Sweet Dreams Halle Pumas - 2 by Dana Marie Bell


To my mom and dad, who are still trying to figure out what happened to, “I want to be Isaac Asimov when I grow up.”

To Memom, who’s willing to discuss ménage a trois stories with her granddaughter with surprising enthusiasm. Yet another thing that has Mom shaking her head in wonder.

To my beta readers, Beth, Stephanie, RC and Alice: you guys rock! I love getting stuff back from you.

(“Wait. I really wrote that? Are you sure? Because I don’t think eggplants go there.”) To my editor, Angie, who takes the rough diamonds I dig up and send to her and polishes them until they gleam.

And to Dusty, who mutters about maniac, knife-wielding car-jackers/killers every time I mention buying a convertible, or how cute I’d look in one. I love you too, sweetheart. Even if you won’t let me get that sweet cherry red one I’ve always wanted.
