Обложка книги Harvesting the Heart
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Harvesting the Heart

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 13.07.2012 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1993 года
Размер fb2 файла: 1.10 MB
Объём: 410 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


“In this breathless, startling novel, Jodi Picoult reveals the fragile threads that hold people together, or let them break apart. Her narrative, especially her sense of family, is reminiscent of a young Anne Tyler. Hers is a remarkable new voice, and it tells us a story that goes straight to the heart.” – -Mary Morris, author of A Mother’s Love and Nothing to Declare

“Picoult weaves a beautiful tale from threads of sympathetic characters into a pattern told from two points of view, then fringes it with suspense and drama.” – -The Charlotte Observer

“A brilliant, moving examination of motherhood, brimming with detail and emotion.” – -Richmond Timea-Dispatch

“Picoult’s depiction of families and their relationships over time is rich and accurate… Harvesting the Heart (is] a moving portrayal of the difficulties of marriage and parenthood.” – -Orlando Sentinel

“Picoult considers various forces that can unite or fracture families and examines the complexities of the human heart in both literal and figurative ways.” – -Library Journal

“Picoult brings her considerable talents to this contemporary story of a young woman in search of her identity… Told in flashbacks, this is a realistic story of childhood and adolescence, the demands of motherhood, the hard paths of personal growth and the generosity of spirit required by love. Picoult’s imagery is startlinwth peg and brilliant; her characters move credibly through this affecting drama.” – -Publishers Weekly


The author of Picture Perfect "explores the fragile ground of ambivalent motherhood" (New York Times Book Review). Paige's mother left when she was five. When Paige becomes a mother herself, she is overwhelmed by the demands. Unable to forget her past, Paige struggles with the difficulties of marriage and motherhood.

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