Anthony Scott Ladies of Chance





Here’s the book I’ve been promising you I would some day write. I hope I haven’t bungled the job.

Lowdown doings in a high society setting bring adventure to these fascinating characters: 

ED BARLOW, an ace reporter who was rough, tough and hard as nails — but soft on a gang-girl who tripped him with a smile.

CHERRY MALONE, a hard-to-get cutie who ran Ed ragged in a trigger-quick romance that got too hot to handle.

DOLLY, Ed’s old flame, who was in the kind of trouble Ed couldn’t resist...

MRS. LUCILE TRAVERS, a society temptress who had Ed coming and going until he fell into a booby-trap set by the underworld.

STORMY PARKER, whose gambling-den was a front for the most vicious racket that ever men-aced the female sex.

HARRY GREEN, a crook who payed a gun-man’s game and got himself a hole in the head.

SANDRA, the seductive woman of mystery whom Ed met face to face at last!
