Tammy Gunther hurried up the steps to the library, her knees shaking in expectation. This was her third visit to the library since discovering a secret place in the back, hidden by bookcases and stacks of books. She stepped into the large main room and saw Bill Anderson standing behind the long counter, stamping returned books. She smiled demurely. Her stomach turned to jelly as she passed by him on her way to the back of the library, where she could look at the pictures of dogs and ponies in the colorful picture books.
"Hi, Tammy," Bill whispered, seeing the young girl, her face flushed with excitement.
"Hello, Mr. Anderson," she said softly, her cheeks flaring red from embarrassment and her eyes sparkling with her special secret.
"You're kind of late tonight. We're going to be closing soon."
Tammy frowned, her creamy complexion tinted with a pink glow. "I know. I had to finish my chores before dad would let me out."
"You going back to look at the stack of dog books again?" he asked, knowing about the child's preoccupation with dogs.
"Uh huh," she nodded, her stomach churning.
"I'll bet you're going to own a kennel when you get out of high school."
"I am," she said. "I'm also going to be a vet." Except for her fascination with dogs, Mr. Anderson was her only childhood crush since reaching puberty.
"Don't get lost back there," Bill teased, watching her leave. He ogled the child's long legs, the white knee socks that covered her calves, and the skirt that touched her knees. His cock twitched. This kid was definitely a hot, primed virgin. He rubbed his crotch, deciding that tonight he was going to get the young girl to fuck him.
Tammy hurried to the back of the library and the seclusion of the last aisle. She had felt Bill's eyes on her and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She always got one when she talked with him. With not much time left, she selected her favorite book right away, not bothering to work her way up to it.
She went to the back of the aisle and turned the corner; her hidden cubbyhole was empty. There were stacks of books lining the walls and piled high on the floor. She sat in her special secret spot between the stacks of books. Her heart pounded as she leafed through the pages. She gulped, her hand automatically going to her crotch.
"Aaaaaaah," she sighed softly as she groped under her red plaid skirt, touching the velvety lips of her virgin pussy. She was glad she didn't wear panties tonight. They were always such trouble and, the last time, in her haste to leave just before closing time, she had almost left them on the shelf.
Tammy moaned, her fingers stroking the soft puffy lips of her tender cunt. She gazed at the pictures of the dogs, wishing her father would buy her one. Slowly, she turned the pages, feasting her eyes on the large sleek animals – the Great Danes, greyhounds, and Doberman pinschers, also the long-haired ones; the German shepherds and the collies. The juices in her hot bubbly pussy were beginning to flow, soaking her probing fingers.
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she sighed as she imagined their giant animal cocks sticking out from between their powerful hind legs. Her fingers tweaked her hard and pulsing clit. She could feel her insides turn to mush and she gasped, soft gasps that were absorbed by the books surrounding her.
Closing her eyes, she lowered the book to the floor. She squirmed on her soft ass, her fingers delving into the opening of her sweet tender pussy. The only thing keeping her from plunging deeper was the thin skin that held her virginity intact.
"Ooooooh," she cooed. Her other hand slid to her tits, rubbing the fleshy globes through her soft sweater and bra. She kneaded her tittie-flesh, panting as she rocked on her cute ass cheeks, her fingers working feverishly on her tiny clit.
Bill Anderson stood against the wall; the books on the shelves were discreetly positioned just right. He watched Tammy, his throat parched, while the schoolgirl played with her wet, furry pussy. His cock was rock hard. He left, anxious to lock up the library.
Minutes later, with no one in the library except him and Tammy, Bill returned to his position behind the bookshelves to watch the horny young teenager. She was still in the same position; her legs spread, her skirt around her waist and her fingers playing with her hot gorgeous cunt, a dreamy look in her wide blue eyes.
It was only by accident that he had found her this way the other evening. He had been looking for her to ask if she wanted to share a soda during his break. It was then that he saw her playing with herself while staring at the books about dogs. For two nights, his dreams were filled with the child, his cock fucking her pussy while hairy dogs licked her virgin body.
Tammy heard a noise and stopped, her ears tuned to any activity nearby. She heard nothing and returned to her pussy, with no intimation of what time it was or that Bill was leering hotly at her from the next aisle.
Bill Anderson watched for a few more minutes, and decided to make his move. With the library closed, he was sure he could devise some way to get into her pussy. She was definitely a hot and horny kid. He walked around the bookshelf and into her secret spot. He stared down at her for almost a full minute before she realized that he was there.
"Ahhhhhhh!" she gasped aloud, trying to pull her skirt down in a rush. "What? What… are… you doing here?" She was about to cry. The shame of being caught was too much for her to handle.
"Don't be upset," Bill soothed, crouching down. He smiled warmly at the teenager. "I'm not going to say anything."
Tammy avoided his eyes. She wanted to die! He had seen her pussy. He had seen her do things to herself. What must he think of her?
"Relax, Tammy," he urged, resting his hand on her bare knee. "What I saw will never leave this room. I promise."
She sniffed back her tears. "Honest?"
He nodded. His rigid cock was driving him crazy and he had every intention of taking advantage of this virgin teenager's predicament. "Only if you promise to do something for me," he added, a sly wolfish grin on his face.
She looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want?"
"I'll tell you later. I'm curious about the books you're looking at. You could use books from the anatomy section with lots of naked men. Why do you look at dogs while you play with yourself and not men?"
She gulped. Her throbbing heart felt as if it would leap out from her throat. Her face burned red. "I saw my older sister doing it with a dog about a year ago, before she went away to college. I'm shy around boys…" She shrugged wondering if what she said made any sense.
"Dogs can't tease you either or tell on you, huh?" He smiled disarmingly.
"Yea," she said, sensing he understood. She really didn't know why she liked to think about dogs, except that her sister did things with dogs and she had always looked up to her sister. Ever since that one episode, sex and dogs turned her on.
"Have you ever let a dog lick you down there, Tammy?" he asked, pointing to her pussy now covered by her skirt.
"No," she whispered, wishing he would stop talking about it. Talking about sex with him was arousing, but embarrassing.
"I have a few dogs at my place," he said. "Would you like to visit me sometime?" He winked. "You might have a lot of fun with them."
Tammy's heart skipped a beat. Her face flushed. This was a chance to do all the things she wanted to do, to satisfy her desires about animals and let them do the things she saw the dog do with her sister. "If I came to your place, would you tell anyone?" she asked suspiciously.
"Whatever you do, or I do, will always be our secret."
He was rubbing her warm thigh, inching under her skirt. Her attention was so concentrated on what she was planning with his dogs, she didn't seem to notice him. His hand inched up the warm flesh of her thigh, closer to the fuzzy patch of pussy hair that covered her virgin cunt.
"What are you doing?" she asked nervously, feeling his hand probe under her skirt.
"I want to see your pussy again," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. He used the word, pussy, intentionally.
"Oh, no," she gasped, squeezing her legs together, trying to push his hand away.
"If you don't let me see you," he threatened, "you can't come over to my place and see my dogs and I'll have to call your parents and tell them what I found you doing back here."
"You wouldn't," she cried, tears rolling down her red cheeks. "They'd beat me."
"Let me see your pussy, then." He waited, challenging the child with his eyes, hoping the threat would work.
Defeated, Tammy frowned, her full bottom lip jutting out in a sad rejected pout. "Okay," she sobbed fretfully. With trembling hands, she slid her skirt up her thighs, stopping just before her pussy hair became exposed.
"Sorry, Tammy," Bill gulped, holding his passion in check. "All the way, or I tell." Ripping the child's clothes off wouldn't do him any good. He wanted her to do it because she wanted to. He peered under the hem of the skirt, catching a glimpse of her beautiful virgin pussy.
"Promise you'll never tell," she begged, her lower lip quivering.
"I promise." He rested his hand on her knee, waiting for her to comply.
Her heart thumped as Tammy lifted the skirt to her waist, exhibiting her pussy, bare thighs, and belly to Bill's ravenous stare. She saw him ogling her cunt and it thrilled her beyond anything she had ever experienced. It was tremendously exciting. Her breathing was shallow and she found herself wanting to show the man more of her body, especially her tits that were nice and big, bigger than any of her friends at school. The boys, with their teasing ways, had nicknamed her "Jugs" and she hated it. To wear a 38C bra was something she had always been ashamed of, until now. Shyness and fear held her in restraint.
"It's beautiful," he moaned, choking on the words as he devoured her pussy with his eyes. He stared at her damp pussy lips, pearl droplets of virgin juice clung to some of the silken hair. His hand glided up her thigh, yearning to touch her with his hand.
Tammy suddenly sucked in her breath. "Don't!"
Bill looked seriously into her eyes. "Spread your legs, Tammy," he said, his voice firm, with only a hint of his burning passion shining through.
Tammy gulped and spread her legs. She panted hotly as Bill stroked her thighs, moving closer and closer to her pussy. "Ooooh," she murmured, the fire in her pussy making her tremble. She stared at his hand, hypnotized by it as it glided almost in slow motion up her thighs to her exposed cunt.
Bill touched her pussy. The heat exuding from her cunt was like a furnace. It was unbelievably hot. He stood up, offering her his hand. "Come with me."
Mesmerized by the handsome man she had a crush on and trembling from the touch of his hand on her pussy, Tammy gave him her hand, allowing him to pull her up off the floor. "Where are we going?"
"To my office."
Tammy followed him, her legs wobbly from passion and an ache in her pussy for Bill to touch her again. "Are you going to make me lift up my skirt again?" she asked as he ushered her into the small office, hoping he would, but too innocent to realize it.
"Do you want to show me again?" he answered her with a question, knowing the child was hooked. From here on, it was going to be easy, but only if he didn't get greedy.
"Yes," she whispered, then blushed.
Bill sat down on a chair and ogled Tammy as she stood in the center of his office. His cock was in pain, the ache spreading to his groin. He watched her innocent face fill with lust as she toyed with the idea of letting him look at her body.
"I'm nervous," she sighed, her fingers fidgeting with her skirt.
"Don't be," Bill soothed, his voice calming her. "Close your eyes and pretend you're alone in your bedroom."
Tammy closed her eyes and swayed on her feet, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it. Her fingers found the button on her skirt and opened it, the zipper sliding silently down. Her hand came away and the skirt dropped to her shoes.
Bill stifled a groan, his hand rubbing his raging cock. He balled his hands into fists, shaking. He wanted to grab her and throw her to the floor and fuck her beautiful virgin pussy. He bit his lip, fighting his natural instinct. He glared at her, seeing the rising and falling of her big tits. "Turn around," he moaned, his voice cutting the sexual silence that hung heavily in the small office.
Tammy hissed and turned, her eyes squeezed shut. Slowly she turned, letting Bill ogle and treasure every inch of her naked body from the waist down. She faced him again, her shyness beginning to dissipate as she opened her eyes. "Am I nice to look at?" she asked tremulously.
"You're gorgeous," he groaned, swallowing the hard lump in his throat. "Take off your sweater."
His voice was hypnotic and she obeyed. Her sweaty hands flipped the sweater over her tits, hiding Bill's lustful leer from her view. She slid it off, her tits heaving with each deep breath. "They're kinda big," she said, almost apologizing.
"They're perfect." His eyes were glued to the two huge tits jutting out from her chest. The fleshy tits strained at her bra for their freedom. His mouth watered as he contemplated sucking them. Seeing a woman's tits on a child was emotionally mind-boggling. "Take off your bra, Tammy."
"They tease me at school about my tits," she said, blushing. "'Cause they're so big." She unhooked the bra and slid her straps off her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor on top of her skirt. She saw the look of appreciation in Bill's eyes and it was wonderful. For the first time in her life, she felt like a woman and not a freak.
"What kind of dogs do you have, Mr. Anderson?" she asked. Her shyness was almost gone as she stood naked in front of him. The only part of her young nubile body that was covered were her calves and feet, the knee socks adding just the right touch of childish delight to her otherwise fully matured body.
"I have a Great Dane and a collie. I also have a pretty Shetland pony," he added. A vision of her young teenage body being ravaged by his pets was blowing his mind.
"I can't wait until I see them," she said. "Can I get dressed now?"
Bill smiled at her naive question. "Come here, Tammy. Let me see you up close."
She came to him, a worried expression on her face and in her blue eyes. "You going to touch me again?" Her heart was drumming wildly and her skin had goose-bumps.
"Yessss, my sweet virgin baby," he moaned. She moved directly in front of him. The fresh scent of her youth along with the aroma that exuded from her wet dripping virgin pussy, attacked his nostrils in an exotic blend. He caressed her hips, savoring each soft touch, not wanting to rush. His hands roamed over her body freely.
"Ohhhhh, Mr. Anderson," she sighed, his hands doing strange and wonderful things to her body. "You're making me all gushy inside. My legs are getting weak."
"Get on your knees," he commanded, his voice coarse with passion.
She looked into his lust-crazed eyes. "Why?"
"Do it," he said impatiently. "Please," he added gently, not wanting the child to panic now. "Do it for me."
Tammy, suspecting nothing, dropped to the carpeted floor. She crawled between his legs, expecting him to touch her tits as they laid on his lap. "Squeeze them," she cooed.
"Soooon," he promised, leering at her, a lecherous grin on his excited face. "I want you to take my cock and look at it."
She looked up at him, shocked. "Mr. Anderson!"
"You heard me," he said softly, his voice like sandpaper. "Take it out and look at it."
Tammy gazed at his crotch hesitantly. Her tits felt as if they were going to burst. She wanted to see his cock, but she was afraid. Her entire body trembled as she worked at his zipper, finally getting it down. She wiped her sweaty palms on her hips, then fished inside his pants for his prick. Her fingertips felt something hard and warm. It twitched and she gasped as her hand encircled the hard shaft of his pulsing cock.
"Bring it out," he moaned, his body taut with passion as he watched the beautiful schoolgirl grope and fondle his hidden prick. "Take it out and look at it."
Tammy pulled his cock out of his pants and her mouth fell open in amazement. His prick was gigantic, a long monstrous thing that twitched in her hand as if it had a life of its own. She squeezed the cock, curious. His prick throbbed. Her hand slid along the shaft and she touched the red prick head with her fingertips.
"Unnnnn," Bill groaned, while she fondled and examined his hard aching cock.
Tammy spread his piss-slit. Her embarrassment vanished, replaced with the burning desire to learn everything about his cock. She pulled out his balls and opened his pants completely, not wanting to be hindered in any way as she learned about her first prick.
Bill lifted up, allowing her to pull his pants down. Things seemed to be going better than he had expected. Tammy, much to his surprise and delight, was enthralled with his prick. "Kiss it," he whispered. "Kiss my prick."
She looked at him, not believeing what she heard. "You want me to put my lips on it?" she asked incredulously.
Bill nodded.
Tammy gazed back at his prick, taking in every nuance of his long veiny cock. Her mouth dried up as she thought about putting her lips to it. She shivered nervously and lowered her head, her quivering lips touching the hot meaty shaft of Bill's aching cock. She twitched, but didn't back off.
Bill didn't move, didn't breathe. He froze, not wanting anything to break the spell.
Tammy opened her lips. Her tongue moistened the flesh of his prick. Becoming bolder, she moved her lips, now moistened with her spit, up and down his cock. Her tongue licked and fluttered nervously across his cock.
"Unnnnggggg," Bill groaned, unable to be silent. He squirmed in the chair, her hot experimenting mouth driving him crazy.
Tammy loved the way he was reacting to her mouth. She became more daring, her mouth more demanding. She began to suck on his cock, while her own pussy was aching and dripping juice from between her swollen pussy lips.
Bill groaned and reached down to touch her honey-blonde head. "Ohhhhh, Tammy. Fuck it in your mouth," he said, preparing the teenager for his ultimate plan.
The idea sent shivers up her spine. She took her mouth away from his wet prick and leered at it, spittle drooling from the corners of her full glistening mouth. She flicked her tongue out, her large milky tits heaving as she sucked in her breath in preparation for his prick. "Fuck it? With my mouth?" she asked wonderingly.
"Go on," Bill urged, his prick aching so badly he hoped it didn't fall off. "Suck it, inside your mouth."
She was so hot, she was unable to speak. She put her head over his towering prick, her mouth gaping open. She closed her eyes, swooning as her lips touched his prick head, slowly easing his cock into her mouth until the entire tip was inside.
"Unnnn," he groaned, from the glorious heat of her virgin mouth. "SUCK!"
Tammy obeyed. She sucked, drawing her cheeks in as he twitched furiously on the chair.
"Ohhhhh, yeaaaaa," he moaned, feeling the pressure of her sucking mouth. It felt almost strong enough to pull his jism out from his balls. He humped off the chair, thrusting his prick down her throat.
She gagged, yanking away her mouth from his probing cock. "You're choking me."
"Sorry," he panted, his nerves worn to a frazzle. "Suck me some more."
"Only if you promise not to move and choke me again."
"I promise," Bill groaned, gritting his teeth in agonizing frustration. "Suck me."
She placed her mouth back over his cockhead. Feeling more confident now, she eased more of his stiff prick into her mouth, the cockhead hitting the back of her palate. She forced herself not to gag. The sensation was intriguing and she wanted to see if she could get it way down her throat.
Taking deep breaths through her nose, she held the base of his cock in her small hands, squeezing and sliding her fist up and down. She flashed her tongue around his prick, slurping and sucking, chewing and licking as she listened to Bill's groans. It turned her on and she pushed his thick cockhead into the tightness of her throat, choking, then pulled her mouth back to the tip again. Gasping, but keeping it inside her mouth, she tried again with deep regular breathing to help her to relax.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he groaned, his ass squirming on the chair as he controlled the powerful urge to slam his cock into her throat. "Pump your mouth! PUMP!"
She took her mouth off his cock. "You'll cum if I do," she said, knowing from her more worldly friends at school what happened to boys if they got too hot. "I don't want that stuff in my mouth."
"If you don't suck me," he threatened, determined to cum off with this hot sexy teenager, "I'll tell your parents what I caught you doing."
She smiled slyly. "Not now, you won't. Not after this. I'll tell them you forced me to suck you."
She had him there and he knew it. "Then you can't play with my dogs," he said in desperation.
Tammy thought about that for a minute. She didn't want to lose her only chance to do things with dogs. The memory of the lust and pleasure on her sister's face when the huge dog licked her pussy flashed through her mind. She wanted that, wanted to feel that same thing that had thrilled her sister so much.
She knew she couldn't refuse him anything. "Okay." She gave in, gulping nervously. "I'll do it."
Bill heaved a heavy sigh of relief. There would be plenty of time later to fuck this gorgeous kid when she visited him and his dogs. For now, a hot suck would suffice. "Then put it back in your mouth, Tammy," he grinned.
Tammy obeyed. She slipped her red glistening lips over his cockhead, her tongue snaking around the bell-shaped tip. She used her teeth lightly against the sensitive skin as she slid her mouth up and down his prick with slow determined moves.
"Ohhhhh, Tammy," Bill groaned, feeling the pressure build in his balls and his cock swell larger as he tensed in the chair, ready to cream this young girl's mouth and face with his hot jism. "Don't stop! Don't stop, Tammy. Suck it! Suck it!"
Tammy used her hands on the length of his cock, stroking his skin slowly up and down the hard throbbing muscle. Her mouth sucked, her teeth gnashed against the shaft below his cockhead. Slobbering drool trickled down her chin as she sucked voraciously. Her hands squeezed his thick pulsing prick, feeling the blood surging through the tense muscle. It sent her pussy reeling into spasms.
Bill began slamming up off the chair, driving his aching prick into the girl's hot sucking wet mouth. He groaned, holding the edge of the seat as he fucked her face in a frantic effort to blast his load of cum into her dribbling mouth. "Harder! Suck harder!"
Tammy sucked with all her might. She felt his prick swell in her mouth and in her tight grip. She began to slide her head up and down, the tip of his cock scraping against the roof of her mouth, the head bumping the back of her throat. She squirmed, her own pussy jealous for the prick she was sucking. It was something she didn't understand and at the same time, too afraid to even consider.
Bill's pace quickened as he reached his peak. He jabbed his prick into her flushed and excited face. "I'm gonnnaaaa… cummmm!" he howled, his ass jerking up and down, his prick slapping into her open mouth as she held her head steady.
Tammy, in her innocence, never expected the torrential flood of jism that blasted from his cock. She pulled on his cock shaft with her hands in short quick jerks and tensed, waiting fearfully for his cum, frightened, yet erotically aroused.
"Aghhhhh!" Bill hollered as his prick exploded. A thick jet stream of hot white cum splattered the back of her throat and gushed down her gullet in thick great gobs.
Tammy gagged, gulping down the fiery liquid in a desperate effort not to drown in it as he continued to pound her face with his exploding prick. Her hands involuntarily squeezed his spurting prick, jerking the flesh over the exploding muscle. His gooey cum gushed from her clinging lips and down over her jerking hands that wraped around his cock.
The prick swelled enormously in her mouth as wad after wad of his hot cream splashed against the back of her throat. She kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the exploding prick. She sucked on it, swallowing as much as she could, the rest filling her mouth and oozing out from her clinging lips.
Her small hands flashed over his pulsing cock, cum dripping from her mouth and onto his slapping balls. His loud animal groans made her body tremble and she wondered how long it would last. If he didn't stop soon, she would surely drown.
Squirming and twisting on the chair, Bill lashed at Tammy's gulping mouth as he emptied his sticky load. His balls swelled and exploded again, a thick wad hitting the back of her throat and dripping down her gullet. "Unnnnn," he groaned, convulsing from Tammy's fabulous blow-job. He twitched for a second, then dropped back on the chair, his chest heaving while catching his breath.
Tammy came off his cock and looked up at him, her eyes bright with desire. Her body ached for some kind of release from the passion that was raging like a furnace in her pussy. She looked desperately at him, wanting him to put out the fire, but afraid to ask.
She wiped the cum from her face, swallowing the last few drops that were still clinging to her mouth.
"Did I do good?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't change his mind about her visiting him and his dogs.
"You did terrific, Tammy," he moaned, rubbing his wet limp prick. "Maybe next time you might want to let me stick my cock in your pussy. That way, you can cum with me."
"Oh, noooh," she sighed, her voice filled with fright. "It hurts. My friends told me."
"Did they also tell you how good it feels?" he asked, still ogling her fully developed body for only a child.
"No," she answered. "They never said that."
"When you get yourself to cum with your fingers," Bill asked, "do you like that?"
"Yes," she said, blushing. Everytime she did it, she wished it was a dog's tongue instead of her fingers. She kept that part to herself. There was no reason to tell him everything.
"Fucking is a whole lot more fun and it feels a hundred times better."
She looked at him skeptically, but didn't tell him she didn't believe him. She didn't want to upset him and not get to see his dogs. "When can I come to your place and see the dogs?" she asked, changing the subject.
"How about Saturday morning? You can spend the whole day with them." He brushed her cheek with a finger. "I'll pick you up in front of the library and you can tell your mother you'll be gone for the day."
She nodded eagerly. "How early do you want me to be ready?" she asked exuberantly.
"How about nine-thirty?"
"Great!" She stood up, forgetting all about her nudity, her heavy tits bouncing as she retrieved her clothes.
Bill ogled her beautiful fully proportioned figure and watched her dress, a knowing smile on his handsome face. Sometime Saturday, this beautiful child was going to lose her cherry to him. He was sure about that.
"I'd better go," she said. "Mom will be wondering where I am, since the library closed an hour ago."
Bill remained seated in the chair. "Remember Saturday."
"I won't forget," she said. She looked at his cock one last time, wondering if what he said was true about how good it felt inside your body. He must be lying just to fuck me. Otherwise, Katy would have fucked guys instead of letting dogs lick her pussy. Anyway, the girls she knew at school who fucked, only did it to keep their boyfriends. "Bye!" she said happily, her heart pounding with excitement as she waved good-by and left.