming his back. Stubbs, Boots, Poe and Harry were also there. They were waiting for Juliette, who was commonly late.

‘I don’t trust that Stella Dumont.’ Stubbs short tail twitched as he watched the two women with keen, intelligent eyes. ‘Never trust a dame who wears that much makeup.’

‘Me either,’ Marlowe said. ‘She’s been lurking around the kitchen at the guesthouse and I saw her sneak across the field from her inn late one night.’

‘Didn’t you say you smelled gulls on the victim?’ Harry jerked his chin toward the gulls circling above the deck.

As the cats watched, one gull dropped a gift onto Stella’s shoe.

‘Looks like the gulls are good for something,’ Stubbs chuckled. ‘She’ll never get that stain out of those canvas shoes.’

‘Stella Dumont might not be upset about the gulls’ dwindling numbers.’ Poe pushed a gray paw behind his ear.

Boots looked up from his task of smoothing the spot on his chest where the white fur met with the black.‘Do you think she could have something to do with what is happening to them?’

Poe shrugged.‘I can’t say.’

Doubtful,’ Harry cut in. ‘She’s the type that doesn’t like to get her hands dirty.’

Nero decided to reign the conversation in before it got off track. They were here to discuss the clues in Charles Prescott’s death. The reputation of the guesthouse was a more pressing matter to him than the fate of the gulls. ‘That is another mystery for us to solve later. Right now we need to get to the bottom of the death at the Oyster Cove Guesthouse.’

‘Sorry I’m late guys,’ Juliette trotted up, her silky fur blowing back slightly in the wind like a supermodel at a photo shoot. ‘They had a lobster special down at Salty’s Crab Shack and you know how the humans never take the time to get that succulent meat out of the tiny lobster legs. Billy tosses me the scraps in the back alley and I guess I lost track of time.’

Juliette glanced down the hill at Stella and Josie who were now glaring at each other in what looked like a human stand-off. It was hard to tell with humans, their hairs didn’t stand on end, their tails didn’t stick up straight and they didn’t hiss or bare their teeth. But if they did, Josie and Stella would be doing that right now.

‘Are they having a cat fight?’ Juliette asked.

‘Could be,’ Harry said. ‘We were just saying how we don’t like Stella, and Marlowe has seen her lurking around the guesthouse, and Nero smelled gulls on the victim’s clothing.’

‘You think she could be the killer?’ Juliette asked. ‘Didn’t Nero also smell dog?’

‘I did,’ Nero said. ‘But Stella doesn’t have a dog.’

The cats knew every dog in a10-mile radius, of course. That was cat 101 to know where canines lurked so they could avoid the unfriendly ones. Though not all dogs were unfriendly. Nero had even teamed up with one or two to solve cases at times.

Boots huffed and groomed his long whiskers.‘I don’t think her not having a dog comes into play. We’ve already determined the victim was up on the cliffs near both the gulls and the lousewort. That could explain both smells. We should be careful about jumping to conclusions at this early date.’

‘Yeah,’ Harry said. ‘We need a motive. Find the motive and it’s easy to find the killer.’

‘And we need to evaluate all the clues thoroughly,’ Nero added. ‘Like the footprint in the mulch Marlowe and I discovered outside the window of the crime scene.’

‘A footprint? Do tell.’ Boots ran his paw along his long whiskers, making sure to twist so the whiskers curled up at the ends.

‘It was a chef’s clog print,’ Marlowe said proudly.

Everyone looked toward Stella and Josie.

Poe’s green eyes narrowed. ‘Stella Dumont is not wearing chef’s clogs, but Josie is.’

‘Perhaps we should take a closer look at Josie. I have an informant down at the Police Station. You know him, Stubbs. It’s Louie Two Paws, the Siamese with the double paws. Anyway, he said that the victim was killed because of a bad review. That doesn’t look good for Josie.’

Nero huffed.‘The police found a small scrap of paper in Charles’ room. It’s inconclusive as to what it really says. And besides, the review could have been about anyone, even Stella Dumont. Charles Prescott wasn’t confined to the Oyster Cove Guesthouse, he ate at other establishments. The police are making assumptions based on the one piece of evidence that their inferior investigative skills have unearthed. Whereas we have found a chef’s clog footprint, a clandestine affair and a missing cookbook.’

Boots nodded.‘I suppose you are right. We must look at all the clues and let our superior brains determine who the appropriate suspects are.’

‘Well, I hate to say it,’ Stubbs said. ‘But Josie is a good prime suspect at least from the police’s point of view. She had motive if the review is about the guesthouse, she had means because she lives right there, and she had opportunity to kill the victim any time during the night and no one would think it was unusual that she was lurking around.’

‘No it can’t be Josie,’ Nero felt instantly protective of Josie, though he wasn’t sure why. Surely he wasn’t that attached to her. He’d only known her a few weeks. It was probably displaced loyalty for the Oyster Cove Guesthouse which had been his home for several lives now. Millie had left the guesthouse to him and Marlowe, and they’d messed up by letting a murder happen in the first place. He had to make sure that whomever he accused was actually the right person.

Poe raised a brow.‘Oh, so you are bonding with your new human, then.’

‘Maybe. Sort of. I mean she still needs a lot of work but it doesn’t make sense that Josie would be the killer. Why would she kill him right in the guesthouse? That’s sure to raise suspicion on herself. Not to mention that it’s bad for business.’

‘And she is also looking for the killer. That’s what it sounded like when we were in the living room earlier,’ Marlowe added. ‘And why else would she be at Smugglers Bay? She also suspects Stella.’

Nero nodded.‘Yes. Flora told her that Stella has been lurking around.’

‘But also, Mike said someone rigged the murder scene so that it would look like it was an accident.’

‘You don’t say? A setup? Trying to make Josie the fall guy perhaps?’ Stubbs asked.

Harry gave him a knowing, skeptical look.‘Or the sabotage could point even more toward Josie. Who else would have opportunity to be inside the guesthouse messing around with the murder scene without anyone thinking it was odd?’

‘Right,’ Poe added. ‘Whatever was done to the scene probably took time and if it was not someone who was supposed to be there, questions would be raised.’

‘Not really,’ Nero said. ‘That part of the guesthouse is closed off. No one would be in there.’

‘Again, it all comes down to motive,’ Harry said.

‘In my experience, the most predominant reason people get iced is one of two things: money or love.’ Stubbs shook his head as if to indicate his disappointment with petty human motives.

‘That’s the problem,’ Nero said. ‘We have both. We have the missing cookbook that one of his associates said could be worth a lot of money and we have heard tale that he was having an affair with someone at the guesthouse.’

Poe frowned.‘Someone at the guesthouse? Who?’

‘The blonde girl, Tina, or so Josie said,’ Nero said.

The male cats all nodded knowingly.

Juliette frowned at them disdainfully.‘That doesn’t make very much sense. If it was someone at the guesthouse then why would they go out the window and leave the footprint?’

‘Yeah, that’s a good question. Why?’ Marlowe asked.

Nero’s gaze drifted to the cove as the cats considered the question. A red and white lobster boat bobbed in the waves. Inside, the lobsterman in his rubber apron was pulling up his pots. Nero watched as he snagged the blue and white polka dotted buoy and put the rope on the wheel that would dredge upthe pot. He recognized from the buoy colors—each lobsterman had his own color scheme—that it was Buddy Turner.

Nero liked Buddy because he was kind to the cats and usually tossed them his bait scraps. He hoped Buddy had a good haul. A few minutes later the wooden slatted lobster pot appeared. Inside, he could see the succulent little creatures, some sitting contentedly, others with claws flailing. Nero felt momentary pang of sympathy for them, being dragged out of their environment and boiled alive, but it soon passed. They did taste good.

Finally, Juliette said,‘Maybe the footprint is from someone other than the killer.’

‘Why would someone climb out the window?’ Poe said. ‘It does not make much sense.’

‘I was merely considering all possibilities,’ Juliette hissed.

‘What have you heard on the streets? Has anyone heard or seen anything?’ Nero asked quickly to keep things on track, and also avoid a fight between the two cats.

Juliette fluffed her tail.‘Unfortunately no one has come to Father Timothy to confess about the murder.’

‘Yeah, that would be too easy,’ Harry said.

‘I did, however, notice some unusual activity from some of the Guesthouse guests up on the cliff. The belfry offers amazing views.’ Juliette preened her tail. Nero suspected it was more to draw out the attention of her discovery than for actually grooming purposes.

‘Who was it?’ Nero asked.

‘That older couple. The one with all the cameras,’ Juliette said.

‘The Weatherbys,’ Marlowe said. ‘What were they doing? It’s a steep and treacherous climb up to those cliffs, and they are old.’

‘Tell me about it.’ Juliette’s blue eyes narrowed in concern. ‘I was quite worried that I would witness them plunge to their deaths as they were bandying about on the edge of the cliff with their cameras out. They are actually quite adept for older people.’

‘Seems awful risky but I guess you can get some good pictures up there on the cliffs,’ Harry said.

‘Yes, it’s a lovely view. Great backdrop for gull pictures,’ Juliette said.

Nero though about this new wrinkle. Perhaps it meant nothing. The Weatherbys had said they were avid birdwatchers, perhaps they would go to great lengths to get pictures of baby gulls, if there were any up there. With the gull situation going on, Nero wondered if they would be reproducing at all.

‘So, the victim was seen up there. And the Weatherbys were seen up there.’ Boots’ whiskers twitched.

‘But if it was the Weatherbys, how does the chef’s clog footprint figure in?’ Marlowe glanced at Nero.

Nero simply tried to look wise. He had no idea how the two could be related. He didn’t recall the older couple wearing clogs. He was sure he would have noticed and equally sure he’d only ever seen them in sneakers. But he supposed they could have a pair in their closet. Perhaps he should investigate. He didn’t answer though. He didn’t want to seem like he had no clue. Partof his job of mentoring Marlowe was to appear as the wise teacher.

‘What about the rest of you? Has anyone seen or heard anything?’ Nero asked to avoid answering Marlowe’s question.

Everyone shook their head except for Stubbs.‘I might’ve seen something. I put a tail on the skirt. You know, the one you said was having an affair with the victim? In my line of work, you always follow the dame.’

Nero’s brows shot up. ‘And did she do something suspicious?’

Stubbs’ shoulder sagged. ‘Not really. I spotted her downtown and that’s when I started the tail. She did a little shopping. Bought a purse. And then she went to The Marinara Mariner. I couldn’t follow her in of course, so I lost the trail.’

‘Why didn’t you wait outside?’ Harry asked.

‘I did. I sat out on the sidewalk for more than an hour, but then the wife came out and shooed me away with a broom. She’s a shrew! The owner Tony is nice, but that wife. Yeesh.’ Stubbs shook his head. ‘Anyway, I waited around back at the dumpster after that, but I never spotted her again. You can’t see the front door from the dumpster and I didn’t dare go back on the sidewalk with that wife around.’

‘Is it possible you were too busy looking at the contents of the dumpster to notice?’ Juliette’s voice was tinged with friendly sarcasm.

Stubbs drew himself up to his full height.‘No. I kept watch the whole time.’

‘Perhaps you should’ve been tailing the Weatherbys,’ Poe said with an annoying air of superiority. He could be that way.

Stubbs made a face at him.‘Maybe. I didn’t know Juliette had seen them on the cliff and I was going on my instincts. What didyoufind?’

Poe simply pretended to preen his whiskers.

‘You did the right thing,’ Nero glanced sideways at Poe. ‘At least you had some new information for us, though I don’t see what it proves other than the fact that Tina likes to shop and eat. Too bad you weren’t tailing her during the crime, then we’d know if she was the killer.’

‘But it doesn’t all add up. What does the missing cookbook, the footprint, the affair and the cliffs have to do with Charles Prescott’s murder?’ Harry asked.

‘Perhaps we need to put our noses to the grindstone – literally. The sticky part is the footprint. The Weatherbys and Tina are both guests at the guesthouse. Why would they climb out the window?’ Nero mused.

‘What about this footprint… did you scent anything on it?’

Marlowe glanced at Nero and Nero nodded for him to continue. He had picked up several scents, but he wanted to see if Marlowe had also. He felt a little bad he hadn’t thought of this angle before. He’d been so focused on finding who wore the shoes, he hadn’t considered that the scents could lead them to a particular place.

Marlowe screwed her eyes shut and thought for a few seconds then said,‘I smelled the usual things, bark mulch, anxiety, fear, but mixed in was another smell that I haven’t smelled around the guesthouse. A flowery sweet smell with just a hint of bitterness.’

Nero glanced at Josie and Stella, who were wrapping up their conversation. Josie was turning to leave.

‘Was it cinnamon?’ Juliette asked. ‘I smelled cinnamon in the field between the Oyster Cove Guesthouse and the Smugglers Bay Inn.’

Marlowe shook her head.‘No, it wasn’t cinnamon. It was more cloying. Like a flower.’

‘Hmmm, perhaps a flower garden?’ Harry suggested.

‘Maybe.’ Marlowe looked undecided.

‘Well I guess that’s what we’ve got to work with,’ Nero said. ‘We need to explore all these angles. And put a tail on the Weatherbys.’

The cats all stretched and turned to go in their opposite directions. Just as they were walking away, Poe turned around, his head cocked to the side, his green eyes thoughtful.‘Oh, one more thing.’

Nero sighed. Poe was always doing this. Saving up his little tidbit of information for the very last minute when they were all about to go their separate ways. But often Poe’s little tidbits were vital to the case, so he tamped down his exasperation and patiently said, ‘What is it, Poe?’

Poe looked at Marlowe.‘That scent on the footprint… was it sharp on the sweetness and tangy on the bitterness?’

Marlowe nodded vigorously, her eyes wide.

Poe nodded.‘Well then, we might want to check the Marinara Mariner more thoroughly, because what you describe is very similar to the scent of saffron, and I happen to know that Tony had a saffron squid ink pasta special running this week.’ Poe licked a paw. ‘It was quite delicious too.’

Down the hill, Josie was starting back to the guesthouse. Nero thought about Poe’s suggestion. Was it any coincidence that the chef clog had the scent of a special down at the Marinara Mariner and Tina was seen at the same restaurant? But did Tina wear chef’s clogs? If she did, why in the world would she climb out the window after killing Charles?


It was a good thing that I didn’t have to prepare supper for my guests because I was in no mood after that run-in with Stella Dumont. Where did she get off implying that the accommodations at a sleazy motel were preferable to those at the Oyster Cove Guesthouse?

Halfway across the field, I saw two familiar figures. Nero and Marlowe were bounding across the tall grass toward me from the path that led up the hill. I wondered what they had been doing up there.

They fell in step beside me. Unusual, because they usually ignored me. Maybe this was a good time to try to bond and make friends, like Millie had suggested?

‘Where have you guys been?’

Nero looked up at me, his golden eyes almost glowing in contrast to his jet-black fur.

Meow. Merow. Meroop.

‘Up on the hill you say? Yes, lovely view up there.’ Was that the appropriate reply? I wasn’t sure exactly how one spoke to cats. Surely they didn’t understand the actual words, it was probably more down to tone and gestures. Did you talk to them like little babies? I glanced down at them. Nope. Not these two. Millie had said to talk to them as if they were superior beings.

Marlowe flicked her striped tail.


I had no idea whatmeyou meant but I decided to answer anyway.‘Oh me? I was over talking to Stella Dumont. Can you believe that she insinuated one of the guests had preferred accommodations in that sleazy motel out on Route One?’


Clearly Nero was as outraged at that thought as I was.‘I know, right?’

We let ourselves in through the front door. I sauntered over to the guest register just in case Stella had been right. I didn’t think she was, but it didn’t hurt to double-check. I knew I hadn’t checked Tina out, but maybe Flora or Millie had done it.

Tina was still signed in. I checked her folder and the bill was still open. She hadn’t checked out. Take that Stella Dumont!

Nero hopped up onto the desk and pushed at the register with his paw.

‘Yeah, it’s just as I had thought, Tina didn’t check out. Stella doesn’t know what she’s talking about.’

Nero blinked.

‘But it makes me wonder… did Stella see someone who looked like Tina or did she lie? And if she did lie, then why?’

The guesthouse was extremely quiet. My stomach broke the silence with a growl so loud that it startled Nero, not to mention myself. It was unusual for it to be this quiet. Normally I could hear the hammering and sawing that indicated Mike was at work, or the television, or guests talking. But it was past supper time, Mike had gone home and it seemed that the guests were all out to dinner, as evidenced by the absence of their cars.

Just as well, I didn’t really want company. I headed back to the kitchen, the cats on my heels and thoughts of my visit with Stella on my mind.

I rummaged in the fridge, pulling out a bedraggled slice of pepperoni pizza, a few muffins that were leftover from breakfast and the remains of the seafood dinner I’d had two nights ago. Two glass baking dishes with foil wrapped around the tops were neatly stacked in the back. A note from Millie indicated they contained broccoli quiche for breakfast the next day.

That reminded me, I needed to figure out what to feed them for the rest of the week. I glanced over at the counter. Hadn’t Millie mentioned the sour cream coffee cake?

I shut the fridge, to the protesting meows of the cats.‘Don’t worry guys I’ll get your dinner in a second.’

I opened a batter-and food-stained hardcover copy ofThe Joy of Cooking and leafed through the loose recipes stuffed inside. Some were on index cards, some ripped out of magazines, some just on pieces of paper. All in Millie’s bold scrawl in fading ink. A smile tugged at my lips. I remembered some of these recipes from when I was a kid and had visited Millie here at the guesthouse with my mother.

As I leafed through the recipes looking for something that sounded tasty but looked easy, I chatted out loud to my feline audience.

‘It’s too bad Stella didn’t have clogs on. If she had I would seriously suspect her as the killer. Then again, maybe she lied about having clogs.’ I stopped the sorting and thought about that for a second. ‘I guess if she was the killer and wore the clogs, she might be afraid they had blood or some other evidence on them and lie.’


I pulled out a couple of recipes that looked interesting and put them on the counter.‘And maybe she made that story up about Tina, but why?’


‘She probably just did that to be mean. She’s like that, you know.’ I glanced down at Marlowe, who was watching me with her head cocked to the side. Did she give a little nod? I must have imagined it. ‘In high school she was one of those mean girls. Never could figure out what Mike saw in her. Not that I care. Is that why she keeps coming here, to see him?’


‘Why would Mike lie about that?’


‘I know. Men. Who can figure them out?’

I laid the recipes of interest on the countertop. I didn’t find the sour cream coffee cake recipe. I’d just have to pick something else.

‘I suppose Stella could have been here for a more nefarious reason.’ I glanced in the direction of the Smuggler’s Cove Inn. I could see the gulls circling it from the kitchen window. The deck had been set for dinner, but no guests were out there. Maybe they stayed inside because of the birds?

Was it possible that bookings at the inn were suffering because of the gulls? Stella had entered that contest where the winner would get five grand. Was it for the prestige of winning or because she needed money? And if she needed money, then having the Oyster Cove Guesthouse shut down would mean more customers for her. But would she stoop so low as to kill someone?

And let’s not forget that if Charles really was writing a new cookbook, then that book was missing. Had Stella somehow known about that and stolen it from Charles? What if that’s why she’d been here and he’d caught her and a struggle ensued that ended up in the closed off section of the guesthouse?

Nero jumped up on the counter and nudged my hand. Was that his signal that he wanted to be petted? But when I reached out a tentative hand, he let out a loud meow and almost scratched me. All righty then, here I was thinking that cat wanted affection but probably was just getting impatient for supper.

‘I know, you must be hungry but you have to get down from the counter. If Barbara Littlefield came in and saw you, she’d close me down!

I bent down and opened the cabinet where I kept the gravy-style canned cat food Millie had said they liked. The recipes fluttered down onto the floor around me. Nero had pushed them off the counter.

I looked up to see him peering over the counter at me.‘That’s no way to get your supper.’

Nero jumped down and batted at them.

‘Hey don’t rip these, they’re the only recipes I’ve got.’

Nero sat back and I started putting the papers into a pile. The recipes triggered a memory of the ripped note the police had taken.

‘Oh that’s right. That’s the other clue. The review that Charles was writing. But was it really a review?’


I hadn’t actually looked at the note in any detail, but when Seth Chamberlain had held that bag up I could see it was just a scrap of paper. Not even enough words to tell who the review was about.Ifit even was a review. Clearly the killer must’ve taken the other half. It seemed odd that the scrap of paper was found in his room, but Charles’ body was in the West wing.

Had he fought with the killer in his room and then somehow gone down to the closed off wing with them? That would indicate it was someone staying at the guesthouse. Of course, it could have been a review about the Oyster Cove Guesthouse. But if it had been, then who had taken the other part of it and why? Seems like I would be the only one interested in keeping that from publication.

The piece of paper might not even be a review, but that didn’t mean that Charles hadn’t written a bad review of someone else recently. What if he had? And what if that chef heard he was in town and wanted to exact their revenge?

I glanced in the direction of the Smugglers Bay Inn again, except I couldn’t see it because I was crouched on the floor. I didn’t need to though, because the thought was already in my head. If he’d previously written a review about Stella, maybe I could find it online.

I grabbed two cans of cat food in one hand and stood with the recipes in the other. The cans went onto the counter and I pulled out a recipe entitled‘Brunch Egg Dish Casserole’ that looked interesting. Bread, cheese, eggs, milk and ham. I had the ingredients for it. I could assemble it at night and pop it in the oven in the morning. If I wasn’t mistaken, mom had gotten this recipe from Millie and made it many times when I was a kid. It was quite tasty and seemed easy (at least it did when Mom made it). I put the recipe beside the cans and tucked the other recipes back intoThe Joy of Cooking.


Marlowe had jumped onto the little table under the window that I used as a work desk and was prowling around my laptop.

‘I’m one step ahead of you about looking online.’


I sat down and started typing. Turns out finding Charles’ Laughing Gourmet reviews wasn’t as easy as I thought. A search for the Laughing Gourmet brought up a website all about Charles, but when I searched for ‘Smugglers Bay’ on it, no review came up. Odd, because I saw a few other reviews of restaurants in New York and Connecticut. I searched Yelp. No review was posted by him on there either. Charles probably didn’t use common places where anyone could post a review though. I decided to do a search on the Smugglers Bay Inn.

My phone chirped and I glanced at the display. It was my daughter, Emma. My heart filled with warmth. As I answered, all thoughts of murder and bad reviews fled.

‘Em! How are you doing?’ I chirped.

‘Great, Mom. What about you? Gram said there was some excitement in Oyster Cove today.’ Emma’s voice had an edge of concern, and I wanted to put her at ease right away. As the parent, I was the one who was supposed to be doing the worrying, not her. Speaking of parents, what was my mother thinking, telling Emma about Charles? Hopefully she hadn’t mentioned that the excitement involved a dead body.

‘Oh, a little excitement is always good. It’s nothing to be worried about,’ I lied.

‘A little excitement?’ Emma sounded incredulous. ‘I would say a dead person is more than a little excitement. And I heard it was murder? Are you okay out there?’

Oops… apparently Momhad told Emma the details. The concern in Emma’s voice made my heart swell, but I didn’t want Emma worrying about me. I made a mental note to tell my mother to keep things like this under her hat. Not that I expected ‘things like this’ to happen often.

‘I’m fine. There’s no danger. That poor man was killed over some sort of lover’s quarrel or old feud.’ I laughed to show just how unconcerned I was. ‘It’s not like there’s a serial killer running around town.’

Was there? I had assumed that Charles’ death was perpetrated by someone who had a reason to kill him, but what if there was a homicidal maniac running loose. For the first time I felt a niggle of worry. If the killer wasn’t targeting Charles in particular, were the rest of us in danger? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, maybe I would be extra-cautious, but no attempts had been made on anyone else and Charles had had a reputing for rubbing people the wrong way. Hopefully his death was just a one-off.

‘Okay Mom, but if you need me to come out there—’

‘I wouldn’t dream of it! You’ve got your new job.’ Emma had just finished college and was a rookie at the FBI Academy. Though, come to think of it, maybe but Icould use her help to figure out who killed Charles… but of course I would never involve her in something like this. Besides, I was a smart confident woman on my own now and I didn’t need anyone to bail me out. Not my ex. And not my daughter. I wanted to show her how I could survive on my own, prove that I was competent and show her that women can do anything they set their minds to.


Nero walked across the keyboard, his silky paws pressing the keys. I picked him up and put him on the floor but he just came right back and walked across it again.

‘Okay well if you say so,’ Emma said.

‘Of course. The police have it all wrapped up and there’s nothing to worry about. How are things going at the new job?’ I said, steering the conversation in another direction.

The murder took a back seat in my mind as Emma described her new job. I could tell by the enthusiasm in her voice that she loved her life. Part of me felt a little sad that she was all grown up and no longer needed me. She was living on her own and starting a promising career hundreds of miles away. But the other part of me was bursting with pride and happiness for her.

It was a constant chore to keep the cats away from the computer. Apparently they liked electronic devices, because they seemed to be taking turns either walking or laying on the keyboard and sitting behind the computer with their tails swishing on the screen.

By the time I hung up with Emma, I felt much better about the situation at hand. Emma was doing great in her new job and I’d persuaded her there was nothing to worry about here. Somehow just talking to her had imbibed me with new confidence about figuring out who had killed Charles, or at least persuading the police that it wasn’t me.


Nero stuck his tail in my face and I pressed my lips together and backed away. Yech. These cats sure got into everything. And they were starting to be pests with the way they were hanging around the computer. I’d never get any work done.

Prior to this the cats had mostly ignored me, but now their insistence of getting into my business was getting annoying. It made me wonder if this relationship was going to work out. But, I’d promised Millie, so I had to try. Maybe this was their way of telling me how hungry they were.

‘I know you’re hungry but if you’ll just wait—’

Something on the computer screen caught my eye.

It was a review of an establishment in Oyster Cove, but not the Smugglers Bay Inn. It was the Marinara Mariner.

Charles had eaten there last summer and didn’t like the lemon meringue pie. It had been too sour for his taste and he used a lot of negative and colorful words to describe his disappointment. Words that might anger the chef. If I remembered correctly, Tony Murano, head chef and owner of the Mariner, had a bad temper. Did Tony also wear chef’s clogs and hold a grudge?

Meow. Nero rubbed his head against me and I reached out to pet him. This time he let me. I glanced back at the screen. The cats must have inadvertently pressed a key that brought the screen with this review up. Ironically the cat’s annoying behavior on the computer had given me a clue.

‘Yes, you did do good. I think a reward is in order.’


I was hungry too and I’d left the cat food and scraps from the fridge on the counter. I pried open the white styrofoam takeout box and plucked out a shrimp. Nero and Marlowe sat at my feet staring up at the shrimp longingly as I popped it into my mouth. Cat’s liked shrimp, right? As I recalled, one of their favorite canned dinners was Scrumptious Shrimp Surprise.

‘Okay guys, you can have some.’

Their tails swished excitedly as I put a few shrimp in each of their bowls, then set the bowls on the floor.

I leaned against the counter and listened to their content purrs. As they chowed down, I thought, maybe this will work out after all.

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‘Maybe this relationship is going to work out after all,’ Marlowe said to Nero as she scarfed down her second shrimp.

‘Agreed. Josie isn’t so bad.’ Nero daintily bit into his shrimp. ‘But let’s not forget we must not show too much enthusiasm for the human.’

Marlowe looked up from her dish, a shrimp tail hanging out of her mouth.‘What do you mean?’

‘We wouldn’t want to look too appreciative by gobbling down our food so fast.’

Marlowe glanced down at the remaining shrimp in her bowl regrettably. Her whiskers twitched then she looked up at Josie, gave a disdainful meow and stalked out of the room, her tail high in the air. As she exited, he called to Nero over his shoulder.‘How’s that for not showing interest?’

‘Perfect.’ Nero plucked the shrimp from Marlowe’s bowl and downed it in one gulp before following Marlowe out into the front parlor where the comfortable overstuffed chairs were.

‘I thought she was never going to get the hint with that computer,’ Marlowe said from her spot on the couch where she was curled up and washing behind her ears.

Nero jumped up onto his favorite chair, stretched and then curled into a ball.‘Thankfully she finally did. I thought she would never figure out the message I was trying to send with the recipes.’

‘Yeah, but you have to admit that was a hard one and she did finally associate the recipes with the partial review that the police found and that led her to looking on the computer.’

‘I suppose, it’s just that she is so slow on the uptake.’ Nero tucked his face into his tail. ‘I think she’ll come around though. She has potential. I guess we still need to work on our communication. At least now she talks out loud to us.’

‘Lucky thing too because she uncovered a few more clues from her conversation with Stella Dumont.’

‘But can we trust the information?’ Nero asked. ‘Stella Dumont isn’t exactly a pillar of society.’

‘True, but I happen to know that Tina was not in her room late at night three nights ago.’

Nero jerked his head up and looked at Marlowe.‘The night of the murder?’

Marlowe sighed.‘No, I saidthree nights ago. Two nights before the murder.’

‘Hmmm. I wonder if that is related… but why wouldn’t she be in her room?’

‘You got me. What about the rumor of her affair with Charles? Maybe they snuck off somewhere to be away from prying eyes?’

‘Could be, the humans’ love habits are strange and disturbing,’ Nero said.

‘You can say that again.’

‘We should pay close attention to her.’ Nero looked out the window to see a Budget rental car pull up with the Weatherbys inside. ‘And let’s not forget the Weatherbys. Clearly they were up to something on that cliff.’

‘Do you really think so? They are birdwatchers. And they’re kind of old to be getting up to murder. If you ask me, they seem like the least likely suspects.’

Nero looked at Marlowe sharply.‘Never underestimate the older ones. Look at Millie, she can do anything that people half her age can do. And she’s smarter than most of them too.’

‘I suppose you’re right. Sorry.’ Marlowe said. ‘We should be sure to follow all leads anyway. That’s what you taught me.’

Nero turned back to the window, a feeling of self-satisfaction washing over him. The young cat really did pay attention to him. He watched the elderly couple getting out of the car. They didn’t look so elderly from here. In fact, they looked kind of spry. Cameras dangled from their necks as they hopped out of the car and practically sprinted to the front door, their heads bent conspiratorially together. ‘Yes indeed, we will need to watch the Weatherbys closely. Sometimes it is the least likely suspect that is the culprit.’


The next morning, I slid the brunch egg dish casserole into the oven an hour before breakfast. It was piping hot and smelling fabulous when the guests arrived in the dining room. Breakfast was punctuated by the clink of forks on plates and the rustle of the breeze coming through the window. They talked in hushed tones. At least they were all there. No one had defected in the middle of the night to a different hotel.

I hovered near the mahogany buffet where I’d laid out Millie’s breakfast quiche, orange juice that I’d juiced myself in my Jack Lalanne juicer, English muffins, a fruit bowl and, of course, coffee.

I was impatient for the guests to eat quickly and go. Mom and Millie would be here soon and I was eager to fill them in on the bad review and make a plan to visit the Mariner.

Today, Tina sat with the Weatherbys. They were still mothering her after yesterday’s tragedy. Here they were, taking care of Tina out of the goodness of their hearts not knowing she could be the killer! At the very least she was sneaky, having had an affair with Charles and being seen creeping around his room. Funny though, she didn’t look like a killer with her innocent wide gaze and perfect complexion.

As I studied Tina, she daintily bit a teeny tiny morsel of the muffin. Was that how she stayed so thin? I glanced down at my waistline, which I liked to refer to as voluptuous. I wasn’t fat, but I certainly wasn’t thin. I was probably going to stay this size, because I doubted I could nibble an English muffin like Tina was doing.

She hadn’t touched the rest of her food, either. Maybe if she had she wouldn’t be so pale and wan looking. Was her appearance due to the stress of hiding that she was the killer, or was she just upset her lover had died? I still couldn’t believe Tina would have the know how to sabotage the stairs at the crime scene, as Mike had suggested.

Stella on the other hand…

‘I say, Josie, you’ve really outdone yourself.’ Ava was sitting at the table next to the Weatherbys and Tina. She held up a forkful of the quiche and nodded at me.

‘Thanks.’ I didn’t feel the need to mention that it was actually Millie who had made it.

The Weatherbys stood, patting their mouths with the white linen napkins that matched the tablecloth.‘Yes, quite delicious today.’

Tina pushed some eggs around the plate with her fork.‘It was, truly.’

Mike appeared in the doorway earning an appreciative glance from Tina– and also from Ava if I was not mistaken. The Weatherbys nodded to him as they exited.

‘Hey Sunshine.’ He helped himself to coffee.

I rolled my eyes and faked a smile.‘You must be almost done with your work here.’

Mike sipped the coffee and made a face. I wasn’t sure if the face was about the coffee or the mention of his work. ‘Sort of.’

‘What do you mean? You have a set list of tasks that Millie paid you for. I don’t have money for extras.’

‘The extras are on me. Seeing as were such old friends.’ He moved closer. Too close really. Dizzily close. I stepped away, my butt hitting up against the sideboard. Ava watched from her table, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

‘So, ummm… did you want something besides coffee?’ I asked.

‘Uhhh yeah…’ Mike glanced over at Ava then back at me. He lowered his voice. ‘The police tape is gone in the West wing and I wanted to show you something.’

I glanced longingly back at the buffet table. I really wanted to clean this stuff up. But I also wanted to see whatever it was Mike had to show me. It might lead me to the killer’s identity. Maybe a miracle had happened overnight and Flora would come in and clean up the breakfast dishes.

‘Okay.’ I started toward the door and Mike followed, putting his hand on the small of my back. I sped up and his hand fell away. Who did he think he was? That was getting just a little too friendly and I didn’t like the way my stomach tightened and I got all hot-flashy.

As we passed into the foyer, I ducked behind the little podium I used as a checkin desk to get the key to the door that shut the West wing from the rest of the guesthouse.

The Weatherbys came down the stairs juggling various cameras and binoculars. When Ron Weatherby reached the bottom, he nearly dropped one of the cameras. Mike lunged to catch it before it smashed on the wood floor.

‘Hey, nice Nikon,’ Mike admired the camera before handing it back to Ron. ‘Is that one of the new models that has the automatic closeup focus?’

Ron frowned at the camera.‘Yeah, it’s the newer model.’

‘So do you use it for closeups of birds in the trees?’ Mike asked. ‘Can you set the autofocus so it works in all lighting and situations?’

Ron glanced at Iona, then down at the camera again.‘Yeah, that’s just what we use it for. It took me a while to learn how to fiddle with all the dials and everything.’

Mike’s brows knit together as Ron took the camera back.

‘We’re going out to do some birdwatching on the beach,’ Iona smiled and tugged Ron toward the door.

‘Have a great time,’ I said.

Mike watched them leave, an odd look on his face.‘That was strange.’

‘What you mean?’ I asked.

‘Well his answer about the camera was kind of odd. There aren’t any dials to fiddle with on those.’

‘Really?’ I watched them hop into their car and drive off. ‘Well they are old, maybe he didn’t know what he was talking about or couldn’t remember or used the wrong words?’

Mike shrugged.‘Maybe. Come on, let me show you what I found in the room.’

We proceeded down the hallway to the West Wing door. I was glad to see the door was still locked. Barbara would have approved, though I was sure she’d find something else wrong to complain about. I opened it and we stepped inside. The room had a creepy stillness to it. My stomach tightened as I glanced over at where Charles’ body had been. You could make out all the footprints in the dust and a dark stain. Blood? I was sure Flora would saythat cleaning blood was not in her job description.

‘Look over here.’ Mike pointed to the stairway where several of the treads had been broken. The small section of the railing that was left dangled precariously. It had appeared at first that Charles had slipped, perhaps grabbing at the railing, which gave way, causing him to tumble down the stairs and hit his head.

‘Looks like the stairs collapsed,’ I said.

‘Itlooks like it. But, if you look closely, you can see that the stairs were sawn from underneath.’ Mike got down on his hands and knees and gestured for me to follow suit. He tilted his head to the side to look at the treads from underneath. I did the same. I had to get very close to him to see what he was pointing at. There was definitely something fishy going on underneath those stairs –and it wasn’t the way Mike had gotten me on my hands and knees so easily either.

‘You can see how they sawed away just enough so that a light amount of weight would cause the stairs to break. But they didn’t cut all the way through, so at first glance the wood is splintered like it rotted and gave way. But when you look closer you can see the even break underneath.’

I looked again. He was right.‘Do you think the killer did this before and somehow persuaded Charles to come down the stairs?’


I glanced at the pile of railing spindles.‘But then why hit him with the newel post?’

‘The fall probably didn’t do the trick. Or it’s possible the killer bludgeoned him first and then set the stage to make it look like Charles had fallen by accident.’

‘But wouldn’t someone have heard something?’ I gestured toward the boards. ‘I mean all that sawing makes noise, right?’

Mike rocked back on his heels and looked thoughtful.‘It does. But it’s possible the person did this some time ago and the sounds were masked by renovations going on in the other part of the house. I mean who can really tell where the hammering and sawing noises are coming from? And I’ve been working pretty steady every day, so the killer wouldhave had plenty of opportunity.’

‘So that means it wasn’t just done in anger when someone saw he had written a bad review.’ If only the police would see it that way, maybe Millie wouldn’t have to promise Seth Chamberlain so many pastries not to arrest me. I glanced over at the window. ‘We found a footprint outside the window. I think the killer might have escaped through there.’

I thought about Tony Murano, my stomach taking a tumble. Charles had written a bad review about Tony’s lemon meringue pie. But if Tony was the killer that meant he’d planned this all out ahead of time. And that he’d come to sabotage the stairs and then lured Charles in here. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go to his restaurant.? Then again, what could he do to me in broad daylight?

Mike walked over to the window and looked outside then checked the lock.‘It’s unlocked. You know you should keep all the windows locked here, Sunshine. Oyster Cove might be a nice town but thereis a killer running around.’

I refrained from rolling my eyes.There he goes again treating me like a little sister. I remembered it from when we were younger. I hadn’t appreciated it then and I didn’t like it very much now either.

‘Maybe the killer unlocked it to get out. He wouldn’t have been able to lock it back up once outside.’ So there, Mr. Smartypants!

‘Good point.’ Mike walked back to the stairs. ‘Whoever did this went to a lot of trouble to make it look like an accident. They must be angry that we weren’t fooled.’

‘And nervous about being caught.’ I walked back to the staircase and got on my hands and knees to take another look at the sabotage just to make sure that it really had been done on purpose. ‘It looks like you’d have to know exactly where to cut to get the boards to break like this. Who would know that?’

I had been intent on studying the saw marks and hadn’t realized that Mike had crouched down beside me. His voice startled me. ‘Anyone who knew about carpentry, or building.’

I glanced sideways at Mike.‘Like you?’

Mike looked incredulous.‘Why in the world would I sabotage the stairs and kill your guest? I didn’t even know the guy.’

‘He might have pissed off someone you’re close to. Someone whose been lurking around here.’ I glanced in the direction of the Smugglers Bay Inn. Not that I really thought Mike would kill someone for Stella, but stranger things have happened. And besides, what about the clog print? Maybe they’d done it together and Stella had hopped out the window in her clogs.

Mike caught my drift and his scowl deepened.‘You think I did this for Stella Dumont? No way. She might have been interesting in high school but believe me, I have no designs on her. I’m older and wiser now and prefer my women… not quite so made-up.’

He reached out to pluck a cobweb out of my hair and I suddenly I felt self-conscious about my lack of mascara or blush. I had put a little lip gloss on this morning though, so hopefully that counted for something

Self-consciousness gave way to guilt. It wasn’t fair to accuse Mike. I had no evidence and he had been nothing but nice since working here. Even if his kindness was suspicious, it was not suspicious enough for me to accuse him of murder.

‘Sorry. I don’t really think you killed him.’

‘I guess we should tell Barbara Littlefield about this.’ Mike leaned forward and looked underneath the stairs again. ‘She’s been running around town saying this place is unsafe.’

‘I know. I have no idea why she has it in for me. I’m trying to restore it to the way it was originally. You’d think she’d be happy.’

‘I don’t think she’s ever happy,’ Mike said. ‘But it might bemeshe has it in for.’

‘You? Why would she have it in for you? And why would getting the guesthouse closed down hurt you?’

Mike shrugged.‘I guess she doesn’t like anyone doing any kind of renovations or improvements. Wants things to stay just the way they are, and since I’ve been back in town, I’ve been doing a lot of renovations. Not to brag, but I am getting kind of popular in the home improvement sector.’

‘No doubt. But why focus on the guesthouse? I don’t see what it has to do with you.’

‘She probably thinks that casting a cloud on the work here would dissuade people from hiring me. Plus, she knows I’m attached to this place because of Aunt Millie. But I think she’s just crotchety in general. She doesn’t like that I came back here after a career in the Navy and started taking up carpentry. Thinks it’s suspicious.’

Now that he mentioned it, it was a little suspicious. Why would a Navy guy be doing carpentry?

As if reading my thoughts, Mike continued,‘I always liked working with my hands and now that I’m retired, it gives me something to do. It’s not about the money. I really just wanted to help out Aunt Millie.’ His gaze drifted and locked on mine. ‘And now you.’

Footsteps sounded the hallway.‘Hey look, this door is cracked open, I thought Josie was supposed to keep this wing locked.’

The door swung in and we looked over our shoulders to see my mother and Millie. Their eyes scanned the room, then widened as they fell on Mike and me kneeling on her hands and knees before the staircase. Millie’s eyes widened. ‘Oh sorry. We didn’t mean to interrupt.’ They backed out and Millie started to pull the door shut behind them.

I leaped up.‘You’re not interrupting anything.’

They stopped and looked at us skeptically.

‘We weren’t?’ Mom’s left brow was quirked up as she nodded toward the stairs. ‘Looked like you were doing something to me.’

‘Yeah, you young people, one never knows what you’re getting up to. You do things differently than when we were young,’ Millie added.

Mike stood and brushed the dust of his hands.‘We weren’t up to anything. We were looking at the staircase. Someone sabotaged it so that it would be unstable.’

‘Oh really?’ Millie hurried over and plopped down onto her knees. I was surprised she could do it so easily. ‘Let me see.’

My mother joined her. Maybe they took yoga or something? The two of them seemed to have no problem getting around on all fours.

‘Oh, I see. Right there, Millie.’ Mom pointed to the part of the treads that had been sawn.

Millie looked back over her shoulder at Mike.‘What do you make of it?’

‘Someone wanted to cover up the murder.’ Mike stated the obvious.

Millie smiled proudly and glanced at me.‘My Mike was an investigator in the Navy. He knows about this stuff. You should listen to him.’

‘I’ll try to keep that in mind,’ I said. I probably wasn’t going to listen to him though, in fact, I was counting the days until he wouldn’t even be around.

‘Well, well, well. I guess your suspicions were right after all, Mike.’ Millie stood. ‘So we have the chef’s clog, the missing cookbook, the torn review, and now the sabotage.’

‘And don’t forget the illicit affair,’ Mom added.

‘Affair? Cookbook?’ Mike’s eyes darted from Millie to Mom. ‘You ladies wouldn’t happen to be investigating again would you?’

‘Who us? No. We’re just little old ladies with too much time on our hands. One has to have a hobby, you know.’

Mike crossed his arms over his chest, disapproval radiating from his velvety brown eyes.‘Investigating is not a hobby. It can be dangerous. You ladies should not be meddling in a murder case.’

‘Don’t be silly, dear.’ Millie waved her hand. ‘We’re not meddling.’

Mike looked to me for support.‘Don’t you agree, Josie?’

I glanced at Mom and Millie. I actually did agree, they shouldn’t be meddling. But Seth Chamberlain had me at the top of his suspect list so someone other than the police had to investigate. I knew they weren’t going to stop meddling, so I figured it was best if I got in on the ground floor. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they don’t get into trouble.’

Mike looked skeptical.

‘That’s right. You don’t have anything to worry about,’ Millie said.

We all stood around and looked at each other for a few beats, then Millie continued.‘Well, don’t you have some work to be doing. I’m not paying you to stand around.’

Mike rolled his eyes and sighed.‘Okay, fine.’ He gave me a pointed look. ‘But I’m counting onyou to keep them in line.’

He kissed Millie on the top of the head as he left.

‘He’s a dear boy, but such a killjoy sometimes. Honestly, you young people seem to think we’re doddering old fools who can’t take care of ourselves.’ Millie brushed dust off the front of her shirt.

‘Indeed. I think they forget who raised them,’ Mom glanced at me. ‘So, what’s going on, Josie? I can tell by the look on your face that there’s something else. Spill it.’

I looked out the door to make sure Mike wasn’t lurking around in the hall before speaking. ‘I did find something else out last night. Charles Prescott wrote a bad review last year about the Marinara Mariner.’

Millie’s brows inched up. ‘He did? Now thatisinteresting. And if I’m not mistaken Tony Murano is one to hold a grudge.’

Mom nodded vigorously.‘Yes, he is. Remember last year how he almost got into a fight with Vinnie from Vinnie’s Pizza because he thought Vinnie stole his marinara recipe?’

Millie nodded.‘Who could forget? And even when it turned out he was wrong, Tony wouldn’t even apologize.’

Mom pressed her lips together.‘And I bet Tony wear chef’s clogs.’

We all glanced at the window.

Millie whipped out her phone.‘There’s one way to find out for sure.’

She thumbed into the phone like a teenager. After a few seconds she squinted at the thing, then nodded and smiled.‘All set. We have a reservation for 1 p.m. at the Marinara Mariner. Come on Rose, let’s go see if Vera can fit us in at Tremulous Tresses. I think I need my roots touched up before we confront the suspect.’


I had some time to kill after I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and fed the cats—who did not act at all appreciative of the shrimp I’d given them the night before—so I decided to head downtown. It would be closer for Mom and Millie to meet me there anyway and I wanted to visit my best friend from high school Jen Summers, who worked at the Post Office.

Another good thing about moving back home was that I’d had a chance to reconnect with Jen. We’d been inseparable when we were younger, but had drifted apart when I’d moved away. It was hard to stay in touch while raising kids and all, but now that the kids were out of the house and I was back in town, we had a lot of time to catch up and I stopped in whenever I could.

The post office was the epicenter of Oyster Cove’s rumor mill and Jen always knew everything that was going on in town. But I wasn’t going there to pump her for information, I was going for the emotional support.

The Oyster Cove Post Office was in an old brick building in the center of Main Street. It had been built in the 1920s and no one had thought to do a thing with it since. It still retained the old marble-checked tile floor, oak teller windows with bars, wainscoting on the bottom half of the walls and the pervasive smell of stamp glue. I had to admit, it had a certain charm.

Jen looked up from her job of stuffing the post boxes as I entered. A smile replaced the bored look on her face and she practically dropped the mail on the floor to greet me.

‘Hey, how’s it going? I heard you had a murder at the guesthouse! I hope you’re okay out there?’

Her expression was a mixture of interest and concern. I was touched that she was concerned about me but figured she also wanted to know all the details. Clearly I was okay, since I was standing right in front of her.

‘I’m fine. It’s terrible that someone died but, even worse, I think Seth Chamberlain might suspect me.’

‘Pfft…’ Jen waved her hand in the air. ‘I wouldn’t put any stock in what he says. Remember when we were in high school and he kept trying to catch us with our boyfriends at Makeout Point? He was pretty easy to pull one over on.’

She had a point. It hadn’t been hard to evade Sheriff Chamberlain when we were younger. ‘That makes me even more nervous. If he’s so incompetent, he might arrest me just because he can’t find the real killer.’

Jen gnawed on her bottom lip.‘Oh, yeah. True. So, tell me what you know.’

I told her about the partial note, the affair with Tina, the missing cookbook, the sabotage and the clog print.‘And Flora said that Stella Dumont has been hanging around the guesthouse so, naturally, I suspect her.’

Jen nodded.‘She’s sketchy and I heard she needs money.’

‘You did? I did too. Mom said she entered some cooking contest and when I went over to question her, she acted evasive. You ask me, those gulls that keep pooping on her deck are hurting her business.’

‘But why would that make her kill your guest? Do you think she wants to make it so people are afraid to stay there?’

‘Maybe. She acted like she had a reason to be there.’

‘What reason?’

‘She implied she was there to see Mike Sullivan, but then he denied it.’

Jen made a face.‘Hunky Mike Sullivan? What would he want with Stella? I’m sure she was making that up. She’s not the most truthful person you know.’

It was true that Stella was prone to lying.‘Yeah, but I’m not sure I trust Mike either. Whoever sabotaged that room had carpentry knowledge.’

‘Oh, come on. Mike wouldn’t do that. He’s a nice guy. Please tell me you aren’t still holding a grudge about what happened back in high school.’

My spine stiffened.‘Of course not. That would be so immature. I couldn’t care less about Mike Sullivan. But, like I said, the crime scene was altered by someone in the trade and if the shoe fits…’

‘Speaking of shoe, you found a clog print and Mike doesn’t wear clogs. My money is on Stella.’

‘Stella wasn’t wearing clogs when I visited. She claimed she doesn’t wear them ever, but she could be lying. There’s another person who might fit that clog print too.’ I told her about the review I’d seen on the lemon meringue pie. ‘I’m meeting Mom and Millie to go there for lunch at one.’

‘Lordy, you have your mom and Millie in on this?’

‘Not much choice. Those two get into everything.’

‘Are you regretting your decision to move back here and keep an eye on your mom?’ Jen wheeled a cart over and started sorting mail.

‘She is a handful, but no. I love it here and buying the Oyster Cove Guesthouse was the right move. Even if it did take my life savings.’

It was only partially true that I had moved back here to keep an eye on my mother. Daddy had passed on five years ago and at the time I’d been terribly worried that my mother would wallow in grief. Luckily, she’d adjusted to widowhood like a trooper. Now I was worried about her barging in on crime scenes and causing trouble with Millie. It was like I’d turned into the mom and she into the teenager.

But the other reason I’d moved back was that I’d been terribly hurt by Clive. I’d left that marriage feeling like I was worthless. In order to sooth that pain, I’d run back to the one place where I’d always felt safe and secure. Oyster Cove. And buying the Guesthouse gave me a way to rebuild my self-worth. Well, as long as I could be successful at it, and I doubted this murder was going to help with that.

‘And then it’s all made worse by Barbara Littlefield running around town telling everyone we should be closed down because it’s unsafe. So if Chamberlain doesn’t arrest me for murder, Barbara Littlefield might close me down. Either way there goes my savings down the drain.’

Jen clucked in sympathy. She knew how important it was for me to make a go of this on my own.‘Don’t worry, no one listens to Barbara. She’s always grousing about something.’

‘Right, except as the building inspector, she does have a lot of power.’

‘I wouldn’t worry about Barbara,’ Jen assured me. ‘She doesn’t like change but she just wants to make sure the town doesn’t get too built up. She comes off as a hard ass, but she has all our best interests at heart. The tourists come for the quaint ambiance of an old-fashioned Maine fishing town and she wants to make sure that’s what they get. She’d never close down the guesthouse, it’s part of the town history.’

‘I suppose.’

‘She’s just crotchety.’ Jen tossed some mail into the cart. ‘But you have to give her credit for finding the Furbish Lousewort and working to get the government to declare that a protected area. Otherwise they would have built that big hotel. That would have changed the town forever. And not in a good way. Probably would have put the guesthouse out of business.’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ I hated to admit I might owe Barbara one for stopping the construction. I knew she hadn’t done it for me, but Jen was right about the hotel.

‘You hang around long enough, you might be able to thank her in person.’ Jen pointed to a pile of packages. ‘She gets a lot of packages. Some of them are dirty.’

My eyebrows shot up.‘You mean she gets porn?’

Jen looked at me and laughed.‘No. Dirty like with dirt. I don’t know, she might get special fertilizer for that Lousewort, you know how she babies it.’

‘Oh, that kind of dirt. For a minute there I thought maybe I could have some sort of blackmail to leverage over her.’

Jen made a face.‘Eww… just the thought of Barbara and porn makes me glad I had a light breakfast.’


‘So what about this Tina person? Do you think she could’ve done it? Lover’s quarrel?’ Jen asked.

‘I really have no idea. She was very upset when we discovered the body, but she could’ve been acting,’ I said. ‘I just can’t imagine her being with Charles. I mean she’s kind of pretty.’

I glanced out the window to see a seagull perched on the back of one of the benches they had set at intervals on the sidewalk. They were kind of pretty with barrels of flowers beside them. The gull made me think of Stella Dumont.‘And I still don’t know why Stella’s been lurking around the guesthouse.’

‘Does she have a connection to the victim?’

‘I’m not sure. I couldn’t find anything. When I looked online the only review I found was the one for the Marinara Mariner. She sure was acting suspicious yesterday, but she was distracted because the gulls were flocking around her deck like she was putting out a buffet for them.’

Jen glanced out the window.‘Yeah, what about the gulls? It’s weird what’s happening to them, isn’t it?’

‘For sure. But Stella probably isn’t unhappy about it. They congregate around her deck and I don’t imagine her guests appreciate them begging for scraps when they are dining outdoors.’

‘I don’t know. I think some tourists like to feed them. That’s how they got in the habit of stealing sandwiches out of their hands on the beach in the first place.’

‘Hmm…’ I glanced at the gull who appeared to be watching people as they strolled past. Probably sizing them up for culinary handout. ‘Maybe people have stopped feeding them and that’s why they are dying off.’

Jen shook her head.‘I don’t know, Gordon Swift from the Audubon Society was in here the other day saying something about experts looking into some kind of a disease.’

‘Oh. Well that’s not good. I hope it doesn’t spread to other animals.’ I thought of Nero and Marlowe. Could cats catch a disease from seagulls? I certainly didn’t want something happening to them.

‘Anyway, it can’t be that they’re starving. They eat those flockenberries up on the cliff. That’s why they poop orange, you know? The berries are orange and pass right through,’ Jen said. ‘And there are tons of those berries. Those things are invasive. They practically choke out anything else nearby. Mrs. Landsdowne had them in her garden and they killed all of her tomato plants.’

‘You don’t say.’ As I made a mental note to make sure I didn’t have any flockenberries in the gardens that I’d be redoing at the guesthouse, something on the street caught my eye. It was my mother and Millie dressed to the nines and making a beeline for the post office. ‘Looks like I better get going. Millie and my mom are coming and it looks like they’re dressed to kill for our lunch at the Marinara Mariner.’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

Despite its kitschy name, the Marinara Mariner was a pretty decent upscale Italian restaurant. It was located a few doors down from the Post Office and had a definite Tuscan vibe. The hostess led us through the dimly lit room, across the clay tile flooring, through the arch and into a grotto area with one wall made out of large stones and the others painted a pleasing Tuscany mustard color.

We were seated at a cozy table in the back. Our water glasses sparkled under the chandelier, our silverware gleamed. The plates were simple white china with a gold rim and the acoustics were such that we could only hear muted snatches of the other diners’ conversations. I could tell Mom and Millie were straining to eavesdrop on Carolyn Wheatly and her boss John Collingsworth, who looked particularly cozy in the corner.

Even the menu was classy, all done in dark brown quality faux leather with nice printing inside. I scanned the items—antipasto, eggplant, veal—while inhaling the tang of tomato sauce and freshly baked bread.

‘What are you going to have Josie?’ Millie looked at me over the top of her menu. ‘It’s my treat.’

‘I can’t let you do that, Millie.’ Though it would be nice because I didn’t really have any money for eating out. I scanned the side dishes. Maybe I could make do with a side of broccoli?

‘Don’t be silly. I’m rolling in it now that I have all that money from the sale of the guesthouse.’ She leaned across the table and lowered her voice. ‘And besides, if we play our cards right, we won’t have to pay a dime.’

Worry set in. Mom and Millie were known to play fast and loose. My eyes narrowed.‘Just what are you two planning?’

‘It’s nothing bad.’ Mom put her menu down. ‘I’m having the lasagna.’

‘I’m going for the veal scallopini. What about you, Josie?’ Millie asked.

‘Salad. Now tell me exactly what you are planning to do.’

Millie pressed her lips together and looked over my shoulder at the waitress who had appeared with a pitcher of water. Saved by the waitstaff, but it was only a temporary reprieve. The waitress would have to leave sooner or later, though it looked like it would be later given all the questions Mom and Millie were asking about the food.

Finally, after they found out about every dish, ordered what they wanted and demanded a basket of rolls, the waitress left.

I resumed my inquisition.‘Okay, fess up ladies. What do you have planned? How are you going to figure out if Tony Murano is our clog-wearing killer?’

‘Why we have to look at his feet, of course.’ Millie fluffed out her napkin and deposited it in her lap with a flourish.

‘And just how do you propose that?’ I asked.

‘Oh, don’t worry dear, we know how to get an audience with the chef.’ Mom looked over the edge of her water glass at me, her eyes sparkling with delight.

‘How do you do that?’

‘Why we complain about the meals, of course.’ Millie looked at me as if I was daft. ‘Shhh… here they come.’

The waitress deposited the plates on the table and we tucked in. Millie and mom both felt sorry for me and insisted I try theirs. It was delicious.

‘I don’t see how you can complain about this food, it’s delish,’ I mumbled around a mouthful of lasagna.

‘Oh no? Millie passed the glass of a light Pilsner she’d ordered to Mom. ‘Hold my beer.

‘Oh miss. Miss…’ Millie flapped her hands in the air to summon the waitress who hurried over with a frown on her face.

‘Can I help you?’

Millie pushed her plate away from her.‘This veal is as tough as shoe leather!’ Never mind that she’d eaten almost all of it.

The waitress looked at the plate skeptically.‘I’m so sorry, can I get you something else?’

Millie folded her arms over her chest.‘Certainly not. I’d like to see the chef.’

‘I’m sorry, but chef Murano doesn’t leave the kitchen.’ The waitress looked a little scared but I wasn’t sure if it was of Millie or chef Murano. If rumors of Murano’s temper were true, it was likely of him. All the more reason to suspect him of the murder.

Millie harrumphed. She sat up straight, her eyes shooting daggers at the waitress.‘But I insist. Nothing will make this better except a visit from chef Murano himself. I demand to see him.’

The waitress’ eyes narrowed slightly as if she was going to call Millie’s bluff, but she must have thought better of it because she simply said, ‘I’ll see if he’s available,’ before scurrying off.

Millie’s scowl turned into a smile. She grabbed the beer from Mom and took a swig. ‘See. Works every time.’

Millie’s gloating was short lived. The waitress came back wearing an apologetic look.

‘Chef Murano is busy in the kitchen. He said to offer a free dessert.’

‘Free dessert?’ Millie said loudly, her voice incredulous. ‘That’s no compensation.’

People were starting to stare and the waitress looked antsy.‘We can take your meal off the bill…’

Millie shot up from her seat.‘No. None of that will do. I need to talk to chef Murano. Which way to the kitchen.’

‘You can’t go in th—’

But Millie was already marching toward the steel doors that clearly led to the kitchen, casting a follow-me glance over her shoulder at us.

Mom tossed her napkin on the table and slid out of the booth.‘Guess we should follow her.’

The kitchen was a flurry of activity and a chaos of smells. Pots clanged, sous chefs rushed around plating salads and putting dollops of whipped cream on desserts. In the middle, Tony Murano stood in front of a steel table. He was tall with dark hair, a five o’clock shadow on his chin – though it was only 1:30 – and hairy knuckles. Perhaps I noticed the knuckles because they were clutched around a cleaver that he held high in the air. The florescent lighting glinted off the blade as it sliced down toward the table.


Mom, Millie and I all jumped as the cleaver cut through the side of beef that had been lying on the table.

‘Oh!’ Mom gasped.

Tony’s eyes jerked from the beef to Mom, then me, then Millie. His face darkened. ‘What are you doing in here?’

Millie marched to the other side of the table. I could see her trying to peek over to see what he had on his feet but she was too short.‘I would like to complain about my veal.’

Tony’s eyes narrowed. The cleaver glinted. ‘Look lady, there’s nothing wrong with the veal. I tasted it myself. I think you’re just trying to weasel out of paying the bill.’

‘I certainly am not!’ Millie stomped her foot then tried to peek around the corner of the table. ‘I just wanted you to… umm…’ She turned around and looked at us.

‘Admit that the meal was subpar.’ Mom came to her rescue.

‘Subpar? Who are you people? Food critics? I don’t like food critics.’ Tony raised the cleaver and we all took a step back.

The sous chefs had stopped working and were watching the argument.

‘We are not food critics.’ Millie started around the corner of the table, glancing back at us with a knowing look. ‘We’re just little old ladies trying to get a good meal. Social security only goes so far you know, and we need to get good value for our money. But more importantly, we want you young people to have the manners to admit when something isn’t good.’

Tony was looking at Millie like she was a three-day-old salad. Clearly he didn’t want to be on the same side of the table as her because he sidestepped away.

‘Listen lady, you need to leave.’

Millie pressed her lips together. Clearly this tactic wasn’t working. ‘Well maybe a handshake then and we’ll call it a day?’

She started toward him but Tony held up the cleaver, stopping her.

A door in the back of the kitchen burst open. A woman stood in the doorway, her eyes narrowing as she took in the intruders in the kitchen. She glanced from Tony to Millie to Mom, her eyes widened when they got to me.

She looked furious as she turned to Tony.‘What’s going on in here? Who isshe?’ She jabbed her finger in my direction.

Tony scowled.‘I don’t know, honey. They burst in here demanding I apologize because they didn’t like their dinners.’

The woman, Tony’s wife or girlfriend apparently, looked like she didn’t believe him.

While Tony was distracted with this woman, Millie sidled over to the other side of the table. She craned her neck looking down in the direction of Tony’s feet. Her eyes widened and she glanced over at us nodding her head in an exaggerated manner. Honestly, she couldn’t have been less subtle.

Luckily, Tony was no longer paying attention to us. He was busy arguing with the woman who was now standing in front of him, her hands fisted on her hips.

‘Well I certainly hope that this hussy here isn’t trying to get your attention.’ She jerked her head in my direction.Hussy?

I raised my hand.‘Uhh… I just came with them. I don’t want anyone’s attention.’

The woman got in Tony’s face. ‘Is that right? Maybe she came here thinking I wasn’t in and she could have you all to herself.’

Tony took a few steps back.‘No dear, that’s not it at all.’ He swaggered away from the woman toward us. When I say swaggered, I don’t mean in an old-fashioned cowboy way. I mean that he had a funny way of walking on the sides of his feet. Just like the clog print we’d found in the bark mulch.

Continuing with her subtle methods, Millie gasped and pointed at his feet. Luckily Tony still wasn’t paying attention. I mean, he did have a cleaver in his hand.

Millie scurried over to us and grabbed Mom by the elbow.‘Well, looks like our business here is resolved.’

Tony scowled at her, the cleaver glinting off the light.‘What do you mean, lady? I thought you were mad about your meal and wanted some kind of lame apology. Which you aren’t getting.’

‘No worries, I can see you have good intentions.’ She tugged Mom toward the door. ‘So all’s good then. See you later!’

And with that Millie turned and dragged Mom out of the double doors.

I had just enough time to throw some money on the table for the bill and a tip and meet them outside on the sidewalk.

Millie was already halfway down the street, her heels clacking on the sidewalk.‘Well I guess that settles it, Tony Murano was wearing the clogs and he walks on the sides of his feet. He’s the killer!’


‘Anybody want the crusty garlic bread?’ Harry asked from his perch on the edge of the dumpster.

‘I do,’ Juliette said.

Nero watched as Harry used his tail for balance while reaching one orange striped paw into the dumpster to skewer the garlic bread, which he flipped to Juliette, who pounced on it.

A piece of newspaper drifted out and fluttered to the ground. Nero noticed it was the food section.‘I hope there are no reviews in that paper from Charles Prescott.’

‘Like the one the police found in the victim’s room?’ Harry tossed out a cheeseburger and Poe claimed it as his own.

‘Yes and we also made another review discovery last night,’ Nero said.

‘Do tell?’ Boots wiped some marinara off his whiskers and sat on his haunches.

‘Well, I think we finally made a breakthrough with Josie,’ Nero said.

‘It took her a while to get our drift though.’ Marlowe looked up from the remains of the shrimp scampi she was chowing down.

‘Some humans can be a little slower than others,’ Juliette said. ‘Father Tim took a long time to get on the same wavelength, but I think he’s coming along fine. Don’t give up on Josie.’

Nero and Marlowe exchanged a glance.‘Oh, we won’t. In fact, last night we were able to guide her toward something very interesting on the Internet.’

‘What?’ Boots asked.

‘It was actually Josie who instigated it, she’s not so bad after all. I think she has some smarts,’ Marlowe said. ‘She was looking for reviews for the Smugglers Bay Inn thinking that Stella Dumont might be mixed up in this.’

The cats all nodded.‘Yeah, she could be a killer.’

‘No, she’s too stupid,’ Harry said.

‘Sometimes they only play stupid and they’re really crafty,’ Stubbs added.

‘Would you let them tell us what they discovered?’ Poe asked.

‘It was a review for this very restaurant,’ Marlowe licked scampi sauce off her nose.

‘The Marinara Mariner?’ Juliette asked.

Nero nodded.‘Indeed, it seems Charles did not like a pie that he was served here.’

Juliette scrunched her nose up.‘Was it the lemon meringue? Itis very tart.’

‘Yes, I agree.’ Harry hopped down from the dumpster with a slab of eggplant.

‘Well that is very interesting.’ Boots’ whiskers twitched.

Harry swished his tail.‘Tony had the saffron special the other night and saffron was smelled on the clogs outside the window.’

‘Are you sure it was saffron that you smelled?’ Poe asked Marlowe.

‘I don’t know, I never smelled saffron,’ Marlowe answered.

‘Me either,’ Nero added.

‘Hold on,’ Harry jumped up on the rim of the dumpster and leapt right in. The sides clanged as he rummaged around, jumping out with a small napkin in his mouth. He dropped it in front of Marlowe. ‘There’s a little bit on the napkin.’

Marlowe and Nero looked down to see an orange smudge. They sniffed. Nero’s eyes widened. It was the smell. ‘That’s it all right.’

‘Well there you have it,’ Stubbs said. ‘Tony got a bad review. Tony’s footprint was outside the window of the room where Charles was murdered. Sounds like a wrap to me.’

‘You think that dame I followed here has anything to do with it?’ Stubbs asked.

‘Tina?’ Juliette asked. ‘Probably just a coincidence. I mean, lots of people eat in the restaurant.’

‘Probably. And I admit that all of this with Tony sounds suspicious, but what about that old couple, the Weatherbys?’ Harry said. ‘I followed them around just like we suggested and you’ll never guess where they went.’


‘Right up to the gulls’ nests. They were practically crawling in them.’

‘Why would they do that?’ Stubbs asked.

‘Birdwatchers. Some of them can be quite eccentric,’ Poe said. ‘But it makes me wonder. Charles was up on the cliff. The Weatherbys were up on the cliff. The gulls are up on that cliff. Could the gulls have something to do with Charles’s death and it’s not about a bad review? And if so, why was Tony’s footprint outside the murder room?’

[Êàðòèíêà: img_2]

When we got back to the guesthouse, the guests were either out or in their rooms, which was a good thing because Millie couldn’t stop blabbering about Tony and his cleaver.

‘He could’ve whacked any one of us right there in the kitchen!’ Her words echoed through the foyer as she dug out her phone.

‘I hardly think he would’ve done that in front of all the witnesses,’ Mom said.

‘Either way, I’m getting Seth to come right over and we can tell him about our interrogation.’ Millie dialed and put the phone to her ear.

‘I’d hardly call it an interrogation,’ I said. I was nervous about what Seth might say. Would he be mad that we went there? Would he feel threaten that we’d tried to do his job? But it was a little suspicious that Tony wore clogs and walked on the sides of his feet. It would seem to indicate that the print matched, but how reliable was a print in bark mulch? I could already picture Seth pointing out that any number of weather conditions could’ve altered the print. If the bark was too moist maybe his feet sank at a different angle. It was hardly conclusive. Then again, we had the badreview to back us up.

‘I need you to come over right away. I know who the killer is!’ Millie yelled into the phone. Unfortunately, she did this just at the Weatherbys were coming in.

Iona gasped.‘Did she just say she knows who the killer is?’

Ron fumbled his camera, practically falling down the last three steps.‘How would you know and not the police?’

‘We’re really not sure.’ I tried to usher them toward the stairs before Millie started talking about cleavers and chopping people up. ‘We think we might have some clues based on something we found here at the guesthouse.’

Iona’s hands flew to her face and she and Ron exchanged a glance. ‘Oh dear, it’s not someone staying here is it?’

‘No, it’s someone else,’ I assured them. Clearly they were very nervous about having a killer in their midst. I felt a little guilty about suspecting them earlier.

Their relief was obvious. Iona took Ron’s arm and propelled him toward the stairs. ‘Well that is a relief. Let’s go change and have a nice afternoon of birdwatching. The sun is out and the birds are twittering and if you’re catching a killer, all the better!’

It took Seth Chamberlain only ten minutes to arrive on the scene.

He looked at Millie skeptically and she explained everything that had happened in Tony’s restaurant.

‘And just how did you come about going to the Marinara Mariner?’ he asked. His arms were crossed over his chest and he wore a disapproving scowl on his face, even though his eyes turned soft as marshmallows whenever he looked at Millie.
