Ellery Queen Blow Hot, Blow Cold

The story is that a man, eating with a Satyr one winter day, blew on his hands, and when the Satyr asked him why, he answered that it was to warm his hands. Then when he found the soup too hot, he blew on it. The Satyr asked again why he did so, and the man replied that it was to cool the soup. “Then,” said the Satyr, “I renounce your friendship, because you blow hot and cold out of the same mouth.”

— AESOP, Fables (c. 570 B.C.)

Cast of Characters

NANCY HOWELL — She wants to share her pitcher of gin-and-tonic, but discovers that one swallow does not make a summer

DAVID HOWELL — “Love thy neighbor” is the creed for surburban Shady Acres — David heartily subscribes to it, but his wife believes that good defenses make good neighbors

JACK RICHMOND, M.D. — This devastatingly handsome medico has a little blonde as well as a little black bag — and both are full of his secrets

VERA RICHMOND — The poor-mouse nurse who married the fabulous physician; his irregular hours don’t incense her so much as his irregular houris

LILA CONNOR — A potent tease from the top of her coif to her round heels

LARRY CONNOR — A latter-day Villon, Lila’s cuckolded fourth mate chooses a cool way out

MAE WALTERS — A battle ax no one wants to grind

STANLEY WALTERS — All tomcats are gray in the dark, but this clumsy clown wears striped pajamas

LT. AUGUSTUS MASTERS — A deceptive detective whose baggy rear view instills neither confidence in the innocent nor alarm in the guilty

CHIEF OF POLICE — As subtle as a freight train, this superannuated warrior should lay his pistol down

CORONER — Irascible but thorough, he considers examining one corpse in a night a good day’s work

RUTH BENTON — Instead of typing this sexy redhead as Connor’s secretary, Masters files her under “Mistress”

AGNES MORROW — An efficient nurse who has maintained her ethics for over forty years, but she cannot put the cap on murder

JAKE KIMBLE — An aging hawkshaw whose observations reveal how the murderer pulled a switch

LEWIS SHRILL — This nightclub operator is a scandalmonger who scavenges unsavory morsels
