Обложка книги Seldom Seen in August
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Seldom Seen in August

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 14.11.2013 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2010 года
Жанр: Ужасы
Размер fb2 файла: 176.62 KB
Объём: 48 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Wade Crawford is not a good guy. He’s a bank robber and a ruthless killer, and now three people are dead and Wade is on the run. With the cops hot on his heels, he breaks into a seemingly ordinary house in a seemingly ordinary neighborhood to hide and wait on word from his partner.

But this neighborhood is far from ordinary. Indeed it has a very specific purpose, and soon Wade will discover that life in prison would be preferable to the hellish torment Seldom Seen has in store for him.


“Burke does a good job of creating a sense of dread despite the intentionally unappealing protagonist, and he takes the story in directions that are unanticipated. (From reading the description, you probably think you know where the story is headed. You’re wrong.) It’s always difficult to flesh out a character in the brief pages of a short story, but Burke does it well, which is why he is a master of the form.”

—Dead in the South

“…his strongest, most terrifying and disturbing piece of fiction to date.”

—Horror Drive-In

“Seldom Seen in August showcases Burke’s continued growth as a writer. With every published piece, the characterizations get sharper, the themes become more complex, and the voice becomes more distinct. Burke continues to push the boundaries of his own fiction, showing more of his influences even as he refines his own style. With this short, powerful story, readers can continue to see where investment in the early stages of this writer’s career are going to pay dividends for some time to come.”

—Dark Scribe Magazine

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