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Galactic Derelict

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 25.11.2013 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1959 года
Входит в серию: The Time Traders
Размер fb2 файла: 467.81 KB
Объём: 170 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


A spaceship wrecked on Earth in the prehistoric days of the Folsom Man was the bait that drew an American time team back into the past. Travis Fox, a modern Apache, came along to lend them his knowledge of the ways of his ancestors against the elements and the savage beasts.

But, just when their mission was nearly accomplished, an accident set off the automatic controls of that mysterious GALACTIC DERELICT and it took off for an unknown world and an unknown time. Thus began a fantastic and dangerous adventure into outer space that, before it was over, was to challenge the courage and ingenuity of Travis to the utmost.

ANDRE NORTON, who sometimes writes under the name of Andrew North, is rapidly attaining a very favored status among the readers of science-fiction. It seems to be characteristic of the few women who write in this field that as a rule they are very good at it. And Andre (whose true name is Alice Mary) Norton is one of the very best. She is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and an ardent s-f fan and collector.

“All the classic elements are present in full measure in Galactic Derelict, It suffers not at all in being a sequel to Andre Norton’s excellent Time Traders.

“The U.S. Army’s race with the Russians through and against Time remains Norton’s background. Both search for abandoned wrecks of a race that had interstellar travel back in Man’s infancy.

“Travis Fox, Apache, joins Ross Murdock and Dr. Gordon Ashe, time agents, in attempting the transfer, intact, of an alien ship through 20,000 years to the present. Inadvertently, controls are activated and the group is launched on an involuntary galactic tour. Their efforts to return to Here and Now constitute a top-notch science-adventure yam.”

-GALAXY Magazine

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