Jennifer Greene
Conquer the Memories

Dear Reader,

This story is especially dear to my heart-partly because it involves a theme I don’t think we explore often in the romance genre.

Anyone who loves romance could likely easily define what they love and want in a hero. The heroes in our books define what a Good Man is-on our feminine terms.

We tend to define “the alpha man” as one who’s always strong, who never breaks, who always stands up for what matters to him, who’s honorable to the core. My hero in this story is definitely a man on these terms…but that is precisely what creates his conflict…because when the woman he loves is attacked, his perception is that he failed to protect her.

Our gender roles today are complex, aren’t they? But the strength of real love is universal and eternal…or I believe it is. Hope you do, too.

I have to share my excitement over all Carina Press is doing to bring readers both classic and fresh stories-stories we all might not have had a chance to read, if this new publishing medium weren’t available to us.

I very much hope you like the story-and feel free to contact me anytime, either through my website ( or my Jennifer Greene author page on Facebook.

Jennifer Greene
