A black Corvette cruised through the freezing November night, the twin funnels of light created by its halogens sweeping the neighborhood as the car turned off a secondary residential street on the north side of Chicago.
A big man sat behind the wheel of the sportster, and the glow from the dashboard cluster only served to further etch the features of an already grim visage like sculpted granite. His steely gaze probed the darkness ahead of the lighted area carved by the car's twin beams.
Mack Bolan guided the sleek vehicle into a parking lot almost filled with similarly sporty cars.
He braked the Vette, then backed into a parking space as close as he could to the canopied main entrance of a sprawling, single-level structure.
He cut the sportster's engine and headlights and paused for a moment.
No one knew it yet, but Death had come to the New Age Center.