Обложка книги The Cottage
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The Cottage

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 19.02.2014 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2008 года
Размер fb2 файла: 317.88 KB
Объём: 164 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


The Cottage is the story of two women who meet by chance. . . or did they? Jill and Carrie, both married with teenaged children, fall into a routine of meeting during Jill's lunch break at the local park, forging a friendship that deepens with each visit.

Jill Richardson gave up teaching high school years ago, instead choosing to manage an office despite objections from her family. Her husband still lives and breathes the coach’s life, a life that leaves him little time to spare for Jill. Left on her own more and more, Jill is searching for that something that’s missing in her life.

Married to a successful businessman, Carrie Howell retired early from a career in real estate to spend more time with her teenage boys, and to pursue her lone passion—painting. She, too, realizes something is missing.

This is the story Jill tells, a story of two women pulled by a force stronger than their marriages, stronger than themselves. They give into their desires—their love—as they find something in each other that was lacking in their marriage and their life . . . they find their soul mate.

Jill shares their story for the first time with a stranger. Jill tells her about the stolen moments during a rushed lunch hour, moments stolen at a cottage that becomes their haven. She describes a love so destined it couldn’t be denied . . . stolen moments to be cherished forever. It was a love so complete, having it for only a brief moment in time did nothing to dispel the joy of a true, true love.

The Cottage is their story . . . Jill and Carrie . . . two women, one love.

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