Kathy Harris
Horny hot summer


Beautiful, blonde, long-legged Alice Reynolds lay on the plush couch in her expensively furnished home up in the hills, her fingers idly playing between her pussy lips.

She was hornier than hell. It seemed to her that ever since her divorce almost two years ago she never got enough fucking. That was the one thing that had been right in her marriage: terrific, almost never-ending fucking!

Not that she didn't fuck now and then; she made sure of that! But what she needed was someone who would be there for her on a more regular basis, some big, beautiful stud with a huge cock that could keep her satisfied all the time.

She was grateful that she had her kids. They helped keep her mind off of her horny cunt, which seemed to be burning with desire most of the time. That is, they used to keep her mind off of fucking. But lately, Alice found herself looking at them in a way she didn't like.

Sue was a lovely young girl – a carbon copy of her mother: blonde, long legs, huge, firm tits which jutted out invitingly. John was just a year older than Sue, and already a heart breaker around the neighborhood. Like his sister, he was incredibly good-looking: blonde, handsome face, broad, muscular shoulders and back. But his mother suspected that his popularity had more to do with the large cock bulge between his legs than anything else. At first, she had been shocked to discover that her little boy was no longer a virgin!

She had overheard enough conversations between him and his friends to know that her son was getting more than his share of pussy. She didn't know how long he had been fucking, but she could sense from his confident matter that he had been fucking long enough to know how to do it well! And proof of that was in the fact that the girls he dated continued to come back. And back. And back. They must like what my little boy can do with his big cock, Alice thought lewdly, still plunging her fingers between her swollen pussy lips.

Thinking about her sexy son and daughter filled her with even more desire, and as she continued to finger-fuck her moistening pussy, she closed her eyes and pretended that it was her son's hand reaming out her cunt. She felt a little guilty having such forbidden thoughts about her own son, but she had to admit to herself that if she had half a chance, she wouldn't hesitate to fuck him!

Over the last few months, she had been aware of growing sexual tension between her son and herself. She had seen his gaze locking on her huge tits or raking hotly over her entire body. She had felt his cock harden noticeably as she brushed by him. Hell, she thought. If he wants to fuck his mother – and God knows I want to fuck him – why the hell not?

Yet it wasn't only her son who was driving her crazy. What bothered the woman even more was the fact that she had begun to have hot, forbidden thoughts about her own daughter! More than once, she had felt her cunt oozing out warm fuck juices at the sight of her little girl's big, pointed tits, their large nipples straining against the thin fabric of the T-shirts she always wore – without a bra.

Alice couldn't ever remember seeing her daughter wearing a bra, and she thrilled to the tempting sight of her little girl's juicy, ripe tits. She was pretty sure that her daughter was still cherry, and somehow, this made the young girl all the more, appealing to her. There was something about the teen's innocence combined with her ripeness that made her mother hot with lust.

Alice doubted that she would ever do anything about her wild fantasies. But it's fun having them, she thought, still thrusting her fingers in and out of her tight, juicy pussy. Besides, she reminded herself, I'm just having these thoughts because I'm so horny. If I can just find me same good, stiff cock to fuck, I'll be okay again, and I'll stop dreaming about fucking young pussy! I can't promise to stop thinking about fucking John though. She smiled as she finger-fucked herself closer and closer to orgasm. My little boy is so fucking sexy I'd love to fuck him!

Just as she began to come, Alice remembered that this was the day her nephew, Bill, would be coming to spend the summer with them. His father, Alice's brother, was in Europe on business and had dumped the kid on his sister. Until now, Alice hadn't been crazy about the idea of having another teenager running around the house, driving her wild with loud music, junk food, and hordes of friends running in and out all day long.

But suddenly, as she came hard, her orgasm shooting through her lush, trembling body, the image of her sexy, dark nephew filled her mind, and she realized that it might not be so bad having him around after all. In fact, it might just be a lot of fun.

At that moment, a taxi turned down Moonbeam Lane, wound past the spacious homes and drove to the end of the tree-lined street. Bill Reynolds paid the cabbie, giving him a generous tip, and walked up the broad stone steps of the house, two, pieces of luggage in hand.

He hesitated for a minute before ringing the bell, trying to collect his feverish thoughts, trying to make his cock go down. Ever since the young boy had found out that he would be spending the summer with his Aunt Alice, he hadn't been able to think of anything but her lush, beautiful body with its huge, firm tits and trim, pert ass.

Ever since Bill had first become interested in pussy, he had realized that he was powerfully attracted to his sexy aunt. The idea of fucking the older, more experienced woman made his cock spring to its full nine inches now, and he moaned softly, wondering how he would manage to hide his condition from his aunt.

It's going to be a rough summer, he thought as he pushed the doorbell. Not only am I going to have to try to avoid my sexy aunt, but I'm going to have to find a way to stay away from my sexy little cousin, Sue, too!

There was a soft rustle on the other side of the door, and it opened a crack. Bill could see his aunt's beautiful face crowned by a tumble of blonde curls. She was holding a cloud of black chiffon in front of her sexy body.

"Bill, darling! Come in, dear!" Alice exclaimed, opening the door wide.

Bill walked into the dim, plush entrance hall, and glanced nervously at his aunt. She held the black gown closer to her body, and Bill could see her naked, curving tits through the flimsy fabric.

"Make yourself at home, dear. You caught me just getting into the shower. I won't be long," Alice murmured as she turned and walked down the hallway toward the bathroom.

Bill's breath caught sharply at the erotic sight of his aunt's naked ass swinging from side to side as she walked away. She was still clutching her nightgown to the front of her body as though that covered her nakedness.

But her entire backside was revealed to her horny, young nephew, and she knew it!

Bill put his suitcases down in the living room and followed his aunt down the hall toward the bathroom. The door was half-open, and he could see her standing there in front of the mirror, running her small, soft hands up and down her body, coming to rest at last on her big tits. She squeezed her nipples and moaned with pleasure, still looking in the mirror.

He clutched his hardening crotch with one hand and leaned weakly against the doorframe with the other. Jeseeeesus! He thought hotly. She's so fuckin' sexy! Even more beautiful than I realized. His cock was growing harder and thicker by the second, and he was afraid he would cream on the spot.

Alice reached for her nightgown and slipped it on. Bill jumped back into the hallway just in time as she came out the door.

"Oh, there you are dear! I changed my mind about taking a shower. After all, I don't want to neglect my handsome nephew," she murmured, placing her soft hand on his muscular arm. "Ohhh, you're sooo strong, Bill I love those muscles!"

She moved down the hallway toward the living room, and Bill walked behind her, as though in a trance. He couldn't believe his aunt was acting like this with him!

She was wearing only that skimpy little nightie and she was acting so… so turned on by him! Could it be…?

"How about a drink, honey?" she asked, stopping at the bar.

"A drink?" No one had ever asked Bill if he wanted a drink before! He felt strangely excited, and when he saw his aunt's gaze move down between his legs, he felt more turned on than ever!

"Sure, honey, why not?" Alice shrugged. "You're growing up, Bill. I can't believe how big you've gotten since I last saw you!" her eyes fastened onto the hard cock bulge between his legs, and he trembled with desire. "Come on, honey. Join your aunt in a drink. You're a big boy now. Real big," She glanced meaningfully at his crotch again.

Bill grinned. "Sure, Aunt Alice, why not?"

"Scotch?" she asked smiling at her nephew.

"Sure, Aunt Alice. Thanks," Bill answered, feeling his blood rushing more and more to his already throbbing prick.

He watched as his aunt poured the drinks. He could see her bushy triangle of blonde pussy fur through her nightie, and he longed to touch it. He wondered if it was as soft as it looked.

Alice handed him his drink and sat in a chair opposite him.

"Where's Sue? And John?" Bill asked, looking around him nervously.

"They're both at a swimming party down the block, dear. What's the matter? Are you afraid to be alone with your aunt?" she asked, watching him closely.

"Huh? Afraid? No… no… Aunt Alice, of course not," he stammered, quickly downing his entire drink in one gulp. The powerful booze went straight to his balls, and he felt his prick stirring and pulsing in his pants.

Suddenly, Alice threw her head back and laughed – a low, husky, sexy gurgle. "My God! You really are nervous, Bill! Come on! We know each other better than that! Relax, dear."

She moved to the edge of her chair and placed her hot hand on her nephew's leg. Bill smiled uncertainly. He wished he could relax. But his sexy aunt had him so turned on, he felt as though he were sitting on a stick of dynamite.

"Oh, you need another drink, honey," Alice said, draining her own glass before getting up to refill her nephew's.

She handed him his drink and took a large gulp of her own. She leaned back in the depths of her large chair and spread her legs wide, exposing her bushy, blonde cunt to her nephew's hot gaze. Her nightgown rode up over her crotch, leaving absolutely nothing to his imagination.

Bill's cock was aching now, hard as a rock, and he couldn't, seem to tear his eyes away from his aunt's sexy movements. He flushed, and his voice broke with emotion as he talked. "You're so pretty, Aunt Alice. And so… so…"

"So… what, Billy? What am I?" she asked, smiling as she finished off her drink.

"So sexy!" he finally managed to stammer. She smiled and rose, put her glass on the table, and came toward him. "Thank you, dear. That's a compliment, especially coming from such a handsome young boy like yourself!"

Bill looked up at his aunt and flushed again as he saw how close she was standing to him. He could smell her cunt musk, and he longed to plunge his big prick right up her juicy little pussy.

Alice leaned over and put one small hand over the hard cock bulge in her nephew's groin. "Mmmmmm, honey, feels like you've got a good prick here! So nice and big! And so hard! Just like I like it!"

He put his glass down and reached for his aunt, sliding his hands under her nightgown.

Still holding her tightly, he reached for the zipper on his pants, and in an instant, he had freed his cock. He grabbed hold of his aunt's firm ass-cheeks with both hands and brought her hard against him, rotating her gently against his stiff cock, bending her back until her mouth was under his lips.

Their mouths smashed down hard against each other, their tongues quickly thrusting at each other, probing each other, their saliva mingling.

"Let's go into the bedroom, dear," Alice said, pushing her hips against her nephew's.

Bill was glad that in spite of the difference in their ages, he was so much bigger and stronger than his aunt that he towered over her, which made him feel masterful. He reached down and picked her up easily in his arms, moving toward the bedroom.

He carried his aunt to the big round bed. She slid gracefully out of his arms and out of her nightie while he turned away and undressed himself.

"Stretch out here on the bed, honey," Alice murmured, her gaze locked on her nephew's huge, throbbing nine-inch prick.

He smiled and lay down on his back. His aunt sat next to him and trailed her hands over his stiff, hard cock and his firm, muscular thighs.

She leaned past him, opened a drawer in the night table and took a feather out, a long, soft feather.

"I think you'll love this, Bill," she said, smiling. She began to run the feather over his body, tickling, touching, teasing, brushing it back and forth over his throbbing cock, down into his groin, over his flat tummy.

"Ohhh, Aunt Alice," he moaned, closing his eyes and giving himself over to the sensations of excitement. It felt as though a thousand small shocks were running over his body. He had never felt anything like it!

Alice worked her nephew's entire body with the feather, not missing an inch of his hard, muscular flesh.

Suddenly, Bill opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, gasping in surprise as he saw the large, gilt-edged mirror above them.

Alice followed his gaze and laughed. "Don't you like to watch yourself, honey? I think it's more fun that way."

Bill grinned and relaxed. His sexy aunt sure had more than one surprise in store for him! He looked up at the reflection over his head, studying his own dark nakedness and his aunt's soft whiteness as she curled beside him, now trailing the soft feather across his hairy chest.

Still looking in the mirror, he felt as though he were drowning in a sea of feathers, big tits and long, slender legs. Suddenly, he couldn't wait any longer to sink his prick up his aunt's pussy! She was driving him too far, teasing him too much with her feather! He had to fuck her now!

He jerked upright, almost throwing his aunt off the bed. A primitive urge jolted through his body with the force of an electric current. He flung himself off the bed and grasped her body, pinning her arms to her sides. The feather floated to the floor as she stared at him, wide eyed.

"Enough of this feather crap!" he growled.

"Let go of me, Bill! Just what do you think you're doing?" she panted, straining away from him.

But his grip tightened. "Shut up, Auntie! Just shut up! You've been teasing my cock ever since I walked in your Goddamned door! Now you're gonna get what you've been begging for!"

He flung her roughly onto her back, throwing himself on top of her. Forcing her legs apart with his knee, he pinned one of her arms over her head, and with his free hand, he pushed his thick, pulsating cock-meat between her legs.

Alice had never known her nephew to act this way. She was beginning to feel really frightened and she knew she had lost control of the situation.

My God! She thought with a growing sense of horror. Is he going to rape me?

Bill stared down at his beautiful aunt, panting now, his eyes glinting with determination, his mouth hot. Then, with a cruel grin, he bore down on her, shouting with joy as he rammed his huge, hard nine-inch cock into her cunt with all the force he could muster.

"Aieeeeee!" she screamed, crying out in pain and humiliation.

He was raping her! He had never been treated this way before, and she couldn't believe it was happening to her now! To be raped! And by her own nephew! She twisted her head and cried out, her eyes rolling wildly, her body writhing under his brute force.

Coupled with the humiliation and rage of being raped was the simply physical pain of being fucked by such a large prick. Alice had been fucked by a lot of big cocks, but not one was as long and thick as her nephew's! If he had fucked her lovingly, gently, it wouldn't have hurt so much. But using his nine-inch prick to rape her savagely hurt her like hell! It was as though her little pussy was being torn right in two!

Bill thrust his cock in and out of his aunt's juicy cunt, riding her brutally. She was rolling with him now, pushing up instinctively against his fuck-thrusts, her heels digging into his back. Animal sounds came from her throat sounds of pleasure as primitive as what he was feeling as he fucked her!

Bill laughed triumphantly. "Knew you'd love it, you lousy cunt!" he snarled, as he continued to drive his bursting prick between her swollen pussy-lips.

"Ohhhh, yessssss, Billy! Fuck meeee! Fuck your aunt!"
