This book is for the three people who have meant the most to me in this life:
Anne Truitt, Mary Truitt, Emily Popp
Love is the voice under all silences
As I have prepared An Old Betrayal for publication, I have also been finalizing the text of my first non-mystery novel, The Last Enchantments, which will be published by St. Martin’s Press in January. These two projects have made for a very busy year, and the effort and commitment that they’ve demanded of my editor, Charles Spicer, and his assistant, April Osborn, has been enormous.
Yet Charlie and April have not simply maintained their high standards in the face of this challenge, but handled my work with even more grace, patience, creativity, and kindness than before. It’s made me realize what an uncommonly fortunate author I am. My most sincere thanks to both of them.
That gratitude also extends to the other people who have made 2013 easier than it might have been: Sally Richardson, Andy Martin, Sarah Melnyk, Hector DeJean, Paul Hochman, Dori Weintraub, Erin Cox, Courtney Sanks, and my terrific agents, Jennifer Joel and Kari Stuart.
Finally, I want to single out for particular thanks the people who have made my Facebook author page such a warm and interesting community. For a long time I was skeptical about writers on social media, but I’ve been proven wrong. Interacting with Charles Lenox’s readers has been an unexpected and rich pleasure, so relatively far along in his story.