Larry Bond, Jim DeFelice Blood of War

To future generations:

May they never have to fight this war.

The term “global warming” is as misleading as it is inaccurate. True, the overall temperature of the earth as measured by annual average readings will rise. But averages tell us next to nothing. A shortening of a rainy season by two weeks in a given area might be reflected by an increase in the average annual temperature of only a third of a degree. But the impact on the water supply — and thus the growing season — would be considerably higher.

Paradoxically, rapid climate change may bring much lower temperatures in many places. It should also be noted that some changes may well benefit people in the affected areas, at least temporarily, by extending growing seasons, negating weather extremes, or having some other unpredictable effect.

Unfortunately, the sensationalistic term, combined with the slow evolution of the effects prior to the crisis point, will make it hard to convince the general population of the true danger.

— International Society of Environmental Scientists report

Major Characters

United States

Josh MacArthur, scientist

Mara Duncan, CIA officer

Peter Lucas, CIA chief of station, Bangkok/Southeast Asia

Major Zeus Murphy, former SF captain, advisor to Vietnam People’s Army

Lieutenant Ric Kerfer, SEAL Team platoon commander

Roth Setco, CIA covert paramilitary officer

General Harland Perry, U.S. military advisor to Vietnam

President George Chester Greene

CIA Director Peter Frost

National Security Advisor Walter Jackson

Commander Dirk Silas, captain of USS McCampbell


Lieutenant Jing Yo, commander, First Commando Detachment

General Li Sun, Commander, Attack Force

Premier Cho Lai


General Minh Trung, head of the Vietnam People’s Army
