Обложка книги Havana Gold
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Havana Gold

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 10.01.2012 пользователем Elleroth
Жанр: Триллер
Размер fb2 файла: 514.85 KB
Объём: 184 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Praise for the Havana Quartet:

"Havana Red, another winner from Bitter Lemon Press."-The New York Times

"Overlaid with a rich smoky patina, an atmosphere that reeks of slums and riches, cigar smoke and exotic perfumes."-The Independent

"Talk about unexpected discoveries, the Havana Quartet is a revelation. With a nod to Key Largo and a virtual bow to The Maltese Falcon, these novels are ultimately about the redemptive nature of undying friendship and the potentially destructive nature of undying love."-The Atlantic Monthly

"Drenched with that beguiling otherness so appealing to fans of mysteries of other cultures, it will also appeal to those who appreciate the sultry lyricism of James Lee Burke."-Booklist

The fourth title of the prize-winning Havana Quartet.

Twenty-four-year-old Lissette Delgado was beaten, raped, and then strangled with a towel. Marijuana is found in her apartment and her wardrobe is suspiciously beyond the means of a high school teacher. Lieutenant Conde is pressured by "the highest authority" to conclude this investigation quickly when chance leads him into the arms of a beautiful redhead, a saxophone player who shares his love for jazz and fighting fi sh.

This is a Havana of crumbling, grand buildings, secrets hidden behind faded doors, and corruption. For an author living in Cuba, Leonardo Padura is remarkably outspoken about the failings of Fidel Castro's regime. Yet this is a eulogy of Cuba, its life of music, sex, and the great friendships of those who elected to stay and fight for survival.

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