Linda La Plante Murder Mile

For Cass Sutherland and The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences


A10 The Met’s internal monitoring division, similar to internal affairs in the US

CID Criminal Investigation Department

DC Detective Constable

DCI Detective Chief Inspector

DCS Detective Chief Superintendent

DI Detective Inspector

DS Detective Sargent

Flying Squad Division of the Met that investigates robberies and any crime involving a gun.

Old Bill Slang for ‘the police’

PC Police Constable

Plonk Derogatory slang for female police used by male police.

Section house Residential accommodation for unmarried police officers

SOCO Scenes of crime officer, i.e. part of the forensic team

SPG Special Patrol Group, a mobile squad of highly trained officers deployed to assist other divisions as needed.

The Met The Metropolitan Police

To be nicked Slang for ‘to be arrested’

To nick Slang for ‘to steal’

WDC Woman Detective Constable

WDS Woman Detective Sargent

WPC Woman Police Constable
