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Добавлена в библиотеку 19.07.2016 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2004 года
Жанр: Детективы
Размер fb2 файла: 551.10 KB
Объём: 244 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


The nuns called her Eve when they found her lying unconscious in a Burgundy field just over a year ago. Her name was their first gift to her, as she had no possessions, not even her memory, though her accent suggests she is American. Doctors have been unable to dredge anything from her mind to tell her who she is, and their examinations have only been able to tell her one thing: that she once had a child. The convent has been her home since then an idyllic, simple life, baking bread with Sister Heloise, interrupted only by her fruitless visits to the doctor. Then one night, while she is away on one of these trips, a dozen camouflaged men make their way through the convent, systematically murdering the sisters in cold blood. Only Sister Heloise escapes. And she tells Eve on her return that the men had been focused on looking for one person, 'the American'. With no clue as to why the men wanted to find her so badly, Eve realizes for certain that they will be back for her, and that she has no choice but to run. And her one chance of survival must be to find out who she is and what, if anything, she has done. But part of her fears that the precious knowledge may be more terrible than she can imagine…

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