This book is for
Mike and Lizzie McMullen
I believe I have mentioned nearly everyone who helped my project in the text of this book, but inevitably I may have left someone out in the rush to publication. If I have done so, I hope the persons left out will believe that they are not forgotten. It was a solo event, but literally dozens of people played absolutely essential parts in the preparations.
I am particularly indebted to Angela Green of the Promotions Department of The Observer for her assistance in helping me learn what happened to other competitors, and for the loan of her logbook and records.
I owe special thanks to my editor, Peter Coles of Stanford Maritime, for his continuing interest in my project and his hard work on this book, and to his colleagues Rosemary Lister and Mike Davies for their help.
George and Elizabeth Golemis, of the Newport Loft, were very kind to me and made sure that Golden Harp was cared for and sailed after I left Newport, seeing that she survived a hurricane undamaged.
Finally, I feel I must thank Ron Holland again for his genius, his expertise, his hard work, and his friendship. I commend him to you as the designer of your next yacht.