This book is dedicated to my wife
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Scott and Sidney Meredith, my agents, who from the very beginning provided honest enthusiasm and encouragement for what I was attempting; to Peter Schwed and Herbert Alexander, who, through creative and fastidious editing, opened for me previously non-existent avenues of writing; to Gerry Ash, who, reading the manuscript pages as they left the typewriter, became a responsive and illuminating touchstone; to Ingram Ash, my friend and neighbor, who graciously carried the manuscript or portions of it to and from the city more times than I can remember; to Bill Breger, who patiently corrected and explained and shared the joy of completion as only an artist could; and most of all to Anita, who suffered on the bleak days and rejoiced on the good ones, who mirrored the many defeats and small victories, who criticized and comforted, assuaged and assured — and who was always there.
E. H.