City of Dreadful Night

Peter Guttridge

Sarah Gilchrist -

Detective Sergeant, Brighton police force

John Hathaway -

Brighton crime boss

Kate Simpson -

Radio journalist

William Simpson -

Government fixer and Kate Simpson’s father

James Tingley – ex-SAS soldier and security adviser

Donald Watts -

Novelist (writing as Victor Tempest) and Robert Watts’s father

Molly Watts -

Robert’s wife

Robert Watts -

Chief Constable, Brighton police force

Reg Williamson -

Detective Sergeant, Brighton police force

‘The City is of Night; perchance of Death’

The City of Dreadful Night (1874) by James Thomson (B.V.), not known for laughs.

‘Brighton – the City Beautiful’

Sir Herbert Cordon, idealistic creator of much that is good and much that is bad about Brighton.

Just about balances out.
