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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 22.03.2015 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1984 года
Размер fb2 файла: 1.72 MB
Объём: 446 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Americas most celebrated murder case springs to astonishing and blazing life in the new novel by one of Americas premier storytellers. And the most famous quatrain in American folklore takes on an unexpected and surprising twist as. step by mesmerizing step, a portrait of a notorious woman unfolds with shocking clarity.

In recreating the events of that fateful day. August 4. 1892. in Fall River. Massachusetts, and the extraordinary circumstances which led up to them. Evan Hunter spins a breathtakingly imaginative tale of an enigmatic spinster whose secret life would eventually force her to the ultimate confrontation with her stepmother and father.

Here is Lizzie Borden freed of history and legend — a full-bodied woman of hot blood and passion. fighting against her prim New England upbringing. surrendering to the late-Victorian hedonism of London. Paris and the Riviera, yet fated to live out her meager life in a placid Massachusetts town.

Seething with frustration and rage, a prisoner of her appetites, Lizzie Borden finally, on that hot August day... but how and why she was led into her uncompromising acts is at the heart of this enthralling, suspenseful work of the imagination.

Alternating the actual inquest and trial of Lizzie Borden with an account of her head-spinning, seductive trip to Europe. Evan Hunter port rays with a master craftsmans art the agony of a passionate woman, the depths of a murdering heart.

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