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Добавлена в библиотеку 28.01.2009 пользователем Elleroth
Жанр: Триллер
Входит в серию: Women of the Otherworld
Размер fb2 файла: 792.36 KB
Объём: 386 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Yes, I was a werewolf, had been since I was twenty, nearly twelve years ago. Unlike me, most werewolves are born werewolves, though they can't change forms until they reach adulthood. The gene is passed from father to son-daughters need not apply. The only way for a woman to become a werewolf is to be bitten by a werewolf and survive. That's rare, not the biting part, but the surviving part. I'd lived mainly because I was taken in by the Pack-which is exactly what it sounds like…


Elena Michaels, the female werewolf who finally came to terms with her feral appetites in Bitten, is back-and she has company: Katzen the sorcerer; Leah the telekinetic half-demon, Cassandra the vampire, and Savannah the twelve-year-old witch who is just coming into her considerable powers.

Vampires, demons, shamans, witches-in Stolen they all exist, and they're all under attack. An obsessed tycoon with a sick curiosity is well on his way to amassing a private collection of supernaturals, and plans to harness their powers for himself-even if it means killing them. For Elena, kidnapped and imprisoned deep underground, separated from her Pack, unable to tell her friends from her enemies, choosing the right allies is a matter of life and death.

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