Словенская литература (от истоков до рубежа XIX–XX веков)

Издание осуществлено при поддержке Общественного агентства книги Республики Словения (JAK)

Ответственный редактор:

доктор филологических наук H. Н. Старикова


д. ф.н., профессор Т. Я. Ильина

д. ф.н… профессор А. Г. Машкова

Slovenian literature (from the origins till boundary of the XIXth and XXth centuries). Ed. by Nadezhda N. Starikova. – Moscow: Indrik, 2010. – 248 p.

This scientific publication created by Slovene and Russian authors acquaints the reader with history of Slovenian literature from the appearance of a written language till the beginning of the XXth century. This is the first publication in domestic Slavic philology in which the literature of Slovenia is represented as a separate object of analysis. The book shows the way of Slovenian literature in view of its typological connections with Western European and Slavic literatures and cultures and specific key stages of literary evolution: Reformation, Baroque, Modern Times, are shown the features of romanticism, realism, modernism, naturalism manifested on Slovene soil and how Slovenian literature was synchronizing its development with European literary movement. The book is addressed to philologists and historians of culture, teachers and students, to all who are interested in literature of Slovenia.
