BRIDGE OF BIRDS A Novel of an Ancient China That Never Was by Barry Hughart

For Ann and Pete

Caveat Oriens

prolepsis (prō lep’ sis), n., pl. -ses(-sēz). 1. Rhet. the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance. 2. the assigning of a person, event, etc., to a period earlier than the actual one.

The Random House Dictionary of the English Language

Caveat Occidens

Chen. To stand still. To gallop at full speed.

Wan. A small mouth. Some say a large mouth.

Ch'he. Devoid of intelligence, deficiency of wit, silly, idiotic. Also used for borrowing and returning books.

Pee. A dog under the table.

A dog with short legs.

A short-headed dog.

Maou Tsaou. A scholar not succeeding and giving himself over to liquor.

— The Chinese Unicorn, edited, from Chinese-English dictionaries, by Thomas Rowe; printed for Robert Gilkey (private circulation).
