Обложка книги Mortuary Confidential
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Mortuary Confidential

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 22.05.2012 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2010 года
Размер fb2 файла: 513.19 KB
Объём: 177 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


When the casket reached the front of the sanctuary, there was a loud cracking sound as the bottom fell out. And with a thump, down came Father Iggy.

From shoot-outs at funerals to dead men screaming and runaway corpses, undertakers have plenty of unusual stories to tell—and a special way of telling them.

In this macabre and moving compilation, funeral directors across the country share their most embarrassing, jaw-dropping, irreverent, and deeply poignant stories about life at death’s door. Discover what scares them and what moves them to tears. Learn about rookie mistakes and why death sometimes calls for duct tape.

Enjoy tales of the dearly departed spending eternity naked from the waist down and getting bottled and corked—in a wine bottle. And then meet their families—the weepers, the punchers, the stolidly dignified, and the ones who deliver their dead mother in a pickup truck.

If there’s one thing undertakers know, it’s that death drives people crazy. These are the best “bodies of work” from America’s darkest profession.


Praise for Mortuary Confidential

“Sick, funny, and brilliant! I love this book.”

—JONATHAN MABERRY, multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning author of They Bite! and Rot & Ruin

“As unpredictable and lively as a bunch of drunks at a New Orleans funeral.”


“Alternately poignant and peculiar, Mortuary Confidential is an insightful glimpse into the real lives of undertakers.”

—MELISSA MARR, New York Times bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely series

“I have always had an insatiable curiosity of anything that smacks of the tawdry. I suppose the ‘goings on’ around funeral parlors must fall under this category because I could not put this book down. Fascinating.”

—LESLIE JORDAN, Emmy Award–winning actor

“Curious, wildly honest stories that need to be told, but just not at the dinner table.”

—DANA KOLLMANN, author of Never Suck a Dead Man’s Hand

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