To my mother Verga
Deciding to tell you about Isaac, the son of Kejtin, has brought back to me such beautiful, delicate and unforgettable memories, such pure and bright moments I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I am so proud when I think of the son of Kejtin, proud as Jesus Christ himself. But I only want to relate to you those hours in the Home, just the cursed hours we passed until we reached the Senterlev mountain. That was a mysterious mountain, the Senterlev. They said that was the mountain the sun was born from; impossible, the mountain from which the sun is born. Does anyone know a similar place, such a mountain from which the sun is born? I do not believe, you know, that the Senterlev mountain was the only such mountain. There must have been some unspoken thing in that; but not even the Headmaster, our dear fatherly Headmaster, Ariton Jakovleski, knew it to be the truth. Whatever it was, one thing became certain — the road to the Senterlev mountain was horribly steep, like the road into hell. And all we had to do was go along the road — curse me — and now, I do not know from where I got all the strength, will power and courage for such a horrible, difficult road. At the beginning I will just say this: the passion for life and freedom was many times greater, a thousand times greater, a million times greater, an infinite amount greater. Curse me if it did not keep us going, kept us from being afraid of the dreadful punishments. Oh, eternal sweet dream. Curse me, it was the voice of the Big Water.