For Jeffrey and Celia
The author wishes to thank the following people for their help: Det. John Petievich, LAPD (retired); Det. Paul Bishop, LAPD; Det. Bob Nelson, Criminal Conspiracy Section, LAPD (retired); Lt. Mike DeCoudres, commanding officer, LAPD Bomb Squad; Sgt. Joe Pau, supervisor, LAPD Bomb Squad; Lt. Anthony Alba, LAPD Public Affairs; Special Agent Charles Hustmyer, ATF; Stephen B. Scheid, Explosives Specialist, ATF; Marc Scott Taylor, Technical Associates, Inc.; Steven B. Richlin, OD; Jane Bryson, Ph.D.; Angela Donahue, Ph.D., Behavioral Science Unit, LAPD; Patricia Crais; Celia Gleason; Clay Fourrier; Leslie Day; Tami Hoag; Gerald Petievich; Shawn Coyne; Steve Rubin; Gina Centrello; Aaron Priest; Norman Kurland; Emile Gladstone; Tricia Davey; Jonathan King; and Laurence Mark.
The explosives experts and bomb technicians with whom I spoke were justifiably concerned that this book neither be instructional, nor reveal the exact capabilities by which bomb techs ply their trade. To that end, I have changed certain facts and procedures and fictionalized others. Professionals knowledgeable in the field should note that the technical and procedural inaccuracies contained in this work are the author’s responsibility, and his alone.