Bob “Ferg” Ferguson
Sgt. Stephen “Skip” Rankin, U.S. Army
Sgt. Jack “Guns” Young, U.S. Marines
Thera Majed
Col. Charles Van Buren, commander, 777th Special Forces
Jack Corrigan, mission coordinator
Lauren DiCapri, mission coordinator
Corrine Alston, counsel to the president
Jonathon McCarthy, president of the United States
Thomas Parnelles, CIA director
Daniel Slott, deputy director, CIA
Jackson Steele, Secretary of State
Nathaniel Hamilton, senior officer at large
Marco Imperiati, special agent in charge
Col. Kiska Babev, supervisor, special science projects, Moscow office
Anghuyu “Atha” Jahan, businessman in service of Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Dr. Navid Hamid, scientist
Dr. Artur Rostislawitch, Russian biologist
T Rex, assassin
Arna Kerr, “preparer” for T Rex