Jeremy Robinson ISLAND 731

For Dad, again, because you’re still joking about red flakes and I appreciate it.


I release something like five or six novels every year. It’s kind of a ridiculous amount, but made possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of the people who support me professionally and personally. So it is with great appreciation that I point out the contributions of the supremely helpful folks who took part in the creation of Island 731.

Thanks to:

• Scott Miller, my agent at Trident Media Group, for his tireless efforts and shrewd mind.

• Peter Wolverton, my editor at Thomas Dunne Books, for forcing me to improve with every book and for supporting my solo-publishing efforts.

• Anne Brewer, my associate editor at Thomas Dunne Books, for being speedy and delightful to work with.

• Rafal Gibek and the production team at Thomas Dunne Books, for copy-edits that always make me look like a better writer than I am.

• Ervin Serrano, art director at Thomas Dunne Books, for designing covers that stun and for including this author in the design process.

• Kane Gilmour, my solo project editor, friend, and supporter, for advance reading and comments on Island 731.

• Hilaree, Aquila, Solomon, and Norah Robinson, my four muses whom I adore, thank you for your excitement, creativity, and love.
