Thelma Rantilla once said, ‘Every child, at the age often, should be dropped on its head in the center of New York City and forced to find its own way home.’ Thus, this school teacher put a dull knife into the heart of every parent – and twisted it – slowly. For this and additional outrages, she became my personal hero. However, because she went everywhere in a rarified air of distraction, I believed she had no idea that I was on the planet.
The last time I saw her, she was carrying a carton with the year’s end debris of papers and books. Her hair was a dangerous nest of sharp pencils, and her head was tucked in to avoid eye contact with anyone who might slow her quick trot to the door and flight into summer vacation.
As I pursued her down the hall, hurrying to keep up, I had no idea of what I might say beyond goodbye.
Miss Rantilla suddenly halted, then turned on me and said, ‘You know, every once in awhile, you show a flash of talent – just a flash.’
I was stunned, stopped cold and speechless. This bought her the time she needed to make her escape.