Percival Everett
Damned If I Do

For Gene and George Rochberg


Grateful acknowledgment is made to the editors of the following publications in which these stories have appeared: Callaloo, Fiction International, Idaho Review, New York Stories, Story, and Triquarterly.

“Age Would Be That Does” also appeared in Calling the Wind: Twentieth-Century African American Fiction, ed. Clarence Major (New York: HarperCollins, 1993).

“Randall Randall” appeared in Ancestral House: The Black Short Story in the Americas and Europe, ed. Charles H. Rowell (New York: Westview Press, Perseus Books Group, 1995).

“The Appropriation of Cultures” also appeared in The Pushcart Prize XXII, ed. Bill Henderson with the Pushcart Prize editors, 1998.
