Robert K. Tanenbaum
Act of Revenge

Chapter 1

In and out, was his thought as he stood in the dusty storeroom of the Asia Mall. The targets would be there, and I’ll be here, and the Vietnamese guy would come in through the rear entrance, off of Howard Street, down that little hallway, and do it. Then the Vietnamese guy would leave the way he came in, and I’ll walk out through the store. The man strolled back and forth, pacing off the distances, humming softly. He was a slight Chinese man in a cheap blue suit and a white nylon short-sleeved shirt buttoned to the top. On his feet he wore twelve-dollar Kinney loafers over white cotton socks. Nobody would have looked twice at him on any street in Chinatown, which was one of the things he now counted on. Walking out through the mall, through the throngs of Asian people buying cheap clothes, household items, and fabrics, and out into Canal Street. No one would ever have seen him with the men from Hong Kong.

A rattle announced a stock clerk coming in from the store with a hand truck. The man in the blue suit stayed where he was, and the stock clerk looked right through him, hoisted a carton of woks onto his truck, and departed. The stock clerk had seen the man any number of times, on the street or in the mall talking to the boss, and he had also never seen him before in his life, depending on who was asking.

After the stock clerk left, the man clapped his hands hard, three times, as they do before a shrine to frighten the demons who tend to lurk by shrines, and listened carefully after each clap. This section of the stockroom was composed largely of ceiling-high shelves made of steel pipes, rough planks, and chicken wire, stuffed plump with pillows and beanbag chairs, making effective baffles for loud, sharp sounds. It was likely that no one in the mall would hear anything out of the ordinary. Smiling a vague and modest smile, the man in the blue suit came out of the storeroom. He asked the girl at the front counter for a pack of Salems, and she gave it to him. She did not ask him for any money, nor did he offer any. She was another of the very many people who did not recall ever seeing this man while doing him various favors. He walked out onto Canal Street, crowded with shoppers on this sunny Friday in early June, crowded by American standards, near empty by the standards the man had grown up with in China. This afternoon, in the back room of the Asia Mall, he would complete a plan five years in the making, a tower of mahjong tiles that required the delicate placing of a last exquisitely balanced piece to hold it together. With that last ivory click, his life would change.

The man walked down Canal toward Lafayette, smoking, his mind calm. He knew he was good at this, that his plan was sound and would bring forth the results he desired. Of course, the men from Hong Kong might not come at all, but that could not be helped. Everything else had been considered and accounted for, and it all would have worked exactly as planned, except for the little girl. And who could have imagined such a girl?

The girl, at about that moment, was up at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons getting her head examined. Dr. Morris Shadkin, a small, youngish, plump man with a friendly pop-eyed look and unfashionable black sideburns, was doing the examining. The girl said, in an exaggerated nervous voice, “Okay, doc, don’t beat around the bush. Am I. . am I. . going to make it?”

Shadkin looked up from the sonogram strips he was studying and adopted a grave mien. “I’m afraid not, Lucy,” he intoned in a good replication of the voice used by the elderly scientists in fifties monster movies. “I’m afraid your brain will have to be removed for further study. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no problem, doc,” said the girl. “Could I say good-bye to my dollies first?”

He laughed. “Yes, but be quick about it! This is big science. What do you think of this?” He handed her a couple of sonogram strips stapled together. “Check out 102 and 102b.”

The girl looked at the patterns. “They look the same,” she said.

“Yeah. Those are phoneme prints corrected for pitch and timbre. One of them is a native Cantonese speaker, and the other is you.”

“So I speak perfect Cantonese. We knew that already.”

“Hey, who’s the doctor here? Now look at these, wise guy.”

“What’s this, the Russian?”

“Yeah, which you don’t speak at all. Look at the sequence down the page.” He pointed with a pencil. “This is the tape, this is you. See: rough at first, but you got a learning curve like a rocket, kid. Down there on the bottom it’s nearly a perfect match.”

“Oh, yes, I’m this big prodigy,” said Lucy in affected boredom, “but will it bring me true happiness?”

Shadkin twiddled an imaginary cigar and bounced his eyebrows Groucho-like.

“Stick with me, kid, you’ll be wearing diamonds. Want to see the EEG results?”

“From the thing with the green shower cap and the wires?”

“Yo, that.” He tapped with the pencil at various places on a life-size plaster model of a human brain. “You seem to have an unusually active Wernicke’s area. That’s the chunk of brain we think is responsible for comprehension of language. Same with Heschl’s gyri, which is right here. Now, we’re no longer strict localizers, that is, we no longer think that there’s a little smidgen of brain meat with ‘car’ on it and another with ‘sassafras,’ but it’s pretty clear there are, even at this gross level, some differences between your EEG output and those of ordinary mortals. It’s hard to explain right now. It’s not a simple bilingualism. But as I understand it, you’ve always been bilingual in Cantonese.”

“As far back as I can remember.”

“This was a child-care worker-the one who taught you?”

“Sort of. It’s a little more complicated. My mother dumped me on the Chen family starting at about six weeks. She’s very career-oriented, my mother.”

“And why did the Chen family take you in? I bet that’s an interesting story.”

She shrugged. “One of my mother’s heroic deeds. She was running the rape and sex crimes unit at the D.A. Mrs. Chen’s younger sister came over from China, and she was in the country about ten days when some guys snatched her off the street and gang-raped her. The next day she jumped in front of a train.”


“Yeah. Chinese people don’t like to mess with the cops, and the Chens didn’t tell anybody about the rape, or even report it. But my mother figured it for a rape and found the guys and put them away. It was a big case.”

“How did she. .?”

“The vic had bite marks on her,” said Lucy shortly. She changed the subject. “So my brain is different, huh?”

Shadkin took the hint and picked up a sheaf of EEG printouts, and began to point out what the various peaks and flats meant about the busy neurons beneath the electrodes. After a bit, the girl found out more than she wanted to know. It was good that Shadkin treated her like an adult, but there were limits to her interest in neurophysiology, even that of her own brain. Her attention wandered as he went on summarizing what was known about the neural substrate of language formation (not a hell of a lot, apparently) and the importance of studying someone who had preserved so late in life something close to the language-absorptive capacities of very young children.

Her gaze drifted around the small office, a typical academic’s rat hole-papers and journals piled on every available surface, strips of EEG and sonogram paper hanging from the ceiling, odd bits of handmade machinery, posters from drug companies on the walls, along with diplomas and framed awards.

“Are you married or anything?” she asked abruptly, catching him in the middle of a trip down the Fissure of Rolando.

He said, “No, I’m not. Why do you ask?”

“Just nosy. How come? Are you, like, gay?”

“Nope. I guess I was just waiting for someone like you to come along.”

She rolled her eyes and blushed charmingly. “You know, you could get arrested for stuff like that,” she said primly.

“Hey, I can wait. Listen, it’ll be great. After I describe your brain and make you famous and win the Nobel prize, you can push me around in a wheelchair for twenty years. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

At that point the phone rang. Shadkin picked it up and said, “Hello. Yeah, it went great. Yeah, we’re just about finished for today. Uh-huh. Yeah, here she is.”

He handed the receiver across the desk. “Your mom.”

While Lucy spoke on the phone, Shadkin took the opportunity to study his electroencephalograms, but his eyes kept sliding over to study the girl. This was their first session, and already he was making plans to write up a major grant, with her as its chief object of study. Ronnie Chau, his post-doc, had found her; apparently she was quite a figure in Chinatown, where a lot of Chau’s relatives still lived. Even from the scant data he had already, he could see that she was a true linguistic prodigy, possibly the rarest quirk of which the human brain was capable, far rarer than math whizzes or plain vanilla geniuses. It really seemed as though in Lucy Karp’s head the hard-wired apparatus that enables babies to learn their native tongues, and which switches off in most people at about age five, had stayed on. She claimed that she had learned French in a couple of weeks and, from what Shadkin had already heard, she was perfectly fluent.

The talent seemed to have affected the rest of her personality, too. Shadkin liked children and, as a student of the development of language, he naturally had much to do with them. He could tell that there was something odd about Lucy Karp, fascinating-odd, not annoying-odd. The body language: straight in the chair, hands folded and still on her lap, none of the extravagant slumps, tics, and gestures normally associated with American kids. Her look was direct, remarkably so, as if she had contrived to let a thirty-year-old woman peer out from her twelve-year-old eyes. Funny eyes, too, the color of cigarette tobacco and set slightly aslant in the face, richly lashed above prominent cheekbones. But aside from those eyes and the good cheekbones, an unlovely child, unnaturally thin and dull of complexion, with a nose and mouth too large for the pointed little face. Not what he would have called a cute girl in his own dimly recalled adolescence, no, nothing cute about Lucy Karp. There was also a certain air of neglect about her. She wore baggy black cotton trousers, cheap black high-top Asian sneakers, a red T-shirt with Chinese characters in white on the front, and a worn black velvet vest over it, covered on the front with ragged embroidery. Her hair, which was dark, neck-length, thick and curly, and not terribly clean, was parted severely in the middle and drawn back over her broad forehead by two barrettes, green plastic alligators, a little remnant of childhood there, Shadkin thought, and thought further, this kid has something negative going with the mom. Lucy was answering whatever her mother had to say in tense monosyllables, and a sharp, deep line had appeared between her brows. Another short volley of uh-huhs and yes, moms, and she hung up the phone, looking pinched around the nostrils.

“A problem?” Shadkin asked.

Her expression resumed its neutrality. “Oh, not really. She’s involved in a case and can’t come to pick me up. She wants me to take a cab home.”

“Do you have cab fare? I’d be glad to-”

“No, thank you, I have enough,” she replied quickly. “So, what now? Do you want to examine me some more?”

“Oh, yeah. In fact, I was just thinking about writing a grant, just for you. How would that be? A couple, three times a week? I mean, you’d have to check with your parents. .”

“They won’t mind. Is there folding money involved?”

Shadkin let out a startled laugh. “For you? Yeah, I guess. What did you have in mind?”

“How about twenty-five an hour? Plus expenses.”

He whistled. “That’s pretty steep for a kid.”

“A unique kid. You said it.” She looked at him coolly.

I wonder where she learned that look, he thought, and then he agreed, and they shook hands. Her grip was firm and strangely hot. A metabolism like a vole, he thought. No wonder she can’t put on any weight.

She said good-bye and left. Shadkin let out a long breath, laughed, and sang “Sank heav-ahn for leetle gurrls. .” and the rest of the verse in the same stupid accent. Then he rummaged out a lined pad and a pen from the clutter and began the process of asking the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for an enormous shitload of cash.

Lucy Karp had no intention of taking a cab, although a slow cab caught in midtown traffic was going to be part of the cover story. Instead she slipped into the subway at 168th Street and took the A train downtown. She would pocket the cab fare, of course. Money had lately become more significant. She was assembling a trove, for what purpose she could not quite articulate, but it had something to do with her mother, with breaking away. At some level, of course, she understood that she was twelve, that she was not, in fact, going to light out for the territory anytime soon, even that her lot was not in the least comparable to that of kids with serious problems, but still there was that itch to have a little secret pile. Shadkin’s money, which would remain a private matter to the extent possible, would make a nice addition.

When the train came roaring in, she boarded the first car and settled herself in the corner seat across from the motorman’s booth. She amused herself by memorizing the appearances of the other people in the car, closing her eyes and describing them to herself, then checking to see if she’d got it right. She was pretty good at it by now. She had learned it a year or so ago from a middle-aged Vietnamese gentleman with an interesting past, an employee of her mother’s. It was an art useful if one is liable to be followed by people of evil intent. Lucy had not to her knowledge ever been so followed, but given her mother’s activities, it was not excessively paranoid to think that she might one day be on some psychopath’s list.

At 125th Street the first wave of rush hour boarded the car, ending her game, and she took a worn yellow-covered paperback book from her backpack. One of her great disappointments had been the discovery that facility in learning to speak foreign languages did not mean that she could automatically read them as easily. She had to learn to read French and Chinese and Arabic with sweat, just as little French and Chinese and Arab children did. Most pedagogues would not have started a young girl off with Claudine a l’ecole, Colette’s racy account of sexual silliness at a girls’ school circa 1890, but Lucy had rifled it from her mother’s bookshelf, attracted by the title, and had thereafter fallen under its spell. The book had immediately become her favorite, alongside Kim, for it supplied the girl-specific material in which the Kipling novel was lamentably void. Lucy had consigned Catcher in the Rye, her favorite of the previous year, to the closet bottom; compared to Claudine and Kim, Holden was a gormless dickhead. The problem was how to combine the two into a model for life. It was rather easier to imagine a turbaned, filthy Claudine slipping through the alleys of Lahore, speaking all the languages of the bazaar, the Little Friend of All the World, than it was to imagine Kim having thrills in the washroom in the Montigny school, but the problem remained. That her own mother had confronted the same quandary at about the same age and had solved it, after a fashion, was an idea that did not occur to Lucy, for her relations with that woman had degenerated into a series of border skirmishes, with the prospect of a major battle to come.

Lost in the story and struggling with the antiquated provincial slang of the French, she almost missed her stop, and had to shove her narrow body through a dense mass of strap hangers to the almost closing doors. Lucy did not mind the subway in the least, and rode it at most hours, especially enjoying those rides when, as now, her mother thought she was safe in a stuffy cab. None of the things that were supposed to happen to lone young girls on subways had yet happened to her. No one had even pinched her, but then, she admitted to herself, she had little enough yet that was pinchable. She caught a glimpse of herself in the glass of a wall ad and grimaced. This was something the lovely Claudine had no reason to worry about, and Lucy was of two minds about it. Boys ignored her, which was good, because she certainly didn’t want them nosing after her as they were starting to do to her friend, Janice Chen. On the other hand. . on the other hand, what? She couldn’t fully articulate it, not yet, but the thing was there, beneath her conscious mind, fueled by the menace of hormones coiled in ambush: sexual rivalry, the ever ignored issue in the lives of mothers and daughters. It did not help that she looked like a geeky boy, and her mother looked like a baroque saint as imagined by Bernini.

Lucy stepped out of the subway station, blinked in the bright June sunlight, took a left, and walked into Asia. The outposts of Chinatown had taken over much of Canal Street in her own lifetime, pushing up from the south via Mott and Mulberry streets and spreading east and west on the broad thoroughfare. Lucy knew Chinatown. She was practically a native, having been born a few streets north on Crosby Street, where Little Italy meets Soho, and had from an early age been a presence on its streets, gadding about with the four Chen children and their parents, cousins, in-laws, and associates. And Chinatown knew Lucy. Hardly a merchant on its streets had not done a double-take when the gwailo infant had addressed him or her in the clanging accents of Guangdong. For when Lucy’s mother had unexpectedly rescued the Chen family’s honor, she had created an enormous burden of bao, a debt of reciprocity owed to her not only by the Chen family proper, but by the Chen name association, its allied name associations, the tong to which the family belonged, and, to a lesser extent, the county and village associations of the fifty-millionfold Chens. That Lucy’s mother had only been doing her job was a laughable concept to the old-country Chinese, to whom life was largely a meshwork of unspoken obligations. Thus it happened that Lucy Karp, being first her mother’s daughter, and second, the foster daughter of the Chen clan, and thirdly a miraculous and rather spooky speaker of perfect Cantonese (and arguably not less than a reincarnation of Chen Renmi, the dead sister), had achieved a status that few Caucasians are ever granted in that community: she had become a real person, someone with mihnhai, with face, and no longer merely a white ghost.

She had emerged into a fine New York summer evening, Canal Street packed with trucks and cars going to the tunnel or the bridges, sending up a fine stink of fumes to the sky, which was just going slatey blue, the stink mixing with the higher notes of fried fat, starch, spice, and decay to make the true Chinatown perfume. The wide sidewalks teemed with shoppers just out of work, enough of them Asians of various tribes to make the gwailo among them stand out. Lucy threaded through the crowd and into the Asia Mall, a wide double storefront on the north side of Canal, and a typical enterprise of the district. Its show-windows were nearly covered with hand-lettered ads on white butcher paper, Chinese characters in red paint touting shoes, clothing, fabric, drugstore items, and food specialties of the Orient. It was a great success and the result of over twenty years of backbreaking labor by the Chen family.

As she passed through the Asia Mall, she greeted the checkout ladies in Cantonese, assured them she had eaten, inquired after their families, and they about hers (their hands never stopping to punch in and stuff bags, never pausing in the accumulation of wealth), and she moved on to the back of the store, and through the swinging door to the storeroom. She made her way down the aisles of the cavernous space, treading familiar pathways until she came to the pillow section. She scampered up the pipe scaffolding like a young monkey, crawled through a space in the chicken wire, and wriggled through fake-fur passages until she came to a void, a cave about ten feet on a side, entirely surrounded by fluffy beanbags dyed colors so garish that they were hardly salable, even to Filipinos. A space had been left above, like a hairy skylight, through which a sickly fluorescent glow penetrated, enough to read by. It was a perfect hideout, if you ignored the stink of cheap plastic, and here she found, as she had expected, Janice Chen and Mary Ma.

They say that two boys is half a boy and three boys is no boy at all; it is as true of girls. Janice Chen was supposed to be “helping” in the stockroom and had asked Mary Ma to share the burden and goof off. The two-Lucy’s closest friends, Janice as good as a sister-might have stood in a pattern book for the two most familiar types of Chinese girls. Mary had the flat moon face, rosebud mouth, cheeks like peaches, and the bowl cut with bangs, while Janice was slender and golden as a flute, with high cheekbones, a sharp small nose, and forty inches of black hair running down her back in a braid like a python.

“Lucy!” the other girls both cried, but not too loudly. “We thought you were getting your brains scrambled at Columbia,” Janice added.

“I was, but I got out early and took the train.”

“What did he make you do?”

“Strip naked and walk around on my hands. He’s really a little bit of a sex maniac.”

“No, really!” Mary insisted.

“Oh, just science stuff. I had to wear this like old-fashioned bathing cap with wires coming out of it and translate from Guondungwa and guoyu and French and Vietnamese, back and forth. Totally boring. But he’s going to pay me. A lot.”

“Really?” asked Janice. “Are you going to keep it?” In her world earnings were the property of the family.

“Of course,” said Lucy, “and don’t tell anyone, okay? What’re you guys doing?”

“We’re supposed to be breaking boxes,” answered Janice. “My brother’s being a total dork about it. He loves to give orders-big deal, he’s in charge of us. So we’re hiding.”

Mary added responsibly, “We should go back. He’ll tell your dad.”

“Oh, let him wait,” said Lucy. “Later we’ll all do it together and get it finished. You want me to read you more Claudine?”

Glittering eyes and giggles. Lucy got out her book and translated the part where the schoolgirls have a fight in a hotel room with their chemises rucking naughtily up around their various interesting parts. The rural dialect in which much of it was written gave her some trouble, but she bulled through, in the process adding some lubricious details omitted by Colette. Like the girls in the novel, the three of them were, in fact, as pure as boiled eggs, but, in the manner of many such children, they very much wished to think of themselves as sexy devils. Of course, they had swiped copies of Playgirl, and they had weathered copies of Zap Comix-they were 1980s rather than 1880s girls, after all-but still the lush and sensuous language of a ninety-year-old French novel provided them with the required combination of secrecy and salaciousness. The three of them lay stretched out, belly down on the fur, with Lucy in the center, their bodies touching, and Lucy toyed with Janice’s long rope of hair as she read. Each would remember this span of time-it could not have been more than forty minutes-with regret and a certain longing, as the pinnacle of something sweet and absolutely lost. So intent were they on what they were doing, so deliciously close and intimate was the atmosphere of the furry cave they had made, that it took some little time for it to register that strange voices were rising through the beanbags from directly below them. Lucy stopped reading, and they all listened.

Sssh! Listen!” Janet interrupted in a hoarse whisper.

“Your brother?” asked Mary.

“No, dummy! It’s two people, right below us.” They all listened.

“That’s not your dad, is it?” Lucy asked Janice in a low voice.

“No, it’s strangers,” whispered Janice.

Lucy said, “Let’s go and see who they are.” With that, she stashed her book and wriggled away through the bags, but not the way she had come in. Instead, she pushed her way to the face of the bin that overlooked the main aisle of the stockroom. Shortly, Janice followed, and then Mary, their three faces pressing against the wire mesh through a narrow slit between a pair of beanbags.

Looking down, they saw three men, two youthful and one elderly, all Chinese. One of the young men and the older man were standing together, and were dressed in cream silk suits. The other young man, clad in a blue suit, was addressing them in Cantonese, in the accents of rural Guangzhou. He was using extremely courteous language, flattering words, something about staying, about others who would arrive soon. The older man replied in the same tongue, but with a Hong Kong accent, a heated reply to the effect that he had come a long way, and did not appreciate the waste of time. His younger companion concurred, but more vigorously. The blue-suited man resumed his appeals. From their high angle, the girls could not see the faces of the men below, but it was clear from the body language of the two Hong Kong men that they were not mollified.

What happened next happened so fast that for a stunned instant the girls could not believe what they had witnessed. A slightly built man, wearing a dark sweatshirt with the hood pulled up and tied in place, walked around the corner from an adjoining aisle and, holding a pistol stiffly at arm’s length, shot the two Hong Kong men in the back, and when they fell down he shot them both in the head. Pop-pop. Pop-pop. Then he was gone.

Lucy heard Mary Ma take a sharp breath, and knew that in another half second a scream would burst out and so she twisted like a fish and clapped a hand over the other girl’s mouth. This quick motion made the beanbags shift, and the man in the blue suit lifted his head up and looked right at them. Hours seemed to pass. Lucy could feel Mary’s rapid, boiling-hot breath swish past her hand. Her palm was soaked with drool, and Mary’s breathing was starting to make a nasty bubbling sound against it, which Lucy was sure could be heard across Canal Street.

“Be quiet!” she hissed into Mary’s ear. The other girl took one long, shuddering breath and was still. The man stared for a little longer, then turned on his heel and walked away. The two Hong Kong men stayed where they had fallen, the runnels of blood from their heads joining into one round, ghastly pool, black as tar under the harsh fluorescent lights.

Janice Chen was the first to move, sliding backward through the sticky, clinging vinyl and the whispering fake fur. Back in the hideout, Mary Ma burst into blubbering tears, and the two other girls threw themselves on her to get her to stop, Lucy going so far as to grab a handful of Day-Glo pink fur and hold it over her mouth. In a minute or so, Mary had regained control and they got off her.

“Oh, God, what are we going to do?” she whimpered.

“I know that guy,” said Janice, ignoring this. The other two stared at her.

“What guy?” Lucy asked.

“The guy in the blue suit, the guy who walked away. I don’t know his name, but he’s always hanging around with my father.”

“A tong guy?”

Janice nodded, eyes dropping. Lucy understood Chinatown well enough to understand this. No important Chinatown businessman, especially not a first-generation Chinese immigrant like Louie Chen, was unconnected to the tongs. The Chens’ tong was the Hap Tai Association, but Lucy had never heard a breath that they might be involved in murder, at least not recently. The tongs worked their wills far more subtly nowadays. On the other hand, there were certainly gangs in Chinatown, and gangs killed people, and nearly every gang had some affiliation with a tong.

“What are we going to do, Louhsi?”

Lucy became aware that both of her friends were watching her expectantly. She expected this. The word for “teacher” in Cantonese is louhsi, and Lucy had been called that, as a joke, by the Chens and by every other Cantonese speaker she had met from an early age. At first it had been amusing to give a little mite (and a female at that) such a name. Later, as Lucy’s personality developed, it seemed more appropriate, sometimes disturbingly so. Lucy was, in fact, the leader of the little band, both of the inner circle here assembled and of a satellite clique of a half dozen girls at school. There was nothing racial in this; Lucy would have been a leader anywhere, and added to that there was the thing with the languages, and also (although no one mentioned this to her) she was the daughter of the legendary Shenpei Meilin, the one-eyed, who shot people, and crushed evildoers without mercy, like a warrior woman from the old tales. So they looked at her to see what she would do.

“Well, so first of all, we’re not going to tell anyone about this,” Lucy said firmly, and she detected tiny sighs of relief from her companions. No explanation of this was necessary, but she gave one anyway, to make sure the reasons were fixed in both their minds. “Mr. Chen didn’t know what was going down here” (this to save Janice’s face), “but if the cops know about Janice seeing this guy with him, he’s going to be in big trouble. Big trouble.” She meant with the tong, not the police. There was no question in any of their minds about this.

“And, of course, Mary can’t say anything either,” said Lucy, and they all knew what that meant, too, because they knew that Mary and her family were ren she, smuggled illegals, with phony papers that would not survive any official inspection.

There was a long pause after this, a silence broken only by Mary’s snuffling. Lucy felt the eyes. “Oh, right!” she said indignantly to the silence. “I’m really going to rat you out. Cao dan! Fang gou pi!. .” and more of the same, for although in English Lucy was as clean-mouthed as could be wished, in either Cantonese or Mandarin she could strip the chrome off a trailer hitch. “If you think that,” she continued, switching from Mandarin to Cantonese and moderating her tone, “the pair of you are dumb as wooden chickens. Do you think I would get my foster father in trouble? Or get Mary’s family kicked out?”

Shamefaced, the other girls agreed that this was not to be thought of.

“Okay, then, we have to swear never to tell anyone about this. Not your family or anyone. And believe me, they’re going to come after you.”

“What! How!”

“Silly turtles! When they find the bodies, they’ll want to talk to everyone who was back here, and Janice’s parents know you both were back here. Nobody knows I’m here, and I want you to keep it that way. Now, swear it! Give me your hands!”

The three clasped their hands in a knot. Lucy felt imbued with a rich excitement, as the situation combined the best aspects of Claudine and Kim, girlish intimacy and deadly danger. She thought briefly of pulling her little pocket knife and extracting a blood oath, but her natural practicality and her apprehension that, confronted with additional gore, Mary Ma would lose it again, decided her in favor of a purely verbal ritual. In Chinese, of course.

“Mary, you go first!” she ordered.

Mary, quavering, said, “I swear.”

Janice said, “I swear to the sky.”

Lucy said, “I swear, and if I go back on my word, let me be executed by heaven and destroyed by earth!”

Under this profound doom, Lucy led the way out of the secret nest and out the rear door onto Crosby Street.

“Go around to the front entrance and get lost in the store. Find something to do-like, grab some cartons and move them around until somebody notices you. Then you say, if they ask you, you were in the front the whole time. You didn’t see anything. They might not believe you, but if you stick to the story, they can’t do anything. And look, they’ll get each of you alone and they’ll say, like, ‘Janice, Mary told us the whole story, why don’t you tell us what went down.’ They always do that trick. Just keep saying you didn’t see anything. And cry a lot, and have to go pee every ten minutes.”

With this good advice, they dashed off. Lucy walked the two short blocks to her home. The Karp family lived in a fifth-floor floor-through loft on Crosby at Grand, which Lucy’s mother had occupied since the late sixties, when Soho was barely a gleam in some speculator’s eye and regular people (not to mention rich ones) did not dwell in disused factory space. It had been beautifully modified some years back as a result of a parental windfall: Swedish finish on the floor, track lighting on the ceiling, a kitchen out of a magazine spread, climate control, and a hot tub. The building had gone condo and put in an elevator entered from the street with a special key. Lucy wore hers around her neck. She twisted this, waited, ascended, and emerged. There she was greeted by, in order, her twin four-year-old brothers, Giancarlo and Isaac (called, in a deplorable excess of cute, Zik and Zak), their so-called nanny, a retired street person in her early twenties (Posie), and her father, Roger Karp (called Butch), the chief assistant district attorney for the County of New York.

All these save the last she disposed of with dispatch: a sloppy kiss and a couple of tickle rhymes for the boys, a how-was-your-day and a critical note on the Violent Femmes with Posie. Then she sidled up to her dad and clutched him about the waist, rather harder than was her habit. He looked down at her.

“Something wrong?”

“No, not really. Just need a hug.”

This was supplied, with enthusiasm. He asked, “How did the brain thing go?”

“All right, I guess. He seemed pretty excited about me. Apparently, I’m a total freak show.”

“How would you like a hit in the head?”

“Well, I am.”

Karp aimed a mock back-hander at his daughter’s head, which she ducked, and then they sparred around a little, a familiar game and one that Karp knew did not have long to run. He was glad to get in as many bouts of affectionate roughhousing as time and biology would allow.

When he, after many shifting moves, had her in a clinch and had tormented her in the usual way by rubbing his five o’clock shadow across her tender cheek, to the usual howls, he said, “You want to know a secret? Everybody thinks they’re a freak. Everybody thinks people are staring at them. Everybody thinks everybody else is better off or happier, especially kids. You want me to give you a pep talk? You want me to make a list of all your good points?”

“Not really,” she said, her gaze sliding away from his.

“Anything go wrong today, Luce?” asked Karp, his fatherly antennae vibrating.

“No, just the usual,” Lucy lied, and then changed the subject to “Are you going to cook those?”

She pointed at the counter in the gleaming kitchen where sat a pair of icy brownish Tupperware oblongs.

“Yeah, we have a choice of lamb stew or lasagna.”

Com’e ripugnanti,” said Lucy, wrinkling her nose. “Where’s Mom?”

“She said she was tied up. Didn’t she call you? She said she was going to tell you to take a cab home.”

“Yeah, she did.”

“You got a cab all right?”

Lucy felt her face flush. Another lie in the offing, and Lucy tried as hard as ever she could not to lie to her father. The scrupulous honesty of this man was one of the foundation stones of her moral universe. In contrast, her mother had a more fluid relationship with veracity. As Lucy herself did, she had to admit. “I never lie, never, but the truth is not for everyone,” was one of her mother’s sayings, delivered always in Italian.

So she uttered a vague mumble that she hoped would suffice to pass the question, which it did, and then she asked, “Can we order out? Please? I’ll call Pho Bac. I’m dying for cha gio. Spring rolls? And noodles and lemon chicken?” She looked disdainfully at the hearty meals her mother had prepared in her weekly marathon cooking sessions. “I don’t see why she bothers. Posie cooks for the boys, and we live in the take-out capital of the galaxy. Please?”

Karp laughed and said, “Hell, yeah! Let’s live a little,” because by and large he agreed with his daughter about take-out, and the absurdity of a woman who worked as hard as his wife did worrying about home cooking. Besides that, he was feeling bushed and was not looking forward to eating a microwaved meal liable to be chilly in the center and dry on the edges and have to clean up after.

Lucy ran to the phone and put in the order, in Vietnamese.

Karp watched his remarkable daughter do this with his usual mix of love and concern, a little heavier on the concern this evening because he had spent fifteen years with the D.A. and knew from a few thousand confrontations what someone who had something to hide looked like. Lucy had something to hide.
