‘I thought one of the reasons we moved from Glasgow was to get away from all the crime,’ Annabella grumbled, rustling the newspaper she held in her hands with annoyance.
She sat the paper on the kitchen table and pursed her lips, while Leger, her beloved black tomcat pounced onto her lap and gazed up at her with admiration in his amber eyes.
‘What’s the matter?’ her husband, Hugh asked.
‘A man drowned in the loch yesterday,’ she advised.
‘The loch? You mean the one just behind our building?’ Hugh gasped. ‘How is that a crime? Was he pushed?’
‘Apparently so! According to the article his friend, who was out walking his dog at the time and jumped in to save him, says the chap was pushed. That’s all he’s told police. He’s still too traumatised to make much sense,’ Annabella said, raising her eyebrows.
She patted her short auburn hair as she thought this over. Her niece, Carole, who was visiting from Glasgow that week, had taken her two children to the loch half an hour ago to feed the swans and had done so each day since she arrived. She didn’t like the idea of her niece and the little ones being in a place where a crime had just recently been committed. She absentmindedly stroked the back of Leger’s neck as she considered taking a walk down there herself, just to check on Carole.
‘I know what you’re thinking, and you’re not going,’ Hugh barked, interrupting her train of thought.
‘You know me too well!’ she grimaced.
‘Carole will be fine. Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place. Any crime scene will be cordoned off and it’s likely they’re investigating it for clues too so she won’t be anywhere near it. Anyway, if this chap was pushed into the loch, it’s probable that there’s a backstory there. He might have had a grievance with somebody. They probably have a list of suspects. Who knows? Carole doesn’t know anyone here besides us and she’s unlikely to be attacked by the same person who pushed this man into the water. I hate to say it, but women are attacked for different reasons from men and whoever pushed him has a grievance that doesn’t involve Carole.’
Annabella nodded. ‘You’re right. I just hate the thought of a killer being on the loose and our niece being out there on her own, in the very same place where he struck!’
Leger looked up at her and hissed.
‘What’s the matter, my wee love?’ Annabella asked.
‘He’s probably objecting to your assumption that the killer was a man and not a woman,’ Hugh sniggered. ‘Does the story in the paper say anything about who this man was? Was he some kind of gangster or something?’
Annabella picked up the newspaper again and scanned it.
‘It did say something, actually. Where was it again? Oh, yes. Here it is. “The man, a restaurateur named Sean Gilbert, had been harassed by teenagers numerous times over the last decade after it was discovered he had used cheap cat food in some dishes on his menu. The rumour was twisted over time and earned him the nickname Gibby the Cat Killer.” That’s disgusting!’ she exclaimed, putting her hands over Leger’s ears.
‘That’s teenagers for you,’ Hugh grunted. ‘What paper is that anyway?’
‘One of the national ones. Do you think an animal lover would have killed him, thinking the rumours were true?’
‘Killing someone for using cat food in a meal is a bit over-dramatic. If it will put your mind at ease, we’ll take a walk out to the loch together and check on her and the wee ones,’ Hugh suggested, just as the door clicked and Carole entered the house accompanied by her four year old daughter, Brianna and Hugh’s black Labrador, Bob, who had gone for a walk with the family. Carole was struggling to get her younger child, Louis and his stroller through the narrow doorway.
Hugh jumped out of his seat and raced over to the door to assist Carole while Annabella smiled at her niece to welcome her home. She looked down at Leger and sighed.
‘Thank goodness they’re home. I could never have lived with myself if she had come here to visit me and encountered trouble as a result!’
‘You would look so cute as a bunny,’ Brianna mused, arranging some felt ears on Bob’s head. ‘Or maybe a duck.’
Leger sat opposite the little girl and the black Labrador, sniggering, glad for once that he was not the subject of Brianna’s creative dressing.
‘Do you know, I’ve often thought the same,’ Bob admitted, panting with glee.
‘Oh, for goodness sake,’ Leger sneered. ‘You’re as silly as she is.’
‘You’re just jealous because she’s paying me lots of attention,’ Bob dismissed, snuffling with annoyance.
‘Yes. I am jealous that you look so ridiculous and I do not,’ Leger agreed. ‘I’m going to find Carole. She apparently brought me some catnip from Glasgow. It’s so long since I had any and I need something to distract me while I’m thinking over the details of this drowning case.’
‘I did wonder if you would try to solve that! Any leads yet?’ Bob asked.
‘None. I’m still in the early stages of collating as much information as I can.’
Leger sauntered into the kitchen of the home he shared with Annabella, Hugh, Bob and Lily the calico. Annabella and Hugh had never been blessed with children but Leger knew that they viewed their niece, Carole, as the daughter they never had and when she had announced she was coming to visit them on the island, they were delighted.
Leger had expected Carole’s whole family to be here but it seemed it was just her and her two children, Brianna and the baby, Louis. Her husband, Gordon, was very rarely around and Leger only remembered meeting him a handful of times. The usual excuse was work commitments. This time, he had some family emergency towhich he had to attend and so Carole had arrived with just the children in her car and spent the last three days by the loch, feeding the swans with Brianna.
‘Hello, Carole,’ Leger said, slinking into the kitchen, where Carole stood nursing a mug of tea and staring out of the window. He noticed her eyes were red and it looked like she had been crying.
Annabella was out in the hall, speaking to someone on the phone about a booking for the hotel. Carole failed to acknowledge Leger’s presence so he curled his body around her ankles and whipped his tail against her knees.
‘Oh. Leger, you probably want some catnip,’ Carole muttered, sitting her mug on the worktop, clearly subdued and morose.
She reached up to the cupboard above her head and pulled a small bunch of catnip down. Leger’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth from excitement, ready to inhale the sweet scent and become lost in the heady sensations that would follow until he heard yowling above him. He looked up and saw Lily, perched on top of the cupboards.
‘Lily! Are you alright?’ Leger called out to her.
‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m good. This catnip’s amazing,’ she breezed, barely paying attention. ‘Leger, who’s that giant mouse behind you?’
He turned around and saw Bob, still adorned in the felt rabbit ears Brianna had made.
‘I’m not a mouse, I’m a bunny rabbit,’ Bob whined.
‘He looks like a tasty specimen,’ Lily giggled, not processing what Bob had said. ‘I’ve never seen such a big mouse.’
Carole placed the catnip in front of Leger and went back to her tea, completely switched off from what was happening around her.
Without further warning, Lily leapt onto Bob’s head and sank her teeth into him.
‘Die, mouse!’ she screeched.
‘Lily, get off me!’ Bob grunted. ‘Leger, help me.’
Leger looked at the bunch of catnip in front of him and then to the spectacle unfolding before his eyes.
‘I don’t think I’ll bother with this. It’s clearly a bad batch,’ Leger grizzled, turning his nose up.
He wondered if he looked so ridiculous when he indulged in catnip and if he did, why didn’t anyone tell him? Perhaps he would wait until later, when nobody was around to make a fool of himself.
He tiptoed back to the living room, bypassing Brianna who was now cutting out a set of rabbit feet, presumably to place on Bob’s legs as they were too big to fit either him or Lily. Leger leapt onto the windowsill and listened as Annabella terminated her phone call and had to repeat Carole’s name twice to get her attention. He couldn’t stop thinking about Carole’s glum mood. It was unlike the bubbly young woman to be so pensive and introspective and he wondered if perhaps there was a problem with her husband, Gordon. After all, he had yet again not made the effort to spend time with the people who were important to his wife. Perhaps there was more to this than met the eye.
Leger’s train of thought was interrupted when he noticed a commotion outside. It was taking place at the tree between their house and the hotel. The tree was often frequented by the local cats, although was less crowded the last few weeks since two of the cats had decided to stay in the village with their human and not venture this far out.
In attendance that day were Piper, a beautiful white molly with sapphire blue eyes, Domino and Oreo, the black and white brothers whose markings reflected their name choices and Massingham, a relatively new cat to the island, who was grey and always wore his collar loose, with his identity tag hanging low. Although he lived with the other two cats who no longer visited, he chose to continue mixing with the clowder, Piper especially. Leger had taken an instant dislike to Massingham, despite knowing it was illogical and irrational. He just couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a bad vibe when Massingham was around.
He peered through the window, his eyes widening with interest as he watched the fracas and eventually located the source of the disturbance. There was a tiny grey bird waddling at speed, fearing for its life. Despite his feline instincts telling him it would make a splendid present for Annabella, he knew he had to save the tiny creature. It was clearly a baby and therefore na?ve and unable to defend itself in the way an adult bird would.
Leger wasted no time. He didn’t even bother to sprint to his cat flap. Instead, he propelled himself up to the opened window above his head and squeezed his lithe body through the gap. It didn’t even bother him to fall to the ground and land on his back, as he simply rolled until he was able to steady himselfon his paws and raced towards the tiny bird.
He stood between Massingham and what he now recognised as a cygnet and hissed. Massingham hunched his back and extended his claws.
‘This is my gift for Emilija,’ Massingham seethed, referring to his human companion. ‘Stand aside!’
Leger glared at him, maintaining eye contact, hoping to appear threatening. Truthfully, Massingham was a little bigger than him and likely to win any fight. His girlfriend, Ginger, had managed to terrify this arrogant grey tom when she had visited the island a few weeks ago but Leger was far too restrained to do any real damage or be violent. Ginger had simply actedon her maternal instincts and intimidated Massingham with sheer bravado.
‘I cannot let you harm this creature,’ Leger said. ‘He is much smaller than you and not able to put up a fair fight.’
‘Oh, really? I did hear that you were a bird lover. Looks like it’s true,’ Massingham spat.
Leger stood his ground as Massingham approached, who kept his eyes fixed on Leger as he took small steps closer. Each movement was slow and deliberate, drawing out the tension and heightening Leger’s anxiety. He had to make a choice. He could stand and fight a battle he might lose or he could grab the cygnet and run, taking the tiny bird back to the parents where it would be safe. He had to think fast as Massingham would soon be reaching out to take a swipe.
Leger swivelled his body away from Massingham and the rest of the clowder who were watching the stand-off with wide eyes. He clamped his jaws around the scruff of the cygnet’s neck and ran around the side of the house, through the back garden and towards the small loch where he assumed Massingham had found the cygnet.
On reaching the loch, he laid the baby swan down on the gravel.
‘Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?’ Leger enquired.
The cygnet gazed up at him. ‘You didn’t eat me.’
Leger licked his lips, fighting hard to rein in his instincts, which were telling him he had to sink his teeth into the cygnet. He could taste a hint of swan flesh on his mouth and it was delicious.
‘No, I didn’t and I don’t intend to either. What’s your name?’ he asked.
‘Iain,’ the cygnet replied.
‘I’m Leger and I’m probably the only feline on this island who will protect you. If any of those cats give you trouble again, just tell them you’re my friend.’
Iain rubbed his head against Leger’s leg and sighed. ‘I’ve always wanted a friend who wasn’t a swan!’
‘Iain!’ a voice shrieked. ‘Get away from that cat!’
‘Dad!’ Iain blurted. ‘It’s OK, he’s not hurting me.’
Before Leger could ascertain where the voice had come from or to whom it belonged, he felt the sharp shock of a beak pecking into his sides. He was startled into paralysis for a brief moment before he extended his claws to protect himself, scratching only twice. He was able to free himself and run to safety. As he escaped, he heard the owner of the beak calling out to him.
‘Tell your whiskered friends Iain the swan won’t stand for any more kidnappings! I’ve already killed one human in cold blood, it would not bother me one bit to do the same to a cat.’
‘You’re a little quiet this morning,’ Lily noted, slicking back the fur from her face.
Leger looked at her briefly then closed his eyes. He didn’t feel like talking after the events of the previous day. Besides, there was an odd atmosphere in the house that morning. Carole hadn’t come home since going for a walk the night before. She had gone out alone after putting the children to bed, leaving Annabella and Hugh to babysit. He feared she may have gone to the loch and met the same fate as Sean Gilbert.
‘I think you need a hug,’ Bob announced, reaching out his paws to grab Leger, then panting with delight when Leger swiped him away.
‘I just want to be left alone,’ Leger grumped.
‘Why?’ Lily pressed.
‘I had a bad day yesterday,’ Leger said. ‘I was going to attempt solving the drowning case but that would mean spending time by the loch and I won’t be doing that any time soon. Not as long as that swan family are there anyway.’
‘Is this linked to your fight with Massingham?’ Bob asked.
‘How do you know about that?’ Leger snapped. ‘You’re a dog! You surely can’t have heard it from the cats.’
‘I was watching from the window. If it’s any consolation, I think you did the right thing. It’s not classy to fight and you saved a life. You may have lost face, but that makes it all the more admirable.’
‘I agree with Bob. Even though I don’t understand why you wanted to save that bird, I don’t think any less of you,’ Lily declared.
‘I’m not sure I can show my face outside this house again. I shall have to give up my detective work and be a housecat,’ Leger sighed, rolling onto his back and yowling to increase the drama.
‘Or you could dismiss everyone else’s opinion, if they indeed have one, and be true to who you are,’ Lily countered. ‘That is what I would do.’
The animals fell silent and pondered Lily’s words until Hugh came into the room, still in his dressing gown and sat on his favourite armchair. He was agitated and Bob, being acutely in tune with Hugh’s emotions, immediately offered him some comfort in the form of a paw and a head on his lap.
‘Should we contact the police?’ Annabella said, striding into the room. She was dressed smartly as usual, wearing a white chiffon blouse and a green dress over the top and her kitten-heeled boots clicked on the floor as she walked.
All of the animals in the room turned to Annabella, awaiting more information. It sounded like there was a drama unfolding and their curiosity was piqued.
‘Maybe we’re just being over-cautious,’ Hugh grumbled. ‘She might just have gone for a walk.’
‘Hugh, she’s been gone for at least fourteen hours now and she doesn’t know her way around this island. You know how unhappy she’s been for the last few days. I’m worried that…’ Annabella trailed off.
Leger and Lily’s eyes sprang wide open, knowing that Annabella and Hugh were referring to Carole. They had not mentioned her by name, but everyone in the house had noticed her blue mood since she arrived.
‘Don’t think things like that, Anna!’ Hugh snapped. ‘She’s fine. She’s gone for a walk and she’ll be back any time.’
Leger smoothed down his whiskers, thinking this over. If Carole was in a negative frame of mind, it was understandable that Annabella would want to keep an eye on her but she couldn’t seriously suspect Carole of doing something foolish, could she?
‘Where’s my mummy?’ Brianna whined. ‘Louis is crying and we need her to make us breakfast.’
‘She’s gone out for a while, my wee lamb. She’ll be back soon,’ Annabella said, stroking the child’s hair out of her face.
‘But we’re hungry,’ Brianna sulked.
‘I’ll give Louis his breakfast,’ Hugh announced.
‘Don’t be silly Uncle Hugh! You need boobies to feed Louis,’ Brianna tutted.
Annabella whooped with laughter and Hugh’s face reddened.
‘Well, that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile today!’ Hugh snorted.
‘Did mummy go back to the loch to see the swans? That was the only time she smiled yesterday. I woke up when she was leaving and she gave me a kiss and said she was going to the loch,’ Brianna related, not pausing for breath as she spoke but taking one huge gasp at the end.
Hugh and Annabella both raised their eyebrows while Leger and Lily nodded to each other. It seemed reasonable that if Carole was preoccupied and wanted some time alone, she would have returned to the one part of the island that she knew had made her smile. The problem was, that place was known to be dangerous and one life had already been lost there that week.
‘I don’t like the sound of this,’ Bob growled. ‘Remember I went to the loch with her yesterday?’
‘Yes?’ Leger and Lily chorused.
‘I thought she was going to jump in at one point,’ Bob growled. ‘I didn’t mention it because I was sure I was mistaken.’
‘This is not sounding good,’ Lily muttered.
‘You have to go down there, Leger. You have to see if she’s there and stop her!’ Bob barked, becoming increasingly agitated.
Leger’s whiskers flattened at the thought of returning to the loch.
‘I can’t,’ he said.
‘Why?’ Lily asked. ‘Surely now that the cygnet is back with his parents, there’s nothing for you to worry about! The swans must have seen how much you cared about their little one.’
‘You would think!’ Leger sneered. ‘Lily, you’ve been on this island much longer than me. Have you ever heard of a local swan with the ability to kill a human?’
Lily narrowed her eyes. ‘Do you suspect this swan of killing Sean Gilbert?’
Leger sighed and sat upright, slicking his fur back from his face and adjusting his collar before he started to relate the story of what had happened. He told Lily and Bob everything while Brianna listened in, pretending to understand what they were saying and Hugh made breakfast in the kitchen.
Lily hissed. ‘I might have known it would be those swans! The male is called Kevin, that I know. I’m pretty sure the female is called Cynthia, although I’ve heard nothing of her for a while.’
‘Obviously, he’s no killer. Either that or you’re a pretty fearsome little furball. You lived to tell the tale,’ Bob noted.
‘Exactly!’ Lily said, dismissing the notion that Kevin was at all dangerous. ‘He is all talk.’
‘It’s a shame we’re not on friendlier terms. The swans might have seen Carole and been able to provide information about her whereabouts or mental state,’ Leger seethed. ‘I was sure Annabella read an article yesterday about Sean Gilbert’s death and the friend said he was pushed, although no mention of a swan was made! Surely the swan couldn’t have killed him.’
‘Leger, we have no choice. We have to face up to these swans and get more information, not just about Carole’s whereabouts, but about Sean Gilbert’s passing too. We can’t have someone going round threatening the cats of the island and killing humans,’ Lily decided.
‘You are, of course, correct,’ Leger said. ‘If any cat or human is in danger, we must protect them. Even cats like Massingham. That doesn’t mean I relish the prospect of visiting the swans again.’
‘It has to be done though. Right?’ Lily said, prodding him with one paw.
Leger emitted a noise that signalled his reluctant commitment to the idea.
‘Great! Well, I’ll be spending the day napping on top of the kitchen cupboards. Give me a shout if you solve this one,’ Lily declared, striding out of the room.
‘Can you believe that, Bob? She’s not even going to come with me!’ Leger hissed.
Bob panted, struggling not to erupt into full-blown hysterical laughter. ‘Just do what you can, Leger. I’m sure if there’s anything to be uncovered, you’ll manage it.’
Leger couldn’t remember the last time he felt this nervous about something. He flicked through the various investigations he had carried out in his mind and came to the conclusion that coming face to face with this evil swan again was far more terrifying than any of the human criminals he had encountered during his time as a sleuth.
He padded across the grass, his eyes peeled for any sign of swans or cygnets. He knew if he came across Iain again, the young cygnet would probably be happy to share some information with him, if he had any, but talking to the baby would be risky as if he was found by the parents, he would surely not be allowed to leave the loch without a fight.
He spied Kevin, the cob. Leger noted that he seemed to be alone which was very unusual as swans usually swan in pairs and never left their partner’s side. He climbed into the reeds and observed for a short time from his hiding place. Iain was waddling by his father’s side.
‘Come on, Iain. Hurry up. You ate too much at breakfast time, didn’t you?’ Kevin tutted.
‘Sorry Dad,’ Iain groaned.
‘You will be when you’re too heavy to swim!’ Kevin shot.
Leger narrowed his eyes. He knew if he could just get Iain on his own, he would help Leger and provide all the answers he needed. He watched as the little grey bird toddled along, dragging his feet and completely lacking in enthusiasm for whatever his father had planned. When enough distance was between Iain and hisfather, Leger hissed at him.
‘Psst! Iain!’
The little grey bird turned around and looked for the source of the voice.
‘Iain! Over here in the reeds,’ Leger whispered.
Iain waddled to where Leger was and hid in the long grass along with him.
‘Kitty! I’m so sorry about my Dad. He’s really over-protective,’ Iain said.
‘It’s quite alright, and my name is Leger. Will it be safe for us to talk here?’ he asked.
‘It should be,’ Iain replied, shrugging his wings. It was only then that Leger noticed he had one wing shorter than the other. Of course his father would be protective of him, given that he was differently abled to most of his peers.
‘I had some questions I wanted to ask you. You see, I’m a detective and I think you might be able to help with my investigation,’ Leger advised.
‘A detective? You mean, you solve mysteries?’ Iain squawked, getting a little over-excited.
‘Yes, that’s correct. Would you like that, Iain? Would you like to help me solve a mystery or two?’ he smiled down at his new friend.
‘Of course I would! What do you need to know?’
‘There are two cases I’m working on at the moment. They might even be linked by the same perpetrator.’
‘What’s a perpetrator?’ Iain frowned.
‘The bad guy. Now, there was a woman here yesterday with a black dog and a little girl. The woman’s name is Carole. Do you remember her?’
‘Yes! She gave us an iced bun,’ Iain said, his eyes lighting up.
‘Excellent. She’s a very generous lady, although sadly, she’s a dog person. Still, nobody’s perfect. Did you by any chance see her again either last night or this morning?’ Leger asked.
‘I did. She was here with a man,’ Iain said, his eyes darkening.
Leger noticed the change in Iain’s mood and wondered if it would be appropriate to proceed. Could he really interrogate someone so young? Did he have any other choice?
‘Don’t be upset, Iain. Just tell me what you saw. What did the man look like? Did you recognise him?’ Leger asked.
‘No, I didn’t,’ he replied. ‘I heard them kissing. They made kiss noises. Then they had a fight.’
‘What did he look like?’ Leger probed.
‘I don’t know. I couldn’t see his face because he was so tall. If I saw his legs, I could identify him!’
Leger rubbed a paw against his whiskers as he considered this. He couldn’t help but scowl. He knew humans didn’t always mate for life and sometimes had more than one husband or wife, but he couldn’t imagine Carole having a relationship with another man while she was married.
‘What about the conversation? Did you hear any of it?’ Leger pushed.
‘No, not really,’ Iain shrugged again. ‘What was your other case? You said you had a couple.’
‘Ah, yes. The man who was pushed into the loch the other day. I need to find the culprit and I was hoping that someone who lives here – that would be you – could tell me exactly what happened,’ Leger said.
Iain’s eyes completely changed then and Leger couldn’t help wondering what was going through his mind. He had gone from being completely co-operative to reluctant to speak at all and that alone was enough to ring alarm bells.
‘Iain? Can you tell me what you saw?’ Leger said.
‘Nothing. I didn’t see anything,’ Iain said. ‘But I know who pushed that man and I know that he’ll be in a lot of trouble if anyone finds out.’
‘Who was it?’ Leger said, leaning forward as he anticipated the answer. ‘Was it the man that Carole met last night?’
‘What? No! It wasn’t a man, it was…’
The young cygnet’s father pulled back the reeds with his beak and opened his wings wide. He looked huge and menacing and Leger knew it was the right time to leave. Without any further conversation, and not even a farewell, Leger sped off in the direction of the McInnes household yet again so he could relate his findings to Lily and Bob and they could mull over the suspicions he now held.
Leger was sure he reached the house in record time. He propelled himself through the cat flap so he tumbled when he hit the floor. Lily, who had declared earlier she would be sleeping on top of the cupboards, was curled up in between Bob’s paws and the pair were cuddling, cheek to cheek.
‘Don’t mind me,’ Leger sniffed.
‘We won’t!’ Lily grinned. ‘What did you find out?’
Leger sat opposite his two housemates and took his time licking his front paws before he began relating the story of his meeting with Iain.
‘From what I can deduce, Carole went to the loch to meet a man. They are clearly very close because Iain, the cygnet, heard kissing noises but then they argued. I was going to ask Iain what happened after they argued but I didn’t get a chance,’ Leger said.
‘If anything major had happened, like if things had turned violent in any way, he would have said so without being asked. It’s not the kind of thing you just leave out,’ Lily decided.
Bob made a noise of agreement but kept his mouth closed.
‘I think you’re right, Lily. At least now we know it wasn’t a man who pushed Sean Gilbert into the pond the other day too. It was either a woman or a swan,’ Leger said. ‘That also means that Sean Gilbert’s friend, the one who spoke to the paper, isn’t responsible for pushing himin and is either protecting the culprit or has amnesia.’
‘Is he out of hospital?’ Lily probed.
‘Who?’ Leger asked.
‘Sean Gilbert’s friend.’
‘Yes, apparently so. He gave the interview on his release from hospital,’ Leger advised. ‘What are you thinking?’
‘When was Sean Gilbert pushed into the water?’ Lily asked.
‘Monday,’ Bob said. ‘Definitely Monday.’
‘And when did Carole and the kids arrive?’ Lily continued.
‘They arrived on Sunday evening,’ Leger hissed. ‘I don’t like where you’re going with this.’
‘It’s just a theory,’ Lily said.
‘But it’s one that makes sense, no matter how much I want to believe it’s wrong!’ Leger cringed.
‘Wait, let me get this straight,’ Bob said. ‘Carole arrived on Sunday night, Sean Gilbert was murdered on Monday and because Carole likes the loch and a baby swan said it wasn’t a man who killed Sean Gilbert, you assume it was Carole who did it?’
Lily sucked in a breath and ground her teeth. ‘You have to admit, she’s been awfully quiet all week.’
‘It can’t be true,’ Leger countered. ‘I just don’t believe it.’
‘But it’s a possibility! What if the man she met at the loch was Sean Gilbert’s friend, who is covering for her?’
‘There’s one thing missing from this stupid theory,’ Bob growled. ‘A motive!’
‘Bob, please settle down. I’m just adding up the facts!’ Lily defended.
‘You’re causing trouble. Do you know what could happen with ridiculous accusations and rumours like this? You could ruin an innocent woman’s reputation permanently. This is not right!’
Leger took a step back from the pair as they separated and Lily leapt up on top of the cupboard, via the worktops and the sink. Bob and Lily were firm friends and very affectionate but he feared that her accusations against Carole could cause a rift between them. Bob was very fond of the young woman and there was no way he would ever hear a word said against her.
He crept back to the living room, where Hugh and Annabella were munching on croissants and Brianna was enjoying some toast smeared with chocolate spread. Even baby Louis was licking a buttered finger of toast and everyone seemed calm on the surface. Leger knew that inside, Annabella’s stomach would be churning and her mind would be racing as she rattled through various worst-case scenarios in her mind. Hugh’s brows were lowered, and he was preoccupied, eating in silence rather than chattering as he often did at breakfast time but he was reining in any fears he had in an attempt to keep his wife calm. Brianna and Louis had no awareness of just how much danger or trouble their mother could have been in at that time.
Leger couldn’t believe that now, not only did he have the drowning case to solve, but he also had to track down Carole. He hated to think that Lily could somehow have been right and that Carole was in any way involved in the drowning incident but he had to admit, it would explain a lot.
‘So, what’s our first line of enquiry?’ Bob asked, sniffing around the living room floor for crumbs dropped earlier.
‘Our line of enquiry? What do you mean, ours?’ Leger asked, narrowing his eyes. ‘Do you want to take a more active role in this particular case?’
‘I do,’ Bob agreed, nodding his head up and down. ‘If it means finding Carole quicker and clearing her name, I’ll do whatever it takes.’
‘I appreciate your offer of help but I think you have to take a back seat,’ Leger advised.
‘But why?’ Bob whimpered.
‘You’re too close to this. There’s a conflict of interest here. Can you honestly tell me you can compartmentalise your emotions?’ Leger asked, his whiskers twitching.
‘Of course not, but isn’t that what makes me perfect as your wingman? You’ve often been close to the victim in various different cases and that’s your motivation. Helping Carole is mine,’ Bob explained.
‘That’s very true, but I’ve never been close to the person who committed the crime,’ Leger said. ‘Except for that one time when it turned out to be Hugh, but I didn’t know he was involved when I was investigating. And that time when it was Tony.’
‘Face it Leger, you can’t use that argument. We both like Carole. Perhaps I like her more than you do but neither of us want to believe that she is the murderer in this incident. Lily is the only one who seems to want Carole to be guilty.’
‘I don’t think it’s that she wants Carole to be the murderer. I think she is simply less biased than we are,’ Leger frowned.
Bob stared at Leger for a moment then said,‘So, am I in?’
‘Yes. I say this because, in my heart, I don’t believe Carole is involved in the death of Sean Gilbert.’
‘Great,’ Bob said. ‘I’ve been brainstorming and I had some ideas.’
Leger’s whiskers twitched with amusement. Bob was clearly taking this seriously and although it was surprising, it was welcome. Leger had never seen Bob so enthusiastic about an investigation. Usually the only times he got this excited involved food or walks.
‘Now, what I thought we could do is ask some of the other animals in the village. Hugh will take me for a walk at some point today. If I whine a lot, he might do it right away. It will give him a chance to look around for Carole anyway.’
‘Good thinking,’ Leger began to say, but was interrupted as Bob pressed ahead with his own ideas.
‘Now, you’re too scared – sorry, I mean safety-conscious – to go to the loch by yourself and that’s fine. That’s another place I can drag Hugh on the walk, and I can speak to the swans when we’re there. Kevin probably won’t hurt a dog, especially one with a human.’
‘Excellent idea,’ Leger said, but he was interrupted yet again.
‘What I also thought we could do is talk to Louis. We’ve heard what Brianna has to say when she spoke to Annabella and Hugh but Louis might be able to shed some more light on where Carole was going. Human adults often say things to babies that they wouldn’t say to other adults or older children.’
‘Actually, that’s true but the problem with that is that babies cannot talk,’ Leger pointed out.
‘What do you mean, they can’t talk? Louis and I talk all the time!’ Bob cried.
Leger kept his eyes fixed on his canine friend as he assessed whether Bob was joking and if not, whether he was of sound mind.
‘What’s the matter Leger? You’ll be telling me next that animals can’t talk and our conversations with each other are all imaginary!’
‘Well, clearly you and Louis have some kind of rapport that he and I don’t share. Brianna and I were always close when she was little, but she’s what I would describe as a cat person. Perhaps Louis is more a dog person, like his mother,’ Leger decided.
Hugh appeared in the doorway, clutching his newspaper and the phone with a scowl on his face, clearly still concerned about Carole’s whereabouts.
He perched on the edge of his armchair and typed a number into the phone.
‘Carole? It’s Uncle Hugh again. Your Aunty Anna and I were just wondering when you’ll be back. We’re getting a bit worried. Give us a ring and tell us what your plans are. The wee ones are just fine but Brianna’s asking where mummy is. Just, let us know,’ he said, then pressed the button to end the call.
Leger and Bob watched him rub his eyes until they were red, then he sat back with his newspaper still in his hand, making no attempt to read it.
‘Time for a walk!’ Bob barked. ‘Come on, Hugh. Time to go. Get up. I want a walk.’
Leger heard Lily yowling to be quiet from the other room, her nap no doubt disturbed, while Hugh scratched Bob’s ears.
‘Do you want to go out? I suppose we should. You still need a walk, no matter what’s happening around this place,’ Hugh smiled down at his best friend.
‘Nicely done,’ Leger complimented, striding to the door, ready to follow the pair of them out when they left.
Within a few minutes, Hugh had put on his jacket and clipped Bob’s leash onto his collar. When Hugh opened the door, the trio left. Hugh didn’t even comment on Leger following them, as he occasionally did so.
Leger peered over at the tree between the house and the hotel as Bob pulled Hugh in the direction of the loch. He saw the usual clowder perched on various branches of the tree. Massingham had his head down, which was entirely unexpected since Leger had run from their fight the day before and he expected Massingham to gloat. Leger couldn’t help noticing that the clowder seemed to be collectively subdued.
‘Just a second, Bob. I’m going to check what’s occurring over at the tree,’ Leger said.
‘Be quick! I can’t look so eager then suddenly take my time. Hugh will end up turning back at this rate!’
Leger sprinted to the tree and stared up at the clowder.
‘Good day to you all. I can’t help noticing you don’t seem your usual selves,’ he noted.
Piper was the only one who acknowledged his presence. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again when Massingham hissed.
‘Has something happened?’ Leger pressed.
‘Yes!’ Piper squeaked, desperate to spill the beans.
Domino and Oreo tutted to show their contempt but said nothing. Massingham was next to speak.
‘I took a walk back to the loch this morning to get that cygnet back. It seems he has protection from his father,’ Massingham said.
‘Yes, he does,’ Leger agreed. ‘I knew that already. I discovered that when I took him back to his father yesterday.’
‘And you walked away from that swan? The one who killed a human in cold blood?’ Piper swooned. ‘That’s so awesome!’
‘Impressive indeed,’ Massingham purred. ‘How did you manage to escape him?’
‘I got off with a warning,’ Leger smirked. ‘I assume you did too?’
‘Not exactly,’ Massingham said. ‘Once the cygnet mentioned that his father had killed a human, I got a little spooked and walked away. Decided he wasn’t worth the trouble. When I came back here and told the others the story of what had happened, they told me all about how that cob is a local legend. I can’t believe a wimp like you escaped him.’
‘Whatever do you mean?’ Leger said.
‘Well we all knew he was vicious but he apparently killed a human and nobody expected that. That is not the kind of animal I want to come in contact with,’ Massingham stated. ‘I would much rather just stay here on this tree.’
Leger walked, very calmly, around the side of his house until he was out of sight of the clowder then picked up the pace, sprinting to the loch to be with Hugh and Bob again. When he arrived he found Bob scouring the place, sniffing various patches of grass, but did not see the swans.
‘Find anything, Bob?’ Leger asked.
‘I can smell them, but I can’t see them,’ he said. ‘Tell me something. I always thought swans mated for life and swan around in pairs but I can only smell two here. One is the male, presumably the father who threatened you and the other is the young cygnet. Where’s the mother?’
‘I did notice there was a lack of female presence here,’ Leger noted.
‘I wonder if maybe he’s a single dad and that’s why he’s so protective,’ Bob said.
Leger sighed. It was a possibility, but he found his empathy was lacking at that precise moment. Perhaps if he had not been threatened the day before and didn’t already have enough on his plate trying to find Carole and the person who killed Sean Gilbert, he would have been far more interested in Iain’sfamily situation.
‘I just had an interesting conversation with Massingham,’ Leger said.
‘Oh, really?’ Bob replied.
‘Apparently, Iain told him this morning that his father killed a human.’
‘Do you really think it’s true?’ Bob asked.
‘Of course not,’ Leger said. ‘How could he? It’s just not possible, is it?’
‘You two are very chatty today,’ Hugh said, smiling down at the two animals.
‘What about Carole? Can you smell her here?’ Leger asked.
‘I can. She was here on this bench and I could swear I can smell Gordon too,’ Bob said.
‘Excellent! That means the man she kissed was her husband. Why would she disappear with him though and not bring him to see the family?’
‘Didn’t Iain say they had a fight? Perhaps they’ve gone down to the village to stay the night and be alone to sort things out. I’ll bet there’s not even a mystery to solve here,’ Bob panted, smiling.
‘Let’s head to the village and check if she’s there,’ Leger suggested.
‘Good idea. Is there anyone in the village we can ask about the drowning matter? Didn’t you solve a murder here before? Who helped you then?’
Leger sat on the gravelly path around the loch and reminisced for a moment about the time when he first met Lily and they solved a murder together with the help of a spider named Steven and a German Shepherd named Rani. Of course, Lily had promptly eaten the spider after using the poor creature as an informant but Rani would hopefully still be alive and well and remember him. Perhaps she would have heard something on the grapevine about Sean Gilbert’s untimely death.
‘I know she lives around this area somewhere,’ Leger muttered, leading Bob and Hugh up a side-street in the nearby village.
‘Why on earth do you want to come up this street, Bob?’ Hugh grumbled as he was dragged along by Bob, who was following Leger to Rani’s house.
‘It’s this one!’ Leger called out. ‘It’s as messy as it was last year and yes, there she is.’
Leger nodded towards the sad German Shepherd with huge paws, large black eyes and floppy dark ears, lying on a patch of unkempt grass. When he had visited Rani last year to get information about a local murder, he had assumed she looked depressed then because she had been the one to find the victim’s body and it had disturbed her. She looked just the same today as she did last year.
‘Rani!’ Leger called out. ‘Do you remember me?’
Rani looked up with only her eyes, her head still resting on her two fronts paws. She was too lazy to move and appeared to have recently woken from a sleep. She examined him for a moment and her nose twitched, almost as if she sort of recognised him but she couldn’t place his face.
‘This is Rani?’ Bob panted. ‘What an angel!’
Rani’s head popped up, now sufficiently interested to make a significant movement. Her eyes were wide as she regarded Bob.
‘Who? Me? I’m an angel?’ she asked, her breath heavy.
‘Oh, so this is why you wanted to come here!’ Hugh chuckled. ‘Got your eye on a lady friend, have you? I’ll bet she’s in season and the smell was driving you wild.’
‘I’m not actually,’ Rani pouted. ‘Can I help you three?’
‘Be mine!’ Bob sighed, jumping onto his hind legs and resting his paws on the fence. ‘I swear, Cupid has shot fifty arrows into me.’
Leger looked up at his canine friend and shook his head. He had never seen Bob behave in such a manner before and it was quite unnerving.
‘Is he all right?’ Rani said, sniffing through the fence. ‘He seems a little hyper.’
‘He’s fine. I’m Leger. You probably don’t remember me but I was here for a short time last year investigating a murder on the island.’
‘Oh my goodness! Of course I remember you. I still have the stick you gave me. See?’ she said and ran to one of the many bushes at the far end of her garden to fetch a piece of well-loved wood.
‘Come here, girl,’ Hugh said, reaching over to pat her and take the stick. He tossed it back to the other end of the garden, hoping she would fetch but she didn’t.
‘I’m glad you found so much pleasure in the gift,’ Leger beamed. ‘I can’t believe you still have it!’
‘I don’t get a lot of gifts, so of course I kept it. What can I do for you? Are you investigating something else? I’m afraid I haven’t found any more bodies on the beach,’ she sighed, tilting her head back as Hugh ruffled her ears.
‘I would be surprised if you had. There are some other matters I wish to discuss with you. You’re the only dog I know around here and I wondered if perhaps you could set me straight on some matters that cats would shy away from,’ Leger suggested.
‘I can try,’ Rani whimpered.
‘Have you heard of the murder of Sean Gilbert?’ Leger quizzed.
‘Oh, yes! He was the man who owned the take-away restaurant in the village. Lovely man. Real dog person. Loved cats too but they never really took to him because of his affiliation with dogs,’ Rani said.
‘Interesting! So what else do you know about him?’ Leger continued, while Bob stared in at Rani with lovesickness in his eyes.
‘I know that his death is being investigated by police but they’re wasting their time. The blame doesn’t lie with humans. It was a swan who pushed him in.’
‘A swan?’ Leger and Bob repeated in unison.
‘So itwas Kevin!’ Leger said.
‘Well, that’s what I’ve heard. Sean Gilbert’s friend, the one who jumped in to save him, had his dog with him that day and Blue, the dog, said Sean tried to feed the cygnet. Of course, if you get too close to a cygnet the parents will attack and in this case, the parent did. He pushedhim into the water. I don’t think he meant to kill him, just scare him away. It was a tragic accident.’
‘That would explain a lot. Do you ever take walks to the loch?’ Leger asked.
‘Not really. I don’t get walked anywhere other than the beach across the road and that’s only because it’s close. I would love to go for a proper long walk,’ Rani said, her features drooping again and giving her a sad appearance.
Bob whimpered in at her while Leger tried his best to keep his emotions in check. He felt sorry for Rani, but he couldn’t let that get in the way of his job and now that he knew Sean Gilbert hadn’t been murdered by a human, his paramount concern was finding Carole.
‘So, you won’t have heard anything about the disappearance of a young woman who was staying here on the island?’ Leger probed.
‘Nope. Not a thing,’ Rani said.
‘Thank you, Rani. You’ve actually been more helpful than you realise,’ Leger said. ‘Is there anything I can do in return?’
‘Perhaps there is. Does your human have treats in his pocket? I can smell them and it’s years since I’ve had a treat. My family don’t really do things like that. I only get my main meals.’
Bob nuzzled Hugh’s pocket to remind the elderly man that he had something in there that Rani might enjoy and when Hugh fed a gravy bone to Bob, the huge Labrador held it between his teeth and dropped it through the fence for Rani.
When the trio returned home later that morning, Leger had much to think about. Firstly, he knew the identity of the murderer now, although it wasn’t really a murder and he had never suspected that a swan would indeed be to blame for a human death. They were such graceful, elegant creatures. This could not go unpunished, but when Kevin had a young child to care for, how could Leger possibly turn him in? There had to be a way for Kevin to pay for his crime without putting the Iain in danger of losing his father.
The next thing on his mind was Carole’s whereabouts. He knew it was possible that she had just gone for a long walk, but the more he discovered about the situation, the more uneasy he felt. She had met her husband, Gordon, at the loch but he hadn’t bothered to call in on the family. The pair had quarrelled and then she and Gordon had both vanished. It didn’t sit well with Leger. He had a bad feeling about this and he wanted to track her down to reassure himself and everyone else in the family that Carole was safe and well.
The problem was that they had now exhausted every line of enquiry he could think of, except for Bob’s idea of speaking to the baby. He wasn’t convinced this would work, but he would try anything at this point.
He approached the little boy, who was sitting in a bouncy chair, sucking on a teething ring and eyeing up Leger. Leger sat before him and twitched his nose. He had no idea what to say.
‘Hello, young man,’ Leger said, clearing his throat. ‘How’s the teething coming along?’
Louis sighed and stared at Leger, continuing to suck on the ring.
‘I’ll bet you can’t wait to be up and about, eh?’ Leger said. ‘Oh, no. This is so lame. I have no idea how to talk to you.’
‘You’re not speaking his language,’ Bob grunted, padding into the living room after devouring half of Annabella’s sandwich. She was apparently too worried to eat her lunch, although Leger suspected she would have shared it with Bob anyway.
‘Show me how it’s done,’ Leger said.
He watched as Bob sat before the little boy and made no sound at all, at least not one that Leger could hear. Louis was captivated by whatever Bob was saying and began to wave his arms around and cackle. Bob thumped his two front paws on the floor below him and Louis wiggled his chubby little legs.
‘What’s he saying?’ Leger asked, truly intrigued.
‘Nothing, we haven’t started talking yet,’ Bob replied.
‘Well, get a move on!’ Leger grumbled, his patience wearing thin.
‘Louis! Louis! Where’s mummy?’ Bob asked.
‘Dada,’ Louis replied.
‘He says she’s with his dad. That would be Gordon,’ Bob said, as if translating.
‘I gathered that. Right. Where…did…mummy…go…with…daddy?’ Leger said, slowing his speech and meowing slightly louder than he normally would.
‘You don’t have to talk to him like an idiot, Leger! He’s a baby, not an imbecile,’ Bob snapped.
Louis replied with a few nonsensical noises that neither Bob nor Leger could decipher.
‘I wonder if…’ Leger trailed off.
‘What?’ Bob asked.
‘Well, we’ve been to the loch and we’ve been to the village, via the beach. We didn’t see Carole and Gordon on our travels. Do you think they could possibly have taken the ferry back to the mainland?’ he wondered.
‘It’s possible,’ Bob agreed. ‘If only we had a liaison over there.’
Leger grinned. ‘But Bob, we do!’
When Leger noticed Annabella calling the police to report Carole as a missing person, he knew he had to act fast and find her. He didn’t want things to get any more complicated than they already were. Being a mother of young children, she might be in trouble for leaving them even if she knew they were safe with her aunt and uncle.
He raced down to the harbour to seek out some gulls. First, they scattered on seeing him, just as he would have expected them to do. However, one bold gull returned, in search of a scrap of bread she had left behind and Leger called out to her.
‘Excuse me! Could you relay a message to someone on the mainland for me, please?’ Leger requested.
The gull looked around herself, then at Leger from the side of her head. ‘Who? Me?’
‘Yes! I have a gull friend in Glasgow I need to contact,’ Leger said.
‘You’re kidding!’ she squawked, continuing to look for her bread.
‘I’m not. Perhaps you know him. His name is Joe. He’s from the city.’
‘Yep. I know Joe,’ the gull said. ‘He likes chips.’
‘That’s him!’ Leger enthused. ‘Please can you ask him to come over to the island and speak with me? It’s extremely urgent.’
‘Will do,’ the gull said, then took flight once more.
Leger waited at the harbour for an hour, watching the ferries come and go, as they arrived every fifteen minutes from Largs. After that time, he assumed that the gull was not planning to return, so he left and walked home to re-think his plan.
‘Any luck?’ Bob said as he slid through the cat flap.
‘I found a gull who knows Joe. She said she would fetch him but she didn’t return and Joe didn’t show up,’ Leger grumbled. ‘I have to re-think my plan.’
‘There is one thing you could do,’ Lily said, from her resting place on top of the cupboards. Leger had related everything that had happened to her when they returned from the walk with Hugh and she had said nothing about the investigation, other than that she was happy it had turned out not to be Carole who killed Sean Gilbert.
‘Oh, this should be good,’ Bob snarled.
‘I made a mistake, all right? I saw a possible explanation and I vocalised it. I have done nothing wrong!’ Lily defended.
‘You could have ruined an innocent woman’s reputation!’ Bob barked.
‘Bob, shhh!’ Leger instructed. ‘Yes, Lily? What did you have in mind?’
‘Why don’t you go over to the mainland on the ferry and ask around? There has to be someone who saw Carole and Gordon. It’s better than waiting around here with no other plan. You can return to the island quickly and easily and if you see Joe on your travels, well then all the better,’ she said.
‘It might be worth a shot,’ Leger conceded.
The conversation was interrupted by a fierce rattling on the pane of the kitchen window. They all looked up to see Joe ramming his beak into the glass and glaring in with his unmistakable beady eyes.
Leger stepped back out through his cat flap to greet the bird.
‘What is it? I’m busy! I’ve got chicks waiting,’ Joe screeched.
‘Congratulations!’ Leger gasped. ‘I had no idea you were a father.’
‘Get on with it,’ Joe snapped.
‘I need you to look on the mainland for Carole, Annabella’s niece. Do you know her?’ he said.
Joe appeared to think this over. ‘Young woman, dark hair, two little ones?’
‘That’s her!’ Leger said.
‘I know her. I’ll take a look. Maybe ask around,’ Joe decided. ‘You coming?’
‘I am indeed. Fly on ahead without me. I have to get the ferry over,’ Leger said.
He watched Joe soar into the cloudless sky and popped his head back through the cat flap.
‘It’s full steam ahead. I’m off to the mainland. I’ll be back for dinner,’ he said to Bob and Lily.
‘Good luck!’ they chorused.
‘No fighting while I’m gone,’ Leger warned, narrowing his eyes at the pair who were at opposite ends of the kitchen. ‘When I get home tonight, I’ll have this solved and hopefully Carole will be back with me.’
Leger boarded the ferry unnoticed by most passengers. The only person who noticed was an elderly lady who was determined she would help him hide from the staff and stow him away, even though there was no danger of him being seen by anyone who worked on the boat.
He stayed up on deck, not caring one bit that there was a stiff breeze in his fur. He would suffer it so that he could stay in touch with Joe and hear any news about Carole. It was unfortunate then that he had suffered for nothing and he didn’t see Joe again until they reached Largs.
‘Has anyone seen Carole?’ Leger asked as soon as he disembarked the ferry and walked onto the harbour.
The site where the ferry dropped off passengers in Largs was treacherous, with the ferry releasing both passengers and cars onto a busy main road, while at the same time having cars speed towards them as they were leaving a nearby car park. The scent of the town was something quite strange to Leger. He could taste ice-cream in the air mixed with what he could swear was sweaty feet. As he prowled along the seafront, he noticed a large bowling alley adjacent to the ferry terminal and wondered if perhaps the scent of all the bowling shoes was where the smell had come from.
‘I see her!’ Joe said. ‘In a car. She’s locked in.’
‘Where?’ Leger demanded.
Joe led him to the car park where they found Gordon’s white Fiat Stilo parked. Carole was inside, sitting in the passenger seat, her eyes completely vacant. Leger jumped onto the hood of the car and peered in at her. She had clearly been crying a lot and had a black eye.
‘Somebody has hit her,’ Leger seethed. ‘I’ll bet it was Gordon! Why doesn’t she just open the door from the inside?’
‘Where is he?’ Joe asked.
‘I don’t know but I’ll wait here all day if I have to,’ Leger replied.
He sat on the car, ready for a long wait and Joe reluctantly did the same. Carole seemed completely unaware of their presence for the first five minutes then she noticed Leger and squinted at him through her swollen eye.
‘Leger?’ she mouthed.
He pressed his paws against the windscreen and gave her what he believed to be a smile.
‘Is Aunty Anna here?’ she said, although it was so quiet through the glass that Leger could barely hear her.
‘No, it’s just me,’ he said.
‘Get Aunty Anna!’ she said. ‘Get help, Leger! Oh, this would be so much easier if you were a dog.’
‘Is there a way we can stall Gordon when he returns?’ Leger asked Joe.
‘I could poop. A lot. On his car,’ Joe suggested. ‘We all could.’
‘I couldn’t,’ Leger said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
‘Not you. All the birds,’ Joe screeched, tilting his head back with laughter.
‘What good will that do?’ Leger quizzed.
‘Ever driven a poopy car?’ Joe winked.
Leger scrunched his eyes closed. ‘Go for it.’
He stepped aside and watched from close by while Joe and several other gulls swooped down and defaced Gordon’s car. A few of them scratched the roof with the feet and another couple attempted to burst his tyres with their beaks, to no avail.
‘It was worth a try,’ Leger sighed.
When the car was utterly filthy and Carole was then terrified, even though the birds were helping her, Gordon arrived back, holding a bag of what initially looked like groceries, although Leger noted it was actually just a bottle of whisky in a bag.
‘That’s him!’ Leger wailed. ‘Wait for my signal and then get him!’
Gordon cursed succinctly when he saw the state of his car and reached out an arm to shoo the birds away from the mess. He ground his teeth together, then removed his jacket and threw it onto the ground.
Carole cowered inside the car and began to sob. Gordon put his key into the passenger door lock, turned it then opened the door and as soon as he did, Leger screeched, ‘Now!’
He lunged forward to grab the keys in his mouth while Joe and his friends swooped down on Gordon and slapped his face with their wings. A few of the gulls aimed for his head with their sharp feet and all of them who were close enough pecked at his body.
Carole took her chance and kicked the car door wide open while he was distracted. It was then that Leger saw her hands were bound behind her back with plastic ties. She ran into the ferry terminal without Gordon even noticing and Leger followed on behind, taking a brief backwards glance at all the birds taking care of the man who had hurt Carole. Joe toddled away from thescene on his feet, stopping at the edge of the car park to pick up a discarded piece of wafer from an ice-cream cone. He then nodded at Leger, who winked back, and flapped himself up into the air to make his return to Glasgow.
‘Poor Carole,’ Bob whined, looking over at the young women whose eye was still bruised.
The humans of the house were in the kitchen, baking together. Even Hugh had decided to join in and be the master chef for the afternoon while Annabella gave Carole and Brianna instructions and Louis looked on from his bouncy chair. The animals were out in the hallway, looking in at them, wondering if they would get to sample the scones when they were cooked. It was unlikely either Lily or Leger would be fed anything that was made, but Bob might get a crumb or two.
‘I know. It’s unlikely Gordon will ever return to the family home now,’ Leger noted. ‘I knew their relationship was unconventional but I never suspected him of violence towards her.’
‘Might be for the best if they split up. He wasn’t around much anyway,’ Bob said.
‘But still, it’s sad for the children to grow up without their father around,’ Lily mused.
Bob’s eyes flickered over to Lily and then to the floor. The pair still weren’t as affectionate as they had been but once Carole was home, safe and sound, Bob had forgiven Lily for her suggestion that Carole might have been at all involved in Sean Gilbert’s death.
‘So, now that Carole is home, Gordon’s facing legal action, Sean Gilbert’s friend has told the police the full story, and the swan family have a sign posted next to the loch to ask that nobody touches the baby, I suppose there’s nothing left for me to do,’ Leger sighed.
‘All’s well that ends well,’ Lily smiled.
‘I suppose,’ he said.
‘What’s the matter, mate?’ Bob pressed. ‘You look like something’s still troubling you.’
‘It’s all this business with Kevin and Iain. I hate to make an enemy, although sometimes it’s necessary. I just think that I need reassurance Kevin won’t hurt any cats on the island,’ Leger replied.
‘There has to be a way. He’s already feared, isn’t he?’ Lily asked.
‘Yes, but when they realise that Kevin only attacked Sean Gilbert because he was trying to feed Iain, the cats will work out that all they have to do is wait until Iain is separated from his father and then attack the cygnet. I need to find a solution,’ Leger said.
He walked into the living room, away from Lily and Bob and sat on the sofa. The television was on and Annabella had been watching some historical drama about the Vikings. Leger watched, only half interested until he heard about the death of one of the characters. As soon as the Earl died, the Viking who killed him took the title and all the land that the Earl had owned.
A smile formed on Leger’s lips. He had a plan now to solve the problem of the irritable cob but he would need Joe’s help once more.
‘So, basically Joe, our seagull friend is here to mediate,’ Leger told Lily.
He had brought her for backup, although when they spoke about it they didn’t mention the fact that travelling to the loch in pairs was about protecting either one of them. They just said that it would be good to have someone else there for company.
‘Kevin!’ Joe announced. ‘Leger has a plan.’
‘Yes, basically what I want to happen is to give you the title that the human you killed had. His name was Gibby the Cat Killer. If you have this reputation, and you’ve earned that by seeing off someone who was viewed as an enemy of cats, you’re automatically feared by the feline community.’
Kevin looked at Joe, then back at Leger. ‘But he didn’t actually kill any cats. He loved animals.’
‘That doesn’t matter,’ Leger dismissed. ‘The most important thing is reputation. Your son has already sown the seed by telling Massingham, the grey cat with the loose collar, that you killed a human. Now, you’ll inherit his supposed title.’
Kevin appeared to think this over for a moment. He then looked at Joe, who nodded his head up and down to signal that he thought it was a good idea.
‘Alright. Tell your clowder that I am, from this day forward, to be known as Gibby the Cat Killer. My family can still call me Kevin, can’t they?’
‘Oh yes!’ Leger agreed. Lily nodded too.
Kevin spread his wings wide and lifted his beak proudly. ‘Go! And don’t come near this loch again. Unless you’re bringing Iain home. He does like to wander into your garden.’
‘Of course. Thank you, Joe, for mediating. And I think we can have a satisfactory, albeit distant relationship between the cats and the swans now.’
‘Don’t get too carried away. Just go before I change my mind,’ Kevin spat.
‘Let’s go,’ Lily hissed. ‘Don’t want to push our luck.’
‘Indeed,’ Leger said.
As the pair walked away, Leger took one final look at Iain who was sitting in the reeds, adjusting his wings. He seemed to balance rather well despite his disability. Leger couldn’t blame Kevin for wanting to protect his little son. He looked so small and fragile and who knew how his wing would develop as he aged. It was possible he might not be able to fly. To take care of him, without the help of Iain’s mother, must have been difficult and stressful.
Iain noticed Leger looking back at him and waved his wing. Leger smiled and winked back. Even though he had a borderline hostile relationship with the cygnet’s father, Leger suspected that as Iain grew into a cob, the pair of them would be firm friends.