Axeman’s Jazz by Tracy Daugherty

For Margie,

who went there with me,

all the way

Either I’m a nation or I’m nothing.



NOVELS GROW from many sources — memories, suggestions, challenges, prohibitions — and with the help of many companions. I am indebted to all my teachers and friends, living and dead, from my Houston days. In particular, I wish to thank Glenn Blake, Michelle Boisseau, Rosellen Brown, Tom Cobb, Carl Lindahl, Martha Low, John McNamara, and Lois Zamora. For their part in helping me shape this work, I thank Ehud Havazelet and Kathryn Lang. For their support during the writing, I thank Marjorie Sandor, Hannah Crum, Gene and JoAnne Daugherty, and my colleagues at Oregon State University, especially Keith Scribner and Jen Richter. Finally, for their long-term encouragement and friendship, thanks to Molly Brown, Jerry and Joyce Bryan, Betty Campbell, Kris and Rich Daniels, Ted Leeson, Debra and Creighton Lindsey, George Manner, Jeff and Pam Mull, Marshall Terry, and the indefatigable souls at SMU Press, Kathie, Keith Gregory, and George Ann Goodwin.
