Обложка книги Silver Spire
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Silver Spire

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 30.08.2022 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1992 года
Входит в серии:
Размер fb2 файла: 551.14 KB
Объём: 158 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


For the sixth time Robert Goldsborough invites us into Nero Wolfe’s West Thirty-fifth Street brownstone, and once again he re-creates Wolfe’s world to perfection, as the gourmandizing master detective is roused from his sacred orchid-tending routine — by murder.

Picturesque Richmond County — Staten Island to most people — is the most overlooked borough in New York City, but one of its residents is known throughout the world: the good reverend Barnabas Bay, shepherd of the Tabernacle of the Silver Spire. For the past six Sundays the splashy televangelist has found a nasty surprise in the collection... Bible quotations twisted into death threats.

When one of Reverend Bay’s assistants beseeches Wolfe to find the wicked perpetrator, he refuses — even though the almighty bank account is in need of salvation. After all, the great man does have his convictions, and organized religion offends his sense of morality. And besides, the only plate he’s interested in passing is the one on which a three-star epicurean masterpiece resides.

Never one to shirk his Christian duty. Wolfe’s faithful legman Archie Goodwin refers the case to longtime friend and fellow private detective Fred Durkin.

It proves a fateful decision: Eleven days later someone at the Silver Spire receives a premature call to meet his maker — and Durkin is charged with murder.

As Archie searches for clues and prays for a miracle, the incomparable Nero Wolfe finds himself up against a sinfully clever killer in one of the most baffling — and damning — cases of his career.

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