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Soldier of God

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 26.02.2016 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2005 года
Жанр: Триллер
Входит в серию: Kirk McGarvey
Размер fb2 файла: 990.99 KB
Объём: 416 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


"My dearest mother," the letter from the young Saudi Arabian suicide bomber begins, as have so many before it. "The day of joy will soon arrive. Send out presents and sweets; prepare my father and my brother for my wedding to come. My black-eyed wife waits for me in Paradise. Rejoice, o my mother, for we will meet in heaven."

Suicide bombers are coming to America's heartland. Their targets: our most precious and vulnerable assets, our children.

Following the most terrifying lead of his life, CIA Director Kirk McGarvey traces the threat to a terrorist known as Khalil. But upon further investigation he is convinced that Khalil and the Saudi playboy prince Abdul Hasim bin Salman are the same man. The White House wants nothing to do with McGarvey's assumptions; accusing a Saudi prince of such a heinous plan will surely strain the delicate political balance between the US and the Saudis, always thought to be allies as well as our major oil suppliers. But McGarvey refuses to let politics stand in the way of him stopping Khalil, even if it means that the President of the United States will call him a traitor, even if it means he must resign as Director of the CIA to pursue him, and even if it means his meddling will lead to the kidnapping and brutal beating of his own wife.

From the deadly frigid Alaskan waters, to the balmy breezes of the French Rivera and finally to the embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C., Mac has to unravel the latest threat from Osama bin Laden in order to save American school children from a cadre of suicide bombers willing to martyr themselves for the cause as Soldiers of God.

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