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Animal Dreams

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 05.11.2009 пользователем Elleroth
Размер fb2 файла: 674.80 KB
Объём: 298 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


"Animals dream about the things they do in the day time just like people do. If you want sweet dreams, you've got to live a sweet life." So says Loyd Peregrina, a handsome Apache trainman and latter-day philosopher. But when Codi Noline returns to her hometown, Loyd's advice is painfully out of her reach. Dreamless and at the end of her rope, Codi comes back to Grace, Arizona to confront her past and face her ailing, distant father. What the finds is a town threatened by a silent environmental catastrophe, some startling clues to her own identity, and a man whose view of the world could change the course of her life. Blending flashbacks, dreams, and Native American legends, Animal Dreams is a suspenseful love story and a moving exploration of life's largest commitments. With this work, the acclaimed author of The Bean Trees and Homeland and Other Stories sustains her familiar voice while giving readers her most remarkable book yet.


“Kingsolver is giving a new voice to our literature. Animal Dreams solidly establishes Kingsolver as someone who will give her public more than one great book.”-Los Angeles Times Book Review

“An emotional masterpiece…A novel in which humor, passion, and superb prose conspire to seize a reader by the heart and by the soul.”-New York Daily News

“A well-nigh perfect novel, masterfully written, brimming with insight, humor, and compassion. Kingsolver’s clear, purposeful prose spins the narrative like a spider’s web, its interconnected strands gossamer-thin but tensile, strong. This richly satisfying novel should firmly establish Kingsolver among the pantheon of talented writers.”-Publishers Weekly

“One of the year’s best works of fiction.”-Detroit News and Free Press

“A glorious tapestry… Animal Dreams is rich fodder for our own sweet, satisfying dreams.”-Denver Post

“A fascinating world of myth, memory, and dreams. Following Codi Noline home is definitely a worthwhile journey.”-Dallas Morning News

“Barbara Kingsolver gives us the gift of a trip to forgiveness and love through lovingly sensual detail, characters we all know and yet wish we knew better, through evocations of an Arizona landscape both nurturing and mysterious.”-Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Kingsolver achieves a fully realized and profoundly moral vision, one that is rooted in the land and our relationship to it.”-San Francisco Chronicle

“You’ll treasure Animal Dreams. A beautiful, memorable novel full of scenes and images that linger in the mind.”-TONY HILLERMAN, author of Talking God and Thief of Time

“Barbara Kingsolver demonstrates a special gift for the vivid evocation of landscape and of her characters’ state of mind.”-New York Times Book Review

“A novel full of aching sadness-as well as joy, humor, insight, and wonderful writing.”-Arizona Daily Star

“Animal Dreams literally bursts with life. Its description of how one woman finds her way back from the edge of despair seems absolutely perfect… Animal Dreams leaves the reader filled with wonder and hope.”-Houston Post

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