Jeremy Robinson SECONDWORLD

For the real Roger Brodeur. I apologize in advance.


I’ve written acknowledgments so many times now, that I’m starting to run out of new ways to say thank you to the people who have helped, encouraged, and stood by me. So I’ve decided to write my acknowledgments in Klingon.

cha’DIch qo’ ’oH naDev. ’uch lIj tlhuH!

Okay, that’s probably a bad idea. I should probably just thank everyone.

First is my publishing team. Thanks to Scott Miller at Trident Media Group for being a supreme agent. At Thomas Dunne Books I have to thank my editor, Peter Wolverton, who has taught me so much about writing fast-paced thrillers, and Anne Bensson, who is always available to help me. I also have to thank Rafal Gibek and the production team, for copy-edits that make me look like a better writer than I am.

For help developing the crazy, but plausible, science at the core of the SecondWorld story, I must thank “Chemisttree” from, where I received ideas and advice from a number of scientists in a variety of fields.

For advance reading I have to thank Roger Brodeur, whose fate lies within these pages. I also have to thank Kane Gilmour, Stan Tremblay, Walter Elly, and Christopher Ouellette for listening to my crazy ideas and helping to make them crazier.

As always, I must thank the people who make all aspects of my life more fun, creative, and unpredictable, Norah, Solomon, and Aquila, my children. And thanks to my wife, whose unwavering belief that I could chase and catch my dreams allowed me to do so. Love you guys.
