The Hunters series opens in the middle of a daring heist as four strangers attempt to steal an important relic from Russian mobsters. Jack Cobb, Sarah Ellis, Josh McNutt, and Hector Garcia prove their worth by breaking into a heavily guarded compound in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach while being attacked by an army of goons and chased by the FBI. Based on the team’s success, Jean-Marc Papineau hires them to find something far more valuable than a single artifact: a treasure train filled with Romanian gold.
If you’ve read THE HUNTERS, THE FORBIDDEN TOMB, and THE PRISONER’S GOLD, you know what happens next. But have you ever wondered what the team members were doing before the first heist? If so, I’ve got some great news for you. Over the course of several short novellas, THE HUNTERS: ORIGINS will delve into the history of the major characters in the series while providing clues and insight into THE HUNTERS movie and future books.
The first story is called BEFORE THE STORM, and it focuses on the team leader of the Hunters. After his unexpected discharge from the U.S. Army, Jack Cobb finds it difficult to adjust to civilian life. Thankfully, two of his closest friends (Jonathon Payne and David Jones) come to his rescue in the oppressive heat of Florida. But their tales of adventure do more than cheer him up. They open Cobb’s eyes to an opportunity that will change his life forever.